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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. Updated to 1.0.3 New Features Each draw will be automatically drawn with-in 30 minutes of the draw start date if it is not manually drawn in the ACP Added the ability to post a topic when the draw is complete with your chosen information on that draw You can choose to reply to the topic posted when a user claims a winning ticket with your selected information about their winning
  2. - the x% they pay to deposit or what ever is set for the chosen usegroup
  3. there is lots to quote so I will just say, I will add look into a few bits and see what I can pull up, As for the 12% interest, who do you bank with? I want to create a bank lol, Most go just below 1%, yeah 12% is massive, I would make most 1% then someone like a vip subscription paid package will get 3% at a push probably 2% Not like that there is not, not sure what the inactive members app on here does but if you can put these members in a inactive group, disallow them to receive points then they won't get any from the reactions etc No, it is a one time payment
  4. Yes, but only if you have commerce ( Nexus ) installed
  5. Already in the Members shop core app mate yeah sounds better, I won't change the background names etc as it's 95% wrote, I will just change all references what are viewable to goals
  6. They can not earn points if thet are not active, you set the points to be awarded if they have either logged in / posted content in the time frame of the award tasks I can look into all the secondary groups for probably 1.1.3, 1.1.2 is nearly done with gallery features ( big thanks to @Joel R for supporting the gallery app ) done and the ability for me to create some great add-ons and extenstions I will more than likely craeate a widget ( something like the downloads featured one ) where you can feature items and they will show there, of course it will be global the application is wrote without decimals so I would need to rewrite lots to have that function which will not be something I am looking to do for a while ( don't mean it won't happen though ) I am starting making extenstions for this app as well as add-ons, So far I have made a clubs add-on where you can allow members to charge points to join their clubs, you can charge members for creating modules in the clubs, example if they want to add a forums topic section to the club it will cost xxx points, you can charge members to create a club, and it will also add a feature my club item to the shop. Another add-on I am working on is actually really good lol, you will create a event, Say 10 posts in a hour, now you will set the reward, either points or a shop item, you set the event to run every hour, and each hour it will check if any member has posted 10 posts or what ever option is selected for that application ( events can be set to run each hour, every 3 hours, every 6 hours, every 12 hours, once a day, once a week or once a month so you can make some really good events ), it will award them either the points you set or the item you set and send them a notification saying they got x from y event, it will support the forums, downloads, gallery, calendar and of course members shop ( more applications will come )
  7. it is for the user info panel on the topics, it will not shown on the hovercard
  8. there was a bug with language strings with a IPS 4.3 version, I am not to sure what one though ( read the post in the link below and a few posts after ) instead of putting percent or % try and add %
  9. I promise, I am trying lol, I have a dark theme myself and will not use it until I can sort the graph colours I have fixed all that already, I have also added them all to the nav bars including secondarys etc, If updating you will probably need to do it via the menu manager I will check it out, Version 1.0.6 will be out shortly so will check it for that release, It also will support the gallery if you have it installed
  10. I will send you a PM with a patch to fix it, I will need to sort it properly in the update
  11. Yeah a notification could be done when the draw is made, the winners don't get announced until they check their ticket, until they check it there is no winners, It is that way because I was / still might add it so they have a certain amount of time to claim their tickets
  12. there is a lot more lotteries than I know of so they could do them differently, I am just on about the UK ones basically, In the UK 6 is say 10 million, 5 is shocking at about 500k, 4 is like 2.5k and 3 is 10 lol PS you can make the topic creation look quite nice actually and not just a boring post
  13. I have added it so that it will not allow you to buy tickets after the draw time, Although they will only see the draw for a maximum of 30 minutes after it ends, there is also a task set every 30 minutes to check if the draws have been drawn, if not it will check the time of the draw and if the time of the draw is past the actual time, they will all automatically get drawn I have also added some forum topic settings, once the game is drawn it will create a topic ( if enabled ) and also ( if enabled ) you can allow it to post to that topic when someone claims a winning ticket saying congrats of something
  14. I have never known a bank to charge to withdraw, if they did, I would not bank with them, I do not even use the 3rd party cash machines what charge to withdraw, just go use a proper banks one. There has been a how much to deposit since the bank got made showing above the deposit button, it says, There is a x% charge to deposit points, and the popup will say how much is deposited what is it breaking the design on?, I checked mobile and PC and nothing breaks for me, the boxes on mobile will sit on top of each other as it has the mobile collapse class in there I don't think there should be a maximum, people enjoy being number 1 in rankings etc, if you limit this, there will never be one number 1, you could have 100 with the max points all with the top member point ranking of 1, if someone was 2nd, you never know they could pay to get some points to be in first place, if you limit it, why would they bother? they will not get 1st place on the leaderboards etc they will sit below the other 100 people with the maximum points, Once you take away or limit the chase you take away the peoples fun they can have that is probably something what could get added, but you need to think, if I paid you $10 / $20 to buy points and went on holiday, came back and see you removed my points because I was offline. I am going to either PayPal or my bank and making a claim, thats a joke. ( Remember to think of how people will react ) the reactions are very hard, it is not a simple script to get them to work, don't know if you know but, with the 3rd party points app, there was a way to get unlimited points by reacting / removing the reaction and repeating, This one will not do that of course but the code I had to write to make it that way was not a easy task. no, I maybe can do something with the stats pages so it will show their stats only One the app starts getting features where the points can be spent elsewhere, I will be adding that, ( you can use them in downloads now etc so will probably be in the next update or 2 ) yeah, that is something I will be adding, Not sure how they could misuse it though lol yeah, that's a good idea, but again I would need to check it all, because there is also a unsubcribe button, subscribe / unsubscribe get lots of points lol the rest I can look into as well
  15. what bug? I always have it all on grid view as I think its better that way, I don't see no problems with it you should of sent me a message and I could of checked why it might of happened
  16. Yeah, they are all added to all of my apps already, I have only just started adding them, so any update what will come will have them on it
  17. I will check that out mate that must be your theme. what theme is it you are using?, also don't you own advanced multitool? how come you ain't added the other font awesome icons in that list? it looks very nice
  18. no it won't rollover, you will just need to add the amount from the last draw to the new one, I can look into it maybe doing it automatically, The draws, I am sure will allow the tickets to be bought until the draw it made, On my site I never really use any of the apps etc, it is more of a demo site just to see / test the basic functions of my stuff yeah should be easy enough to do, probably just a task run hourly to see if the draw is past the time, if it is, run this query and draw it Yeah I can look into that, Once a draw is made there is a list of last draws in the results page, each of them has a button to link to the tickets for that draw only, I know that is not the amount you own for now but it will show the tickets you own for that draw only I can look into that too custom icons? is that the icons for the tickets or numbers? I will check that out as well, sounds good I will sort it, it must be from the other members shop update where the name of the points got changed to allow changing the name you should be redirected to the page you are on when you buy a ticket, even if yo uare on the table page 8 and buy a ticket, you should go back to table page 8
  19. Already started on adding the gallery to it when you say tag do you mean the purple tag on the application tree?
  20. Updated to 1.0.1 New Features Added stock amounts to the packages to allow you to set the amount of stock each package has, with a unlimited option
  21. this is already on the to do list, at the minute there will be too many icons / images used as the items are also stored in the my items inventory, even if the item has been deleted from the acp them items will still be available if the user purchased it and stored it, Now the thing with that is, what to do with the image when the item is deleted? if we delete the image, it will remove them from the my items page and then it will be blank, if we copy the image, depending the amount of items will depend how many images for that item will be made, there is a lot of work in that but something will come, maybe use a backup font awesome icon for it the item gets deleted etc where abouts will these be? on the actual button etc?
  22. There is so many settings, it would look horrible and too much if they were all in the members shop acp tabs so I put lots in the places they are going to run the code for, same as reactions, that is in each reaction the problem I have with this is, if it uses a pop up for that, then it will override the pop up saying this item costs xx points you will have x points after purchasing it, are you sure you want to buy it. and that will show but then just flick off. and you won't have a choice in saying yes or no. I will look into another way to try & deal with it
  23. Thanks. The actual background of the graph is very easy to change, It is in the actual graph script, the problem I have with changing it for a dark background, is that you can not change the text colour, and you can not change the background colour of the pop up you get from hovering the grids etc, if we change the colour of the text via css then it changes the colour of the text on the pop up too, making it unreadable as the pop up is light, if you have a dark graph then you need light text what will be light on the pop up, light vs light means you can not see it properly, it is really annoying. It is something that I want to do though, it has been bugging me since I made my first graph, and I do not give up lol I will find a way it just depends how or when, but it is very high on my what to do list
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