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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. Cool, I will look into seeing what I can come up with Yes mate, click fix automatically and it should change the columns, They should of changed when updating a previous version
  2. Can you send me a PM with admin login and I will check it out?
  3. Yeah, I can look into this Change the lang in the ACP, search for ms_more_than_99, I think that unlimited never sounds good on digital things I did think of that at first, but thought is the description really info? I might go through all the icons and allow admins to choose their own Do you mean on the main shop page? That's just for design really, it didn't look nice stuffed into the box with other info, I could probably add a pop up showing who bought it and when. Yh that's cool Would it not be better to just go to your items? Yes I will do that mate the way it's wrote, it will only use a pop up model if you have stored and then redeeming the item, I will see what I can do though Yh, I can do something like that too I have a few other items to try and see how they come up for gambling etc too I'll look into this too
  4. Can you send me a pm with admin login and I will look into it when I am back
  5. sorry, I missed your other post. Is it still happening?
  6. Fixed that for the next update. Also added the ability to use tags in the editor to make the global notes more personal to each member
  7. Updated to 1.0.3 New Widgets & Features Added another recent post widget showing 3 lines of the users reply Added lots more settings to the topic & post widgets Added translatable language strings to the widget headers Bug Fix Fixed the bug where it didn't show any posts when selecting to show them from certain forums
  8. I will change the bit where it says what forum it is in to the topic title, that will also be a clickable link to the actual post itself
  9. OK I have made some changes to them anyway for the update, added lots more of settings to the main widgets as well, these all should be OK from them on I can maybe look into making another widget what will have that When I was younger and didn't have kids, I partied hard and would sleep probably about 2 hours a night some nights no sleep just go straight to work from the club I left lol, and even now ( I don't party no where near what I used to ) but I hardly sleep so I actually have a lot more hours in my day then most other people lol
  10. to add multiple you need to add multiple items, if the code is unique then you must enter 1 in stock otherwise it will repeat the same code, the add-on members shop codes n vouchers allows multiple codes for 1 item
  11. Sorry about that, I go through my PM's now and again and delete the old ones so I can keep up with the new ones etc, especially if some have login details in etc. I replied to your PM
  12. Sorry, I forgot about this, I have added the translatable language and will release a update either later tonight or tomorrow with it, Sometimes all these requests come away from me if I don't write it in my notes straight away Everything seems fine on my localhost and live site, uninstall it and then re-install it and see
  13. I'll check it out tonight and get back to you
  14. It shouldn't as it is just on top of the page so the crawler will still be able to read the content, and if you mean because their new rules stating pop ups on the pages etc and the rankings, where it is like a warning are you over xxx age, google are OK with them sort of things, same as cookie messages, they are not spam etc they are required in some countries.
  15. This is the support topic for age verification pop-up
  16. Nothing has came through, are you sure you sent it to me?
  17. Send me a PM with the website's URL and I will check it
  18. No, the codes n vouchers add on is another item, the original one is still there and still usable, the add-on is for people who sell multiple of the same ( maybe game keys etc ), you could just add a list of codes to the database and add one item and that one item will generate a key code each time it's redeemed, where as the one in the shop will need multiple items for the multiple codes
  19. No problem anytime , and like I said if you buy multiple I will offer a discount or free app / plugin depending the $$$ etc
  20. renewals are only pricey if the apps they are for are not updated lol but even then, you do not need to renew your are not contracted to it, like all my files they get updated with requests as long as I have the ability to with good ideas yes they will Probably not, If anything I will update it to support Trophies & Medals by @Fosters, I would rather that one then any other Again it would be Trophies & Medals They are all run in the background, like when you move mass forum posts etc to another forum it triggers a background task so it won't make your server have a high load As long as I have renewals on my files, I will support it for the new versions, I would never say heres member shop for 5.0 pay me again, I will be updating the 4 versions for it, I personally think people who do that are wrong-uns I actually did make a few good bundles with lots of $$$ off and even a mega pack, but I got told by IPS staff that developers are no longer allowed to upload bundles, So send me a pm and I will always sort people out discounts or a free app / plugin if they are buying multiple files
  21. No mate, nothing actually shows on thr front apart from the notifications saying they got it, Either a topic listing them or even if they are full time goals then a faq would be better as many as they earn, if you created a goal say, 10 posts in a hour, each hour of that day I make 10 posts, I will receive the goal reward, it is supposed to entice lots more activity on the forums etc, if it restricted the times you can win the goals then people will stop going for it
  22. 3 New add-ons released for members shop
  23. Updated to 1.1.2 New Features Gallery Allow your members to earn points for uploading images Allow your members to earn points for reviewing on images Allow your members to earn points for commenting on images Each of the above's point amounts can be set on a per category basis The 3rd party app points has been dropped from this app, The 3rd party points app as it is broken, ( This has a better one anyway )
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