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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. Cheers, Glad you like it, I will look into it, I am sure there is a way to remove that button, I am currently working on a new update, what will add categories / reviews / comments, lots more so I will check it and if possible add it to that
  2. Yeah sorry, I ain't got round to looking at that, I will check it out tonight / tomorrow and sort it out, is it only the reaction ones yeah?
  3. that's fixed in 1.1.4 I will check it out and see, should be possible, dunno if it will be in 1.1.4 though as I am hoping to release that before this evening
  4. the mystery items box will be in the next update as for the images, I have already wrote like 60% of the code to use them what is inside the app atm, just hidden away, it is something what is coming but requires lots more work and a better way to store them for when users buy and store the items without filling up the server with lots of duplicate images as the items can be created in millions of different ways per item etc and could all maybe be using different images I am also thinking of maybe adding a win % to all the mystery points etc, if you set it at 70 then a user has 70% chance of winning with 30% chance of losing and getting nothing
  5. is there anyway I can get ACP access and check it out?
  6. not yet I forgot about that, I will look into it for the next update, it will be out soon the next one as I want to change all the core_tables in there before 4.4 comes out
  7. Sorry for the late reply, it should all be OK, that got thrown after the actual update to the app, it was updating the language in the logs, if you see any missing let me know and I will give you a query to run to sort it, The lang string is in there so I don't know why it is throwing that error I will need to check it Also what language do you say is missing for the new logs?
  8. Updated to 1.0.4 Updated to work with Members Shop 1.1.3
  9. Updated to 1.0.6 Updated to work with Members shop 1.1.3 https://ipsdev.org/index.php?/bettingshop/
  10. Updated to 1.1.3 New Features Added a new landing page with 5 blocks showing Featured items Newest items Most popular items Items running low on stock Most expensive items You can show or hide each block on the landing page via the ACP You can set the amount of items to show in each block on the landing page Each item now has it's own page showing all information about that item You can now feature items ( only moderators with permission can use this feature ) You can now select from 3 different styles for the item tables Added a mini grid style ( Look's really nice overall ) Added a brand new points logging system what will log all the points transactions / winnings / rewards each member earns or spends etc Added a log page to the Points tab in the ACP When clicking to buy and using a item you will no longer be transferred to a new page ( for the likes of rock, paper, scissors & guess the number etc ), the item will redeem with a ajax pop up allowing members to stay on the same page Re-wrote the item tables so it won't show a blank spot for items what users don't have permission to view Fixed a couple of bugs ( None were major only minor, so can't really remember what ones lol ) Re-wrote the way the points are called / added / removed ( this is basically for devs who want to add the point system features to their apps ) Moved the item permissions to the item edit page instead of having the matrix Edited the rewards & logs page to have better descriptions of the reward / log
  11. https://ipsdev.org check there all apps are installed
  12. I can look into something like that yeah, might not be recent files etc but the file count is possible Yeah that is on my update list already for you
  13. Sorry I thought I sent you a PM, I went through the recent comments here and thought I sent everyone a message, I will send you a PM
  14. This is caused by a bug within the IPS framework, it has been reported and fixed in the 4.4 release of IPS
  15. Again if it takes you 10 days to reply back you should stop thinking that them 10 days is my fault and if I don't answer on that 10th day, maybe I am busy, But I weren't 10 days ago ( those are all examples ) I want satisfied customers and most of them are You should receive a refund by the weekend
  16. it does that already member name or tag
  17. Updated to 1.0.2 New Features Added a new module / page to the ACP what will log all the codes sold and who they were sold to ( this only applies to new purchases after update ) Bug Fixes Fixed the bug where it would only apply one code if a member purchased multiple codes in one transaction Fixed the bug where it might throw a error when adding a non code item
  18. yeah that's fine send them all, send them the one you ignored me when I said sorry for any delays and offered you a $10 app or plugin for the wait 1. why would I use your site to test my work? if you are the only person to say you have a problem with it then maybe I would need to check it on your site 2. 98% of my clients are happy with my support, if there are errors they are fixed, sometimes there might be a queue where I have other things to do, or maybe life gets in the way 3. I would always say sorry if mistakes are mine, I don't see how you got offended when I was the one offering suppport and had messages ignored then got told that I done nothing or am doing nothing, I would of maybe gave a bad review before I was in the middle of a conversation with the developer who was trying to find the problem, and I would not make them wait 2 weeks for replies then say they take to long as it would be me making them wait weeks for a reply and would not assume that as soon as one is sent after 2 weeks for them to reply straight away, again people have real lifes and are not on beck and call here 24/7, you should take advantage of when they are online and try to reply asap to them
  19. my problem is, You asked for support, I was providing it, during said support I sent you 2 messages you ignored then you post a review saying not helpful etc etc, what I have put is not blackmail maybe read what blackmail means, I said to you I will provide a refund and asked you not to purchase any more of my stuff, as I said why offer support to someone who don't really want it and only wants to complain, again it took you 14 days to reply to that message, but I am sure that is my fault as well?
  20. Who adds all the data? maybe could make a application what will hook into teams on the tournaments app where all that info can be shown
  21. If you ever wanted a custom app made to do all that directly via your site let me know
  22. No I mean like a application, do you add the players to a members shop item?
  23. alright no probs. Members shop is basically done just a few more bits then the testing, I would imagine you are the only one using millions lol, I will see what I can do for you, maybe just make you a patch what will show them that way or something
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