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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. Updated to 1.0.8 New Feature's Added a homepage for the application with 4 blocks Shows the staff picks Shows the newest bet selections Shows the next bets to be suspended ( Can no longer gamble on ) Shows random bet selections Added another time date setting for the bets so you can now pick a time to suspend betting and also the actual start time of the event Added a new setting to the ACP allowing you to use smaller grid boxes for the tables ( These are the same sort of boxes in the new members shop update ) Added the ability to add bets to a betting slip instead of having to do them one at a time and a new page allowing them to select how many points they want to gamble on each bet This feature has a 5 minute cron job removing any bets from the slips that are past the betting suspension time / date Users will not see or be able to bet on any of their bets added they have added slip once the suspension time has passed Removed the support for font-awesome 5 as it clashes with font-awesome 4 ( this feature will be back once I sort it out properly ) Changed the bet descrption to now use the editor allowing for you to put a nice description on the bet Added a new page for each bet selection allowing users to click on the bet and view it on a new page with all the info on the bet and also the ability to bet or add it to the new betting slip Demo
  2. You shouldn't need to, My site allows it to embed for members and they do not have permission to post html
  3. there are no settings for the block, it is default with IPS to still show that edit button where as it really should not show, alsp that block is basically for the header / footer sections it will look so much nicer there, I will be making one for the sidebar but it will look different to how it is now Yeah that sounds good, I will add a setting for the draw's to post a topic once it has been created with some tags for info on the draw No problem, I enjoy big / new updates and seeing the differences from 1.0.0 - x.x.x
  4. Send me a PM with your website url and a profile page etc and I will inspect the elements and see how it could be done, ( I will probably be able to do it in a couple of hours I am just going to sit down and eat dinner ) Yes, soon I will be bringing the logs from the ACP to the front end where user's can see everything for their own account, it will probably be in the next update I will see what sort of coding it requires and then come to you with a price, it won't be easy as it will need to hook into a lot of places to disallow then to do every function, I will look into it next week, I need to finish the couple of updates I have pending for a couple of other apps yeah I will, it is something I was going to do a while ago but it completly slipped my mind until I read your post
  5. I give support to everyone, maybe that was a quick answer as I was busy rushing through the posts on here, there probably would be a way to make them all smaller etc but they might not look nice, you can't fit 8 people in a 5 seater car, the same as you can't put lot's of items in the header without it being too long Then there will be another option for people to opt out of receiving them and more tables and columns to store the data on, it is a lot of coding required to do all this for donating points the app is not made to be who has more points, every other points apps is thats why this has a shop to spend them and have fun instead of saying mines bigger than yours, and as for you saying you would never sell them, here's a quote from your PM so I assume you are still wanting the same feature. The whole point of the app is motivate the people into posting / uploading / being active not saying you can't use the site if you don't have points, if they don't have points how will they ever earn them unless which is not the way for this application to go, I did say you could remove your members group permissions to disallow them from posting and doing anything, then create a new vip group with them permissions, now charge xxx amount of points for a upgrade to vip where it expires monthly, if they don't earn points they can't upgrade putting thm back into the memebrs group who can't post, if they have earned enough points they can upgrade again allowing them to post, it is basically what you want to do without me changing the whole way this app runs Are you running 4.4? I will check it, i think it only awards per upload and not multiples by how many are in that upload
  6. Will be translatable in the next update Also making some new features in this, there will be another setting to use small or large boxes ( I do like the small boxes so adding it to all my apps with large ones ), there is also a new filter section where you can filter groups I will be looking into the other filters etc what were requested but not sure if they will be included in the next update as I still ain't checked the code needed for it
  7. I'll look into it mate and see what I can do
  8. Via the ACP and go to their profile on there and click to edit their preferences You can't at the minute, I will check other places where it can go You will have to do it via the rules application, but you will need to do it so that you use the proper remove points function as well as a note for the ACP logs I will look into that that can't be helped if you have multiple plugins hooking into it I will check out what I can do with that Email is not really a good way to say you have got a donation, simple notifications are better, you could wind up sending emails to thousands of people from one person donation 1 point etc etc It is not something what I will do for the public version as it is not the way the app is supposed to be, they need to be able to do things to earn points if you take that away basically you are saying gimme $$$ for points to get your account available to help my community grow bigger and better, I'd tell the admin to jog on, but it could be done as a custom job it is just not something I will add as a public feature Warn them with certain warnings, and have it set to remove x amount of points for that warning I'll see what I can do, for now you can mass add to the ones already uploaded by going to the points systems then downloads then click the little tools button and select a category and amount to add, then it will mass add to the ones currently uploaded
  9. Sorry for the delayed............ reply, Let me know if you want some added to the demo and I will, you can already do home or away winners just by making a selection with home or away as the winner and they can bet on them There is a new update coming with-in the next few days too, it now has a landing page, smaller grid boxes as well as big ( to match the new members shop & lottery application ) sizes, and you can also now create a betting slip by adding bets to a slip then you can enter all amounts together instead of one at a time, here's a little video on how ice_video_20190307-073305.mp4
  10. I'll look into it and try and see why
  11. Updated to 1.0.6 New Features Added a homepage for the lottery with 4 blocks Featured Draws Newest Draws Lotteries next to be drawn Most expensive draws Added a new setting in the draws to allow them to be forced to give a winner for that draw Added coloured balls, you can set the colour of balls 1-9 / 10-19 / 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 These all use the IPS colour setting allowing you to choose from millions of colours Added a setting to allow you to now choose from small or large boxes for the table and blocks Added featured draws to show in the featured blocks Added a widget showing all featured blocks, Recommended to be placed in the header of footer and not the sidebar Moved the permissions for who can view and buy lotteries and their tickets to inside the lottery draw settings instead of using the matrix Once the draws are drawn they will now only show the button to delete the draw from the ACP table instead of showing the edit buttons etc ad you can't do nothing else with a drawn game so there is no points having them buttons on show Bug Fixes Fixed the bug where it might redirect you back to the home page if your broswer don't support the referrer methods
  12. all of mine are for 4.4 now so if you have any more I would say don't upgrade them either, I would of thought most were updated for 4.4 now, mine were on the same day as 4.4 got released, it is not as if we didn't have enough time with the beta's to work through them
  13. that's why there is no way to downgrade applications, so you either need to upgrade your site or uninstall and re-install the app with a previous version, although this will delete everything from your sql and lose all data stored in the application if you uninstall
  14. I'll check it out, Do me a favour, follow a topic or something on your site and then unfollow it, let me know what happens Also are you using 4.4?
  15. I will look into the top one, the donate one will have to direct you to the homepage if your browser don't support the referrer headers, basically the fix is, if no referrer go to this page, the problem with donating, you can donate on thousands of pages and not just one, if you are buying a item I know you need to go back to the categories as you can only buy from there, if you are redeeming I know you need to go back to the myitems page as you can only redeem from there but you can donate from anywhere so it's either gonna be the homepage or members shop home page, either way depending where you donate from unless your broswer supports referrals it won't direct you to the referrer page etc, it will still be annoying to donate from a topic and go to the members shop page, this is something out fo my control as it is broswers and broswer add-ons that don't support it
  16. what do you mean default points?, do you want it so users have to charge points for their downloads and have a minimum amount to charge?
  17. Moderator permissions not group, go to the ACP and the members tab, then staff, then moderators and edit the permissions
  18. go into your ACP and moderator permissions and check the members tab, there is a setting for allow to buy for free
  19. Lottery is coming, I am making a nice new update also with a landing page and also a smaller grid to choose from like members shop, and also added some colours for the balls what you can set in the ACP coloured balls will also be in the topics if you have topics created for games etc, I am also going to add a force win setting so you can force it to have a winner for that draw
  20. Updated to 1.1.6 Bug Fixes Fixed the bug where it threw a error when using big grids in the tables Fixed the bug where it would send some users to the homepage after buying a item etc if their browsers don't support sending the referrer headers
  21. it must have something to do with the new referrer ips added in 4.4, I will look into it today, I have had to work the last couple of days throughout the day/night so ain't had time to check it properly, but I can today Can you send me login to check it out? Also I have not added it to the application description for 3rd party add-ons ( I will add it today when I throw out the update ), but this now works with @Adriano Faria's raffles system This has proper intregration what will also use the members shop ACP logs logging the points spent and what they spent it on etc
  22. Hope you enjoy, there is a lot more stuff then originally so take your time setting it all up
  23. We have no control over invoice's here, I don't even know how long they are valid for until expired Try clearing your cache so you saying if you change the furl it don't redirect properly? it uses the new 4.4 redirect now too so should all be OK
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