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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. only way to do it is manually remove their points then manually add the credit to their account, Or you could make a custom shop item selling it for x points then when a member redeems it you will get notifed and then manually add it
  2. Yeah I see it, I will sort that thats the widget? the widget has a toggle to show or hide but the online user list has one for that, there ain't no online user lists for the widgets this is it shown this is it hidden
  3. Don't have a chatroom widget on the same page as the chatroom, I have not tested yet but it could be clashing with the chatroom id The toggle is a little arrow on the header section of the online users you shouldn't see any made chats in the ACP tree of the ones you would of created, I will look into that, them ones won't need a container same as club ones they don't need one either
  4. Updated to 1.0.7 New Features Members can now create their own chatrooms Member chatrooms will appear in a tab on their profiles Select what user groups can create their own chatrooms Owners of the chatrooms have full permission over the ban list for their chatrooms Added the ability to toggle the online user list to be shown or hidden You can now edit the chatrooms via the front end Added some buttons to the chatrooms section title Added a button on the chatrooms to allow users to toggle the sound on or off Moved the rules to a button what will pop up showing the rules Moderator buttons Moved the ban list to here Edit Chatroom ( Moderators with permission can edit the chatroom from the front end ) Added a button allowing moderators to delete all messages in the chatrooms Members can now send private messages via the widgets ( if they have permission to whisper that is ) You can now toggle the widget to show or hide New ACP settings for member created chatrooms Choose what groups can create chatrooms Choose what groups can whisper in chatrooms Choose what groups can manage their chatrooms ( Manage = the ability to delete messages from the chatroom ) Select the amount of messages to show in the message list
  5. Sorry was meaning to reply but got caught up with other things, I just updated it to show to guests, download 1.0.2 😀
  6. So it's basically a new item, I'll see what I can do, It might be a add-on etc but we'll see, also could take a couple of weeks as I have a lot going on at the minute I have made one already what allows you to pay via points etc in commerce but it was a private one, I don't have permission to make it public ( just yet ) but soon enough I can do it Somthing like that I would say you just have to maybe do something along the lines of 1 points = 1 cent so 100 points = $1, the dollar won't change it will always be 100 for $1 as if you had $1 in your pocket and the exchange rate changes you $ in your pocked won't ( this can be your default currency not just the $ ), if you are using multiple currencys then the rest could change depending how much of say the £ you get for the $, Don't allow them to cash out, terms can be easily wrote up Have to check with your gateway providers, but if you are using them to allow purchases I don't see the point of selling them, I would say its long to buy points then use them points to buy something, just pay using the $$$ I used to buy the points with otherwise I am not going through a long process buying 2 things for 1 item each time people love money lol you see how many people use that silly adfly for like 0.000005 cents for each click loooooooooooool, to be honest it would motivate them more if they knew they could spend them in nexus etc just don't go silly on the awarding of them, you are not millionaires and don't wanna give $100 per day, if you set it for posts at 1 point per post then 1000 posts in the day will cost the site $10 so maybe use adverts etc that depending on the company could get that $10 back, I would also not allow the transfer of points for $$$, the points must be spend on site and not transferable for cash I wouldn't allow that but again it's up to the site owner, it could be profitable especially of you allow member to sell their files etc via points but it could also break you depending how many points the current users hold lol
  7. Sorry for delay check PM all sorted they just need sub categories
  8. Send me login mate via PM and I will check it out today
  9. When you are talking about images are you talking about ones users keep? like they would a trophy?, basically buy a item and get a image stored on your profile?, When I talk about myitems stuff they are not something the user keeps they are just to store for a later date just see this, see you got it sorted, it should not of allowed you to save that item if you did not have a member in the settings for who sends the PM, it should of thrown a error saying you need to add one etc, I will look into that No, that is for say you have multiple codes and you want to add them all to one item, with that extension you can add as many as you want to one item, where as the default one only holds 1 code per item
  10. yeah I can do that mate, gimme a week or so and I will have it sorted
  11. it is not just adding a code. it will require another database table and columns, then you need to edit another 2 database tables to add columns then you need to edit the files so that afer buying the item it will send the data to those tables storing the columns, then you need to write it so that it will duplicate any images linked to the item and re-create them to be placed in the users myitems page database tables, then you need to write a code so that when a user claims the item it will then delete all images linked to that item, it is not about server load, it is about having 1000's of the same images depending how many people buy the items
  12. there is not much to work with on the core with ips and the members last visit, login, activity etc those are the options available, like I said use last activity and then if they like a comment or do what ever it will log it, I won't be making none to go with the calendar app, I don't use the calender app and lots of others don't either login is logging in, if you don't sign out you don't login, I visit here daily without logging in because I already am logged in
  13. Are they logging out before re-visiting the next day? if they don't login then it don't class as a login so to stay logged in and visit the next day won't award them, the best one to do is the last activity because they need to post or do something in the day
  14. no not really, there is already a couple of extensions in there but this one was made to run scripts after a item is purchased, used in the chat application to send a message etc etc, this way I don't need to hook into anything or edit the members shop app to apply features to others app from it
  15. Updated to 1.0.6 New Features Bots Standard Message Create a message via the editor and the bot will post the messages each cycle Random Messages / Quotes Create messages / quotes from a stack setting allowing you add as many as you want and the bot will post random ones each cycle Standard & Random Message Cycle Settings Run cycle every 5 minutes Run cycle every 15 minutes Run cycle every 30 minutes Run cycle every 60 mintutes Run cycle every 3 hours Run cycle every 6 hours Run cycle every 12 hours Run cycle every day Members Shop Create a message when a user purchases a item Lottery Create a message when a new game is created Create a message when a game has been drawn Create a message when a member claims a winning ticket Sports Betting App Create a message when a member places a bet Create a message when a member claims a winning ticket Media Uploader Create a message when a member uploads a image Create a message when a member uploads a video file Create a message when a member uploads a audio file Create a message when a member uploads a document
  16. It will allow multiple uploads, but it won't send the images to the myitems page, they are for the shop store items only Yeah there is a referrer setting. go to the point systems and click the more button then it will show to enable / disable it
  17. Will be sorted in the update, I have wrote a new way and new tables for the download points Seems fine to me lol, you can change it via the ACP searching for ms_dTakePrice_desc Honestly an audio file don't make sense to me the announcement of it seems wrong, you uploaded a audio file I know Images have been a drag for me with this, it might need a image and a icon, the icon will be used for stored items and images for the shop items, the way the app works is it stores lots of data for each item and purchase and I don't want to have to duplicate images when a user stores it instead of buying & using it Where would you say would be the best place to put it? I can always add a setting to show / hide it so if others don't want it there they can just disable it
  18. try 50x50 remember you can compress images etc online to make them smaller in size ( less to load ) I have never seen a site with as many problems 😀 Send me a PM with login if you can and I will check it out, the app don't have anything inside related to members emails so I will need to see it in action
  19. explain that a bit more... I'll see what I can do 😀
  20. that's because on the demo site you are adding your message inside the private members bit, you need to click where it says click here to send a message, and the editor will open up
  21. no it don't do that mate, In a future update I am going to make it so that you can sell points via the actual application, maybe a widget what will get clicked and you can select a package etc etc
  22. what do you mean? is the classifields not where members sell stuff and not admins? Not a problem lol. glad you are enjoying them all 😀
  23. Sorry, I must of missed your last post, have you tried clearing your cache? If you have etc and you can then send me login details via PM and I will look into it for you
  24. if you go to the ACP and the actual chatrooms if you click the dropdown you can choose to delete or move all messages, even with filters I will be making a couple more ways for it to be, just need to sort out the best ones lol All depends the setup of the thing you want to post, what is it? what does it do? are you manually adding things to it? is it a IPS app? there could be many factors let me know and it could be possible
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