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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. Updated to 1.1.1 New Features Added a setting allowing you to show the total online users in chatrooms via a little notification on the nav bar Added a setting allowing you to choose if you want to allow members to be able to click the names in the message and online lists to mention users easier Added a setting allowing you to choose if you want to add the members group formatting to the members names ( Coloured Names ) Added the bad words filter to the messages This will do a loose match ( Don't have to be a exact match ) on your bad words replacing any bad words with your chosen replacement Global pop up chat box Added some sliding effects for when hiding / showing / increasing the size / decreasing the size Added some JS / jQuery to the global pop up chatbox settings so that it will no longer reload the page when changing rooms All Chatrooms / Pop up box / Widgets Added a effect to fade in new messages Added a effect to fade out deleted messages
  2. not been a update since I posted that, next update should come next week at some point, No I don't have a demo account send me a pm with the username you trying to signup with and I will manually approve the registration
  3. most of my stuff get's extended constently, bare in mind I have over 30 apps and plugins I need to maintain not just 1, so far about 8 new features have been added for this app but I don't release apps with 1 silly addition just to make people keep visiting the file and re-downloading it, Once I am happy it's worth a update they will get released
  4. what version are you using? there was a bug but should of been fixed in the latest version
  5. Updated to 1.0.5 New Features Added a setting so you can select what usergroups will be shown in the filter box Added the amount of members to the tables header for all and each usergroup
  6. Don't look like you will be buying it anytime soon then
  7. The ladder and pyramid are the same things just displayed differently, I will make a normal ladder if you wanted with just a long list of teams but it can't be any amount can join, a ladder needs stages 1st stage having the number 1 place,.... 2nd stage has 2nd & 3rd,.... 3rd stage holds 4th 5th 6th and so on, without stages then someone in last place can challenge the person in 1st and thats not ( from what I seen ) how a ladder tournament works
  8. Will look into it with-in the next couple of days mate
  9. that plugin needs a update for it, it should be out this week
  10. Not at the minute it is not something that will be used on other sites Go to the ACP and then staff > moderators then edit the permissions in the members shop tab I will look into it today
  11. Let me know ideas if they have any, Not everything can get done of course but I am always happy to here ideas to make things better AND DISCORD!!!!!!!! thats so old school, keep them on your site, dont share your traffic with others
  12. will be apart of so will look into that, also give that gunner a extra 10,000,000,000,000,000 points for supporting a proper team will check it out mate No, there is a renewal after 1 year, maybe it expired? check your purchases, if not you need to contact IPS as sales etc we have no control over
  13. If you hold CTRL and press enter it will post the messages
  14. Werent mentioned to me when this was released, like most things here, they only get mentioned once something gets done not before, nor wrote in any docs Yes finally IPS have added some data-values to the html so instead of me hooking into one thing where it will loop it and hook into the lot cos they all used the exact class now they are unique so it won't loop, I will release a update today
  15. I'll look into it within the next couple of days mate
  16. it uses the IPS stuff so that if installing on different themes, as long as they stick to the IPS styles there will be no black theme with a white chatroom etc, there are always many ways to do it via custom.css example if you wanted to edit rows you can use ul#ajaxRefresh > li { // YOUR STUFF HERE } that will allow you to edit the message rows or you could do body[data-pageapp="chatapp"] li.ipsColumns.ipsBox { // YOUR CODE HERE } the code above will only be activated on the chat application pages so use body[data-pageapp="chatapp"] before any code and it will only be used on the chat application pages
  17. it's something I can look into to add to a update if that's a feature you would like, I can add a setting so if others don't want to use it, it can be enabled / disabled
  18. Just type their name like you would here with the @theirName and it will show like this @Arahnid
  19. I can add a setting so it can shrink all the way down to a small button if thats what you want ( I got no problem adding features for 1 person as long as there can be a setting for enabling / disabling it then no one can moan I don't want that ), I also have not forgot your other requests but will do updates in stages as it is quite a big app with a lot of features already so sometimes ( like with the reactions being added ) it required a lot of re-writing to the existing code
  20. Updated to 1.1.0 New Features Reactions ( Members can now react to messages in chatrooms ) You can choose what user groups can react to messages in each room via the permission matrix of the chatrooms Member created chatrooms and club chatrooms will allow reactions to the members who have permisson to chat in them Report Messages ( Members can now report messages 📢 ) Redesigned the global pop up chat box You can now toggle the width of the pop up box allowing the use of reactions and private messages ( When not browsing via mobile phones as their screens are not wide enough ) Added the ability for moderators with permissions to edit and delete the messages via the chat box Added a report icon to the messages on the chat box Changed some css in the chatrooms for the compact style making it look more fresher When you delete a message it now uses a ajax call so the page won't refresh Bug Fixing Currently removed the sitemap function for this app while I work on finding the bug
  21. Shouldn't be like that, I will look into it today
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