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Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. sorry didn't see this, will check it today mate
  2. at the minute they are in the profiles and topics signature spot, but if you wanted it in the user info panel I am sure I can work them into it, dunno if you have this but I might add it to that too
  3. Updated To 3.0.2 New Features Added the social info links to the downloads app This will show on the files page under the submitter name
  4. are you using the default theme or a custom one?
  5. what version are you using? there are many ways you could do it, you could offer them points to upload then you can set the points per download, so every download they receive will award them points, But if you do that you should restrict the amount of downloads people have in-case they download the same file 10 times in a row and make sure you are logging the downloads so yiu can see if anyone is abusing it and if they are it's down to you what you do with them, Other way is allow them to charge points for their files, they upload and set the file to be 10 points then you take a % of that etc etc etc, it only shows free on mine cos I have nexus enabled and allow files to be sold for $$$ so that's why it will say free as some are free some are $$$ on there
  6. See the little link icon on the headers ( It has the Generate Referral URL title showing in black ) click that and it pops up
  7. I thought it may of duplicated the social links etc in the list there, but it didn't it was a missing section in the query to pull the members links, it's all sorted now so shouldn't be any problems, I will be adding a update soon to place them in more places so if you have any ideas / thoughts let me know
  8. Or maybe you are using a admin / moderator account and have the permissions set to buy items for free?
  9. its not charity its called breaking even, they lose if they lose, What do you want a argument?, It is in the description of the file and now you are moaning you don't like it? well 190 other people don't mind and it's been like that for nearly 2 years, I have gave you a way to edit it feel free to do it and then its how you want it course they lose the points, they paid for the item didn't they? what removes the points, they will get what they spent back if they draw, if they win they get double back, if they lost they get nothing, it's not exactly hard to figure out
  10. if you win you win, if you lose you lose, if you draw you draw there is no charity in it, feel free to edit the code membersshop\modules\front\shop\myitems.php line 872 elseif ( $outcome == 333 ) { $amount = $getItem->price; $logsACP = sprintf( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get('ms_acp_log_won_rock_paper'), $getItem->name ); $member->addPoints( $amount, $logsACP ); } change to elseif ( $outcome == 333 ) { } you will have to do it every time you update
  11. its not a issue or bug it's in the description of the way it works
  12. Go to the tabs on the left hand side and look for the members one, inside there you will see the members social info tab and its all in there
  13. when does this happen? Is it when you are sending a members shop item of it?
  14. What are they showing like in the ACP? are they duplicated there or are they just there once? if they are duplicated there just delete the duplicated ones, If you want to send me ACP login via PM I can look into it EDIT My fault 👊 should be OK now download and update
  15. Now I know about it I will get it sorted
  16. This is the support topic for Advanced Referrals
  17. when you hover them what is showing as the title?
  18. Probably will be me, I have the extension added so will look into it, It seems it is looking for the older member points column
  19. That was my fault, I missed this when going through them you are putting them in as seconds ain't you? basically 300 will be 5 minutes, it is working fine for me, I did ask if anyone else is experiencing this but no one replied 👍 If you really wanted that the old notifications I might be able to throw a plugin your way with it added, Please don't rush this for me though I will do it once I processed all my to-do lists Yes I will sort that out too, I am sure there is a class in there what hides the <ul> class on mobiles
  20. what settings do you have to view? {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->MSI__GroupsView == 'all' or \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->inGroup( explode(',', \IPS\Settings::i()->MSI__GroupsView ) )}} that basically says if all groups can view then allow or if member in group your-settings to allow then view, if not don't show Missing lang string, I will sort that
  21. I will add a setting though to toggle them enabled or disabled like you can do on the social sites, but will wait for a few more ideas etc before I release a new update, So if any of you lot have any ideas let me know
  22. Just delete them, Only when updating it added those tabs and all the sites, there is a setting where you can add all those default ones listed so if you did delete and want any again they are all there, I can't be sure who had what settings enabled so wrote the update to add them all and just have them disabled or enabled depending on the actual setting of it, If it was a new install etc they all would be blank and you would add your own tabs and then either the default sites or your own ones
  23. Don't know where I said that?? 🤔 that will be added soon I'll look into it seems fine on mine, can anyone else confirm this? it should log, I'll look into it it now sends a notification to the ACP, you should see them when you login not all updates can include all requests, if there is a bug then I will push out a bug update without adding updates etc, what is more important a bug fix now or waiting lots more days for a update with the bug fixed and a new feature? With the notification thing I doubt I will be adding the older way back in the admin notifications are better then the front side ones
  24. This application currently supports / works with 24 applications and or plugins, YES that was 24 IPForums ( Invision Power Suite App ) IPDownloads ( Invision Power Suite App ) IPCommerce ( Invision Power Suite App ) IPGallery ( Invision Power Suite App ) IPCalendar ( Invision Power Suite App ) Sports Betting App Lottery Members Shop Profile Gifts Members Shop Goals Members Shop Codes n Vouchers Members Shop Clubs Add-On Profile Video Profile Backgrounds Profile Songs Sticky Notes Members Social Info Media Uploader Trophys & Medals ( 3rd Party App By @Fosters ) Automation Rules ( 3rd Party App By @Kevin Carwile ) Raffles ( 3rd Party App By @Adriano Faria ) Quizzes ( 3rd Party App By @Adriano Faria ) Crowdfunding ( 3rd Party App By @Adriano Faria ) Invite System ( 3rd Party App By @Adriano Faria ) Tutorials ( 3rd Party App By @Adriano Faria ) Check them out to maximize this application to it's full potential
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