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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. that was originally that way and I spent hours changing to a setting where people can name them, there is too many references to the word points in the app to make it so members have to edit them all one by one along with language strings what use % % as the actual text where it is pulling the points name, then they mess up the % and it all goes wrong from then on to be honest that don't make sense, I don't know your language but that would still seem like it's right it don't cost 5000 point it is 5000 points what in your language is 5000 Punktid, and with the donation bit you are not donating a point you are 99.9% donating points so again Punktid would seem correct as it would be a Points donation
  2. Checked that and I put 10% it shows and then deposited 1000 and 900 went in, removing 10%, Can anyone else confirm this as a bug? that's not it, A few updates back I removed the points from using the core_members columns and that widget is pulling data from the core_members table and where nothing has been updated on that no more as it is not used it is finding them and placing them in the order of that table and not the actual points table, I have fixed it for the next update Has your dev edited it? It is made with the users image / name / group on the left hand side and the points on the right, your image shows it the other way round with the text looking like it floats right
  3. go to the marketplace and then click the manage purchases tab that will be added soon I'll look into it seems fine on mine, can anyone else confirm this? it should log, I'll look into it it now sends a notification to the ACP, you should see them when you login
  4. your purchase Expired September 5, you will need to renew it
  5. are you using the latest version? that was a bug before but it got fixed
  6. that'll be in the next one, won't be too long I also forgot to add the members shop extension
  7. Updated to 1.0.1 New Features Members can now edit the colours of their audio player buttons and progress bar / volume bar This will show or hide a mixture of colours for members to select They have a choice of 8 colours and to have them either solid of with a shadow Cyan, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, White, Purple, Pink Members can only change their own colours of their audio players so when other members visit their profile they will see the colour the member has set Changed the volume button to show or hide a volume bar what you can drag up or down changing the volume This will also add a volume up and down button next to the volume bar Little bit of redesigning to the audio player to match with the new toggling of the colours and volume Added data titles to the buttons so when a member hovers the buttons it will say what it does Bug Fix Added the missing language strings to the ACP Fixed the bug where it might not play the next track automatically All still without having to reload the page
  8. I can look into adding something like that, Will need to look into it all and check whats what, leave me a list of popular ones like that shoutcast v2 etc so I can browse they way they work
  9. there's options with it being a app to add it in a tab on their profile etc ( options meaning options to add it to the app ), but the one you showed is just a html audio player this is more along the lines of a music player with playlists to toggle everything but the player don't seem to big either NOTE... there is no toggle like that in this now this image is just from editing the websites elements to get the way it will look ut it can be added to be like that with a toggle etc
  10. the static player will probably wind up having a option to choose what to play, with it being their own music, others, their list of playlists and so on, I will probably hide the static one when viewing a members profile so it don't clash, but if the playlists goes well then they will be able to click and add them to a playlist or create a new one etc. Yeah I am always looking for ideas and it's true most don't get explained enough lol and it's easier to picture things when it's explained better
  11. no options yet for sizes etc, to be honest because of the icons and glow etc when small it don't really look to good, and also they have a playlist although you can toggle the playlist to be shown or hidden, I will at some point look into something maybe toggle everything apart from the player etc
  12. well members shop has a extension in so any app can add it and create items for stuff from that app etc, so I am sure I can add a extension in here to add a item allowing uploads of the tracks etc
  13. I get you, what that is, basically maybe you upload test.mp3 and it gets named test.mp3 in your folder, now I login and see that and think oh thats good I am going to upload one, Now my file is also called test.mp3 and is not the same file nor same sound, my file will overwrite yours, like on pc if 2 items have the same name, so IPS automatically add unique values to uploads so your test.mp3 becomes 23534554.test.mp3 and mine is 83422224.test.mp3 and it don't over write, When you are actually editing the titles manually you are not editing the files name, you add a column to the database linking to that file showing the new name, Because you can upload multiple files at one time it would be difficult to add settings to add names to it on upload, I will check the php and see if theres a way to do it somehow on the upload without adding more settings etc I did think of that so will look into it soon enough lol, I started off making a plugin then after a while of writing it I saw potential for future updates so changed it to a app to give me maximum availability on what it can do, I am also thinking of members creating playlists etc and the ability to add other peoples songs to their playlists as long as the said member allows sharing of their tracks ( this won't duplicate the file it will just add it to the playlist, if x member deletes it, it will be removed from all playlists ) Your welcome thanks for purchasing it, Hope your members enjoy it
  14. @Christforums you do have toe toggle for the playlist lol I didn't notice it until I opened the image full, the time should only change when the audio loaded that nan thing means it can't find the duration ( it should change when played ), I will check that out anyway
  15. that is default css for your sites theme not the app but I can look into it for you, I also might make that pop up medium size anyway the songs use the original files name so it should get called what the file is xyz.mp3 etc, if you click the little toggle you can click and hold the title of the track and it will allow you to edit the name of it, it all works with ajax and js etc so the page won't refresh etc it will just update automatically
  16. yeah sounds good, I will add a new table for member settings allowing them to choose if they want it on auto play, choose a colour to use etc make it more personal for each member and then it also opens it up for future releases etc There is a volume at the minute but it toggles from 0% - 50% - 100%, but a bar would be better what they can drag up and down
  17. on your profile in the sidebar, if there is no tracks yet you should see a button to upload them, then once you upload 1 or some then the player will show
  18. sounds like a good idea. Yes, sorry completly missed that, will sort it out for either tonight or tomorrow morning, Will check out the above request too cos it sounds good. Remember you can reposition where that tab is to, if you don't want it at the top you can move it below, I lways have the members at the top
  19. This is the support topic for Profile Songs
  20. go to the member group in the ACP and check if they have permission to edit their own content, if it it customized then
  21. remember 4 teams is a 33% chance of playing the same people as you have 3 choices, and if you get it then the others have 100% chance of meeting again I am UK but hardly sleep anyway lol, I will check the messages later today I am currently making a add-on for someone for this what I need to finish today
  22. all the tournaments are done differently, when people join it will add them to the joined teams list, that list is all random then once all teams joined, dependiing the tournament chosen will depend how it does the games, eliminations will genarate the first round and then it is a knock out winner of game 1 plays winner of game 2 and so on, if it is round robin, it will generate every game, if there is 20 teams and 2 games each it will create 380 matches in total what is how the like of the premier league and worldwide football is, if it is ladders then it will place the team with the most skill in 1st place and least skill in the last place
  23. you can already, go to the tournament actions button and click replace team nope, they show in the list of teams joined in a random list, every time you refresh you will see the positions change, the grids won't show anything until the matches are generated $teams = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'tournaments_tournament_teams', array( 'tournament_id=?', $this->tournament->id ), 'RAND()' ); see the RAND() that's random cash prizes won't be a addition I will add to the main app but if you want it I can make it as a add-on ( will cost though ) seems the only problem you have is a request for a new feature
  24. teams join then you generate the games they have no way to tell who they are going to get drawn with before the generation of it, each tournament is different, if you use single / double elimination then once the first round is drawn then that will calculate and set their whole route what is how most of them work, winner or game 1 plays winner of game 2, if you use round robin then thats like football, it will generate the whole tournaments fixtures in one go, if you use ladder then it places them by skill and you challenge others that could be done as the first comment or in the description of it, you can set all the details in there and rules etc explain that a bit more could probably make a profile widget etc of their teams they are the owners of etc explain that one more too sounds good sounds good too they can invite and all that, I will look into catpains etc
  25. all different tournaments have different amounts of teams that can join, this is because of the selections and the grids and the way it gets calculated, you can't have say 8 teams in the ladder as it won't fit in the ladder tables example below each - is a team - -- --- -- Don't fit right to have 8 in there, same as the other tournaments they need to be a certain amount to make the fixtures properly and a even amount of matches
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