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Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. I will add a setting to choose to have a button or use the title, the title truncates and the topic text truncates 5 lines already
  2. yeah send it mate I will probably be able sort it for you
  3. thats cool, I can probably give you a custom.css code to add for that theme, Just cos it's a 3rd party theme don't mean I won't help try sort it
  4. that block has a min-height of 350px, send me the URL to your landing page though ( via PM if you don't want to post your sites URL ) and I'll check it out
  5. Sponsors and that will come for 1.0.3 ( Shouldn't be more than a week away I just gotta finish other stuff I put on hold for this ), Let me know if you have any other ideas etc, I will also do like a staff one or one where you will select members to show etc
  6. Updated to 1.0.2 New Features Added the ability to choose what usergroups can view each block Added 6 new blocks to add to the landing page Pure Editor Does exactly what it sounds like, Use the editor to add any text / html you want Downloads Files ( IPS Downloads Must Be Installed To Use This Feature ) Select files from the downloads application and show them in a nice block You can choose any files you want to show easily, just start typing the files name and see it pop up in a list This will inherit the files permissions on who can view them Forum Topics ( IPS Forums Must Be Installed To Use This Feature ) Choose to show your sites latest topics in a nice block Choose what forums to show the topics from This will inherit the topic permissions on who can view them Choose the amount of topics to show Gallery Images ( IPS Gallery Must Be Installed To Use This Feature ) Choose unlimited images and show them in a carousel block Images will show the image's caption Nexus Subscriptions ( IPS Commerce Must Be Installed To Use This Feature ) Select membership subscriptions to show in a nice block You can select what membership subscriptions to show Nexus Packages ( IPS Commerce Must Be Installed To Use This Feature ) Choose to show your nexus packages in a nice block You can select what packages to show MORE TO COME...
  7. If all goes well today, I wanted to yesterday by got caught up adding more ( It always happens to me I have ideas when it is basically done and think yeah lets do it quickly then don't stop lol ), I just got a couple more touches to do to it and it'll be ready
  8. yes mate, don't make it default then visit yoursite.com/index.php?app=landingpage&module=main&controller=landingpage
  9. Yeah I will do mate, I thought about that myself too Don't know if you own gallery but the update will allow you to make a carousel of them, I will probably add another section too where you can upload some to the block to make some too Can you explain that a bit more, do you mean like stats etc ? I will be doing some changes to it anyway cos the content text in the main blocks are centered by default, I will probably make it align to the left like normal and if you want it centered or positioned left - centered - right you can choose to do it via the editor, Makes sense to lol Thanks for buying it and I hope you like it, Feel free to post any ideas you may have as I am always looking for them
  10. why would that delete a image? Its the form for the reactions to store the amount of points to award users when a reaction is given, We can't use IPS tables so each one uses it's own table to hold the value, Lot's of people use this feature and not 1 report of it deleting images 😕, It trys to load the members shop table to see if that reaction exists if does then carry on, if not create a new column adding the values, It does also unset the values of that in the formatformvalues too, I did once get a error there before it unset but thats the only one I remember from any reaction error
  11. The rows look horrible with the text included, plus with the other blocks it don't really match well, I will add different theme styles for it all though in the near future where you can select different styles for them like grids and rows etc but to be honest the theming takes up most of my time lol the coding is easy making it look good is hard, I normally start of with one style then add more
  12. Cheers mate and Oh never, Have you seen my apps lol, I have over 500 updates in like 2 years , Plus I will be using this myself
  13. made it to match the other blocks what'll be shown, ie the nexus packages / download files etc ( although them others will have image headers if a image is uploaded to them )
  14. Good man, Hope you like it Yeah, I am debating how to do the topics so it will look good, I don't just want to add the title and some text etc but I am doing some tests with the html etc already
  15. Added commerce / subscriptions / downloads files / gallery images will probably add a couple more things before I release it ( Oh and you can set what groups can view each block ) Just to let you all know the introductory price will probably end when this gets updated as I weren't expecting to add so much so soon after the release
  16. ?? There is a border around each box and a seperator inside the box seperating the text from the button ( It is actually exactly the same as when you visit the subscriptions page ), Plus I doubt anyone will be using it at like 200% zoom so the border looks like its 5px wide instead of the 1px it actually is
  17. No reports of it plus sitemap is disabled public static $includeInSitemap = FALSE; Plus hundreds of thousands? How many times does the IPS suite try to run that query? I just searched the files for perm_ too and nothing found what would make sense Search "perm_" (13 hits in 3 files) \applications\chatapp\data\lang.xml (5 hits) Line 297: <word key="chatapp_perm__label" js="0">Permissions</word> Line 298: <word key="chatapp_perm__view" js="0">Can View</word> Line 299: <word key="chatapp_perm__chat" js="0">Can Chat</word> Line 300: <word key="chatapp_perm__whisper" js="0">Can Whisper</word> Line 301: <word key="chatapp_perm__attachments" js="0">Can Download Attachments</word> applications\chatapp\dev\lang.php (5 hits) Line 323: 'chatapp_perm__label' => "Permissions", Line 324: 'chatapp_perm__view' => "Can View", Line 325: 'chatapp_perm__chat' => "Can Chat", Line 326: 'chatapp_perm__whisper' => "Can Whisper", Line 327: 'chatapp_perm__attachments' => "Can Download Attachments", \applications\chatapp\modules\front\main\chatroom.php (3 hits) Line 86: \IPS\Output::i()->error( 'chatapp_no_perm_chat', 'ChatPermError/1', 403, '' ); Line 409: \IPS\Output::i()->error( 'chatapp_no_perm_chat', 'ChatPermError/1', 403, '' ); Line 483: \IPS\Output::i()->error( 'chatapp_no_perm_chat', 'ChatPermError/1', 403, '' );
  18. 👍 yeah mate probably , I'll see what I can do, ( BUT REMEMBER IT USES THE EDITOR SO THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER )
  19. you can add any widget like you would do on any other page, this is a proper application not a template or anything like that so all IPS widgets can be added you would just install it like any other app, it won't be the landing page by default you need to go to your app listing and set that as the default app then when you visit the homepage it'll be that application which is the landing page you could create a announcement what only members can view then set it to show only on the landing page
  20. 2 More blocks ( so far ) for the next update Subscriptions will allow you to select what subscriptions to show ( you can show as many as you want ) the blank bit is because I have not uploaded a image to it ( just like the actual subscription page it self ) Pure Editor is exactly what it sounds like... Just the editor, This will allow you to add anything you wanted in there, If you have set your admin permissions to allow HTML posting it will be even better for you, I'll probably add some blocks for like the downloads and gallery uploads as well as commerce items etc
  21. Can't you just use widgets for them? I personally hate adverts smothered all over things so adding options to add lot's of adverts is not something I will do, You can just use the IPS default adverts placing them globally for the headers or footers, Also it uses the editor so technically you could use the editor with the use html options allowing you to add adverts where ever you wanted instead of content I have not set up a demo yet, but will do soon
  22. Honestly anything can be done to it, I just need ideas, I normally start my apps of basic then wait for feedback and ideas then it goes from there, but it has its own database columns and everything, I can probably look at the commerce subscriptions and automatically add all that with a few clicks of the mouse for the admins etc, the sky is the limit lol
  23. Updated to 1.0.1 New Features All Text and Editor settings are now multilingual Added the ability to use a video instead of a image on the secondary blocks ( This will use the image as a background poster for the video )
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