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Posts posted by Chris027

  1. Is there any list of official versions of items supported?

    For example, the 4.5.2 release notes say "Updates search compatibility for Elastic Search 7." but according to @bfarber in this post, only 7.6.2 and earlier is supported. How are we supposed to know the exact versions supported before we upgrade to 4.5.2, without searching the forum for all possible issues? I can imagine many people just upgrading elasticsearch to the newest version from the repo and finding out later that it doesn't work. Plus, how many other items are like this? An official versions supported document would be great. 

  2. 49 minutes ago, AlexWebsites said:

    I've been using it for a couple of years and I don't see any issues. Here's the thing with Amazon AWS, you need to read docs and have a general understanding how to set these services up because you'll be on your own. If you need a support staff ready to answer tech questions, stick with sendgrid or other in my opinion. AWS can be confusing but when it works it just works and is very cost effective.

    On another note, if it wasn't for the way IPS handles email notifications, I would be fine sticking with SMTP and SES. Its just that when a user clicks reply, that triggers the notifications and hangs up the actual posting of the reply within a topic. So either use Amazon SES API or come up with a way that notifications get batched out with a task or something instead of instant and let the reply get posted instantly first. I don't know enough about how it works but there's a big difference when replying to topics and how the reply is posted. I've had them hang for up to 10 sec sometimes using 3rd party SMTP sending methods.

    None of my issues were tech issues. It was all Amazon communication issues. 

  3. Before upgrading to version 4.5 I want to export my theme HTML templates because I've customized them quite a bit and I'm not totally sure where all the customizations are located within each template. 

    Question: Is it possible to export these templates so I can look them over offline and compare with stock templates?

  4. My site is setup so the first post of any new member must be approved by a moderator. Someone posted an advert as his first post today and when I clicked the approve button I got the following error:


    LogicException:  (0)
    #0 /home/chris/websites/audiophilestyle.com/system/Email/Email.php(473): IPS\_Email::devProcessTemplate('email__classifi...', 'The advert %s i...', Array, 'plaintext')
    #1 /home/chris/websites/audiophilestyle.com/system/Email/Email.php(818): IPS\_Email->compileSubject(Object(IPS\Member), Object(IPS\Lang))
    #2 /home/chris/websites/audiophilestyle.com/system/Notification/Notification.php(574): IPS\_Email->mergeAndSend(Array, NULL, NULL, Array, Object(IPS\Lang))
    #3 /home/chris/websites/audiophilestyle.com/system/Notification/Notification.php(555): IPS\_Notification->sendEmails(Array, Array)
    #4 /home/chris/websites/audiophilestyle.com/applications/classifieds/sources/Advert/Advert.php(1844): IPS\_Notification->send()
    #5 /home/chris/websites/audiophilestyle.com/system/Content/Content.php(801): IPS\classifieds\_Advert->unhide(Object(IPS\Member))
    #6 /home/chris/websites/audiophilestyle.com/system/Content/Controller.php(878): IPS\_Content->modAction('unhide')
    #7 /home/chris/websites/audiophilestyle.com/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\Content\_Controller->moderate()
    #8 /home/chris/websites/audiophilestyle.com/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #9 /home/chris/websites/audiophilestyle.com/applications/classifieds/modules/front/classifieds/view.php(59): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
    #10 /home/chris/websites/audiophilestyle.com/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\classifieds\modules\front\classifieds\_view->execute()
    #11 /home/chris/websites/audiophilestyle.com/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #12 {main}


  5. I was a huge fan of Amazon SES. I used SendGrid until it started costing several hundred dollars per month to send emails. I switched to SES and everything was good and inexpensive. Then Amazon decided to block my account because of a crazy plugin glitch that sent hundreds of emails per second for an hour before I could stop it. Working with Amazon to get my account unblocked was impossible. Email exchanges took days and there was zero clarity about how to work with them in the future. I didn't want to deal with Amazon anymore because it's a terrible company to work with as a small business.

    I switched to sending email from my own server. This is also a nightmare because now I have to work with ISPs from around the world who block my email for no good reason. One German ISP won't pass my email to its customers until I put my complete physical address on my website. I can't do that because I've received threats in the past. 

  6. Hi Guys, we have new reaction stalkers who laugh at two users’ posts. Every single post. It’s getting old. these reaction stalkers post nothing on the forum. 

    Question: If I mark these reaction stalkers as spammers, are their reactions removed?



  7. Is there a way to force users to select the category for each advert they post?

    I want the submit button to always popup with the category selection box rather than automatically select a category if the user is viewing a specific category. Users are accidentally posting adverts in wrong categories because all they see is the Submit new Advert button in classifieds and they don't think about where they are within the entire site (and I don't blame them). 

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