BomAle reacted to a blog entry: Invision Community 5: Page Builder
BomAle started following Contact users , Using Elasticsearch/Opensearch with Invision's Cloud Service and Email sending limit
Email sending limit
A user could set a limit for example 2 mail for a day from a ips website, and the system count how many mail for the user are "delayed"(stored into system in queue to be sent) and "digest" it into next without bother/importune it. Each mass mail sent from invisioncommunity must be readable via link to web. This is a good solution for permise community administrators to notification users about activity on board. I hope you guys implement this feature into your framework because community users want help without to lose time reading each mail but focus on community goals (quality over quantity).
Better than Zapier and Integromat
are you seen n8n.io or n8n.cloud ?
BomAle started following How to overwrite a template in ips.core.templates and Subscription expiration date
BomAle started following Jimi Wikman
Downgrade on renew license
I would add a motivation/encourage any "not active clients" on invisioncommunity, include also "old contributors" to consider this suggestion like a opportunity to take into action to create a "micro" community and permise scalability for future.
Downgrade on renew license
Hello, I am interested to start a new project but I would adopt one of my two license which contains Forums, Blogs, Commerce, Downloads (85$ price for renew) but before renew I would only pay for Commerce and Pages app (50$ for renew) I have asked before to support/sales team but they confirm it is not possible at this stage. I suppose this is interesting for improve license scope and support new initiative, make it flexible please. Thanks for your attention, good job Alessandro.
Feature for 3rd party Store Use in Commerce
There are some news about possibility for dropshippers to integrate orders from Commerce app with orders Amazon/ebay or viceversa (like Lengow with Magento)?
Wordpress - Use Invision Power Board as commenting system
you can contact the author of this WP Plugin for request a update https://github.com/garyblankenship/IP.Board-Comments-for-WordPress
Social Media Promotion & Hashtags
I also interested with ability to convert user-defined hashtags into item tag list based on permission by author/groups with some relevance algorithm into search result and avoid "seo keywords" duplication. [taxonomy]
Iframe link embed align feedback
I suggest to edit the plugin file \applications\core\dev\ckeditor\plugins\ipsautolink\plugin.js like following code: CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'ipsautolink', { init: function( editor ) { editor.widgets.add( 'ipsembedded', { inline: false, //WHY NOT INLINE????? upcast: function( element ) { if ( ( element.name == 'div' && element.hasClass( 'ipsEmbeddedVideo' ) ) || ( element.name == 'iframe' && !_.isUndefined( element.attributes['data-embedcontent'] ) ) ) { return true; } }, //+++ADDED http://origin-docs.ckeditor.com/ckeditor4/docs/?print=/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition#property-styleToAllowedContentRules styleableElements: 'div(ipsEmbeddedVideo); iframe{data-embedcontent}' //add data function for control align style ,data:function(){} }); ips.utils.emoji.getEmoji(function(emoji){ new CKEDITOR.plugins.ipsautolink( editor, emoji ); }); }, //+++ADDED afterInit: function ( editor ) { function setupAlignCommand (value) { var command = editor.getCommand('justify' + value); if (command) { if (value in { right:1,left:1,center:1 }) { command.on('exec', function (event) { var widget = getSelectedWidget(editor); if (widget && widget.name === 'ipsembedded') { widget.setData({ 'align': value }); event.cancel(); } }); } command.on('refresh', function (event) { var widget = getSelectedWidget(editor), allowed = { left:1,center:1,right:1 }, align; if (widget) { align = widget.data.align; /*if ( enabled === undefined ) enabled = editor.filter.checkFeature( editor.widgets.registered.ipsembedded.features.align ); if ( !enabled ) this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ); else {*/ this.setState( ( align == value ) ? ( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ) : ( ( value in allowed ) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ) ); //} event.cancel(); } }); } } function getSelectedWidget (editor) { var widget = editor.widgets.focused; if (widget && widget.name === 'ipsembedded') { return widget; } return null; } setupAlignCommand('left'); setupAlignCommand('right'); setupAlignCommand('center'); } } ); I don't test it
Set search to bring content ONLY with multiple tags?
currently tags are defined into where clause with "IN" operator //system/Content/Search/Mysql/Query.php:865 $tagWhere = array( $itemsOnlyTagSearch . \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'index_item_index_id', $tagIds ) ); I think this issue should be exposed into feedback forum for improve search filtering for future release
Iframe link embed align feedback
I would report a feedback with alignment of internal link rich embed Currently there is not a possibility to align the block inside ckeditor, I think this should be a option to align it but the default "justify" ckeditor widget don't catch iframe block because javascript code remove the parent paragraphs <p> (CKEDITOR.plugins._replaceLinkWithEmbed) and the only allowed content alignable is this.allowedContent = { 'caption div h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p pre td th li': { // Do not add elements, but only text-align style if element is validated by other rule. propertiesOnly: true, styles: this.cssClassName ? null : 'text-align', classes: this.cssClassName || null } }; // In enter mode BR we need to allow here for div, because when non other // feature allows div justify is the only plugin that uses it. if ( editor.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ) this.allowedContent.div = true; \applications\core\dev\ckeditor\plugins\justify\plugin.js I tried to submit a ticket into invisionpower.zendesk support for report it but the reply about "In order to assist you with the issue, you'll need to reactivate the application" An example below
Issue ROOT_PATH and inDevJs
http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/5bef0ff1fdb892b1a577dff02420625518d45ec2 I suggest to replace return array( str_replace( \IPS\ROOT_PATH, \IPS\Http\Url::baseUrl(), $path ) ); into return array( \substr_replace( $path, \IPS\Http\Url::baseUrl(), 0, \strlen(\IPS\ROOT_PATH) ) );
Issue ROOT_PATH and inDevJs
Automatically assign a theme based on selected language
$settings = ['it' => 12, 'en' => 1]; foreach ( $settings as $k => $v ) { if( $this->member->skin !== $v AND \strtolower( \substr( $this->member->language()->short, 0, 2 ) ) === $k ) { $this->member->skin = $v; if( $this->member->member_id ) { $this->member->save(); } return NULL; } } return call_user_func_array( 'parent::getTheme', func_get_args() ); this will work for sure (return NULL prevent resetting to default theme see system/Theme/Theme.php:284)
Automatically assign a theme based on selected language
$settings = ['it' => 12, 'en' => 1]; foreach ( $settings as $k => $v ) { if( $this->member->skin !== $v AND \strtolower( \substr( $this->member->language()->short, 0, 2 ) ) === $k ) { $this->member->skin = $v; if( $this->member->member_id ) { $this->member->save(); } } } return call_user_func_array( 'parent::getTheme', func_get_args() ); but this code is valid only if you overload \IPS\Session\Front::getTheme With switchTheme the theme is set only for current location, with getTheme overload you can set it permanently only once occur preventing more call or redirection (like a silent code that automatically cover default IPS code and your needs)
Tag a user group
This is also what I want for mention taxonomy not only a group but also a "members interested" and link a page like myweb.site/list/besthelpers with a hashtag where there are some content and a list of members inside it (as club dashboard and stream discover) #besthelpers because tag a group is not flexible as a club/s or a open page where are listed, some list could be closed/protected/private or based by invite/request (MORE RELEVANT compared open system) when use a hashtag the framework create a new taxonomy, where the author is inserted on the list and the content attached into. example #link instagram #link twitter and facebook...