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Everything posted by SeNioR-

  1. Yep but only for Font Awesome.
  2. Cloudflare has an "Early Hints" option for all plans. This option significantly speeds up the loading of resources such as CSS, JS or Fonts. Feature is only available for Chrome, but support for other browsers is expected to come. More here: Early Hints update: faster Internet for everyone "103 early hints" in short Early Hints
  3. There seems to be something wrong with the warn expiry date. It's OK with me. Try to restore the "warnHovercard" template.
  4. Same for me Edit. This is due to the Alerts. If the topic was added by the "Guest", it is not possible to send him a alert, hence the empty field.
  5. The best solution would be to get rid of the Font Awesome 4 completely and replace the icons with the SVG or a better newer framework. FA4 icons are unequal, i.e. they have different heights. FA: SVG:
  6. Has no one noticed that these icons are crooked? I mean, they're not centered 😛 @Ehren A simple code does the trick: .ipsBadge.ipsBadge_icon.ipsBadge_small i { vertical-align: middle; }
  7. @Richard Arch Take into account that the customers are from all over the world 😉
  8. Instead of "display: inline;" <span class="ipsReact_count ipsHide ipsAreaBackground_positive" data-role="reactCount" style="display: inline;"> <a href="xx" data-ipsdialog="" data-ipsdialog-title="See who reacted to this"> 0 </a> </span> there should be "display:none;" <span class="ipsReact_count ipsHide ipsAreaBackground_positive" data-role="reactCount" style="display: none;"> <a href="xx" data-ipsdialog="" data-ipsdialog-title="See who reacted to this"> 0 </a> </span>
  9. Normal. There are plenty of attacks like this or the search engine.
  10. It has been going on for an hour 😞 There was a 503 error before.
  11. caused by overflow: hidden;
  12. I decided to follow your idea and implemented SVG. As you can see, the difference in quality is huge 🙂 Emoji icon in SVG vs Icons in PNG.
  13. @Afrodude looks great 🙂 Are you using FA5 or the built-in FA4?
  14. CKEditor 4 is supported until 2023. IPS is not going to update the CKE any time soon. I think it's more like a matter of months or even years. Thanks for the feedback. Good idea. Do you have any demo what it looks like? 🙂
  15. What do you think of my revamped editor skin? The look was based on CKE v5, although it is known that for technical reasons I could not implement SVG icons. Anyway, I improved their quality a bit. BTW: The icon file "icons.png" contains strange white shadows and the quality is quite poor, this would be can improved in the default editor 😉
  16. I noticed that when we now close the topic, the "OK" window pops up and the topic does not reload. Was it supposed to be like that?
  17. Pages has an option to edit the URL, so why not add that for the topics as well? 😉 Google doesn't like too long URLs*, which are unfortunately created by the topic title name. Instead of an automatic title like in the example above: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/469943-ability-to-re-order-create-menu-functions-a-current-applicationpages-design-issue/ You could set your URL, containing only key phrases to: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/469943-ability-reorder-functions-pages-issue/ * - Why having shorter URLs improves your ranking on Google
  18. SeNioR-

    Tags improvements

    like "mentions"? no, but you can add tag as link.
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