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Everything posted by SeNioR-

  1. When we log in with Google, the profile picture is imported as 96x96 pixels. I suggest increasing the size because it is definitely too small. $userData = $this->_userData( $link['token_access_token'] ); if ( isset( $userData['picture'] ) and $userData['picture'] ) { return \IPS\Http\Url::external( $userData['picture'] )->setQueryString( 'sz', NULL ); } return NULL;
  2. SeNioR-

    Goals System

    it's not even about posts or topics because there are a lot of goals that could be set.
  3. the title attribute is always ok 🙂
  4. Hi Guys. I have some recommendations on the sitemap. Google ignores the "priority" values so it is redundant, it can be completely removed. reference: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/sitemaps/build-sitemap The second thing is that the lastmod value only changes to when a new answer is added. Okay, but what if we're editing the first post? e.g. topic title and description? I noticed that lastmod remains the same, so the Google crawler does not revisit this topic to index new content.
  5. SeNioR-

    Goals System

    You can look at it this way, but it would definitely increase user activity. I agree that quality is more important than quantity but it can be both quality and quantity;) Anyway, I suggested a nice idea that will surely sell, maybe some developer will use it 🙂
  6. SeNioR-

    Goals System

    Hi. I was thinking today about "goals", a module that would allow the user to set a goal, eg "write 10 posts today". The module could have a widget in which the progress would be like when getting another badge. There could also be a goal completion counter in the profile These are just preview images but it looks interesting, doesn't it?
  7. I was just wondering because IPS probably has hundreds thousands of topics and only 8,000 are indexed in Google. Why? Is it because of bad SEO or low value content?? Even if some topics are hidden from guests, there should be many more topics in the index. Don't you think? 🤔 PS: I view the results in the incognito window
  8. the bug occurs randomly, because once everything is ok and sometimes it gets stuck. I thought it was because of Cloudflare, but as it turns out, not.
  9. Add this code to your custom.css file: #elSearch { width: 265px; }
  10. Shouldn't such addresses be redirected to the target path? https://invisioncommunity.com/index.php https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/468343-forum-clear-cache-and-advanced-mode-issue (works with slash and without on the end) More in this video 😛
  11. Hi Guys. I noticed a bug when trying to feature a topic written by "Guest".
  12. Pages such as those below should be included in robots.txt, google unnecessarily wastes time on them. https://invisioncommunity.com/pastleaders/ https://invisioncommunity.com/languages/ https://invisioncommunity.com/applications/ (if we set the guest to be unable to download attachments) https://invisioncommunity.com/tags/* (since the tags have noindex, they should be removed for guests or at least a link) /notifications/
  13. Is this type of URL safe? https://invisioncommunity.com/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=embed&url=https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Repairing%2BToshiba%2BSatellite%2BC850%2B-%2BCleaning%2Bthe%2BCooling%2B-%2BFan%2BSystem/28853
  14. SeNioR-

    Search UI

    it doesn't look smooth (the list looks depending on the browser) but + for the improvement.
  15. Yes, but it's better than no security 🤔 I already had a case (unfortunately I had no security then) that within a few minutes an automated bot added 500 answers in several topics. For now, I'm testing: public static function floodCheck() { if ( \IPS\Settings::i()->flood_control and !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->group['g_avoid_flood'] ) { if ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id === NULL ) { $topic = \IPS\forums\Topic::load( \IPS\Request::i()->id ); if ( time() - $topic->last_post < \IPS\Settings::i()->flood_control ) { throw new \DomainException( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('error_flood_control', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( \IPS\Settings::i()->flood_control - ( time() - $topic->last_post ) ) ) ) ); } } else { if ( time() - \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_last_post < \IPS\Settings::i()->flood_control ) { throw new \DomainException( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('error_flood_control', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( \IPS\Settings::i()->flood_control - ( time() - \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_last_post ) ) ) ) ); } } } } It's not the best solution, but it works somehow. Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out a better way. hmm, why not cookie seems like a good idea 😉
  16. ok, I know that the last post date is not stored for Guests public static function floodCheck() { if ( \IPS\Settings::i()->flood_control and !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->group['g_avoid_flood'] ) { if ( time() - \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_last_post < \IPS\Settings::i()->flood_control ) { throw new \DomainException( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('error_flood_control', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( \IPS\Settings::i()->flood_control - ( time() - \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_last_post ) ) ) ) ); } } } but maybe this could be based on the last post date from the core_posts table? or not? 😛
  17. Hey guys. I noticed a bug where flood protection is not working for Guests. Could someone check if I am right? flood-for-guests.mp4
  18. If we have disabled viewing of profiles by guests, the link to the badges should be removed. This is an unnecessary redirect
  19. It would be nice to add that after selecting the forum in the sidebar (Fluid view), after pressing the "Start new topic" button, the forum will be automatically selected as selected in the sidebar.
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