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Everything posted by SeNioR-

  1. It's probably something much bigger. This doesn't just apply to forums. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/nortonlifelock-warns-that-hackers-breached-password-manager-accounts/ It's not currently possible, but I agree, it would be useful (with separate on/off settings).
  2. There is a new option to rotate images in 4.7.7, but when you click on it, you get an error. Error: Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again. Link: https://invisioncommunity.com/attachments/?do=rotate&id=159223&direction=left&current=
  3. 4.7.7 Beta. Yay. It's nice to have an impact on development 🙏🤩
  4. Hi Guys. On many websites, when registering an account, there are only two fields, e-mail address and password. The username is set based on the email address, usually in its entirety or set based on what comes before the @ symbol e.g. emial: olivia.johnson@coldmail.com Username: Olivia.johnson My primitive working code looks like this: $GetNameEmail = substr($values['email_address'], 0, strrpos($values['email_address'], '@')); $member->name = ucfirst($GetNameEmail); I need to check if username is already in the database. How can I achieve it? Something like when registering via the social media method where if the nick is taken, we have to enter a different one.
  5. PNG files are not compressed by Imagick. Typically, their size is larger when uploaded than the original file.
  6. Since the topic author cannot mark his first post as solved, this code below should not show if there is no reply in the topic. {{if $topic->canSolve() AND ! $topic->isSolved() AND $topic->isNotModeratorButCanSolve()}} <div class='cContentMessage cContentMessage_color ipsMessage_success ipsMargin_vertical' data-controller='forums.front.topic.solved'> <h3 class='cContentMessage__header'>{lang="solved_did_it_tho_title" sprintf="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->name"}</h3> <div class='ipsPadding'> {lang="solved_did_it_tho_desc"} {{if member.members_bitoptions['no_solved_reenage']}} <div class='ipsMargin_top'> <a href="#" data-action="mailSolvedReminders" class="ipsButton ipsButton_verySmall"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i>&nbsp; {lang="solved_reengage_on"}</a> </div> {{endif}} </div> </div> {{endif}} FIX: $topic->posts > 1
  7. If we have anonymization of posts turned on, then after editing the post, the username stays in the log. It should also be anonymized.
  8. I know, but it should be corrected.
  9. @teraßyte I know that but then on a real mobile device there are too many buttons and they start to be on two lines. If we are on a desktop, the buttons should correspond to those set in ACP. In this case, the buttons set for the mobile device are displayed on the desktop when editing. I think that's understandable? 🙂
  10. The editor displays buttons for each screen resolution. When editing a thread on a desktop, we see a limited number of buttons for mobile devices. The editor has a lot of free space on the toolbar, it should be filled to the maximum.
  11. They logged into some old inactive account. From a short research you can see that the accounts are 5 or even 10 years old. They didn't reset the password. I wonder how they check if an account exists in the database. Probably some scraping bot. Many forums have been attacked not only on the IC but also on phpBB or vBulletin. Google > "t.me/pump_upp" or "Verifpro.net"
  12. Works fine for guests. I just checked. Afrodude, check in the browser console if the iframe is loading correctly. Maybe some header you have doesn't allow embedding external iframes.
  13. Everything works fine for me. Did you add domain in hCaptcha settings?
  14. Windows 11 22H2 👍 Edit. Isn't it a bug that it shows double?
  15. Yep. I remember that once I added an ad in a class that is used by IC and someone added a rule to AdBlock, so that everyone using AdBlock had this class removed in many places, which caused, for example, breaking the block in the user's profile, etc. Lesson for the future - don't use built-in static classes 😛
  16. Guys, can someone explain me what this code is for? 🤔 .ipsDataItem_title .ipsBadge.ipsBadge_small { position: relative; top: -2px; } I know it's supposed to fix what other classes break, but there are many more such "corrections" in many places. It just makes the CSS sheet contain more unnecessary code. Instead of correcting "things" in this way, you can position them nicely, for example by flexbox. Less code and more correct. I hope you will take this into account when rewriting the theme.
  17. Like many other ad blockers that block social media links. Glad you solved the problem 👍
  18. but what if this domain also becomes unavailable someday? Isn't it better to add emoji to own server, like FB or Twitter did? I ask out of curiosity, thanks 😛
  19. I had two options enabled, I didn't notice it 😛
  20. Yes you are right, sorry for the mistake. It's not a server. MaxCDN is now StackPath so the sub-domain will no longer work.
  21. This is a temporary error due to server unavailability https://twemoji.maxcdn.com
  22. Hi. I suggest to add required="true" attribute to the search field to prevent the form from being sent without the search phrase. <input type="search" id="elSearchField" required="true" placeholder="Search..." name="q" autocomplete="off" aria-label="Search">
  23. If the attachments are unavailable to guests, we get a ugly message. Instead, I would suggest removing the redirect and adding a login popup. This will eliminate unnecessary errors, reduce server load, and more encourage guests to log in. Cheers.
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