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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Did you disable all third party items, including advertisements, as mentioned above?
  2. It is resolving for myself off the VPN now. However, it may take a while, depending on your ISP obtaining your changed nameserver values.
  3. This would be on your server. If you have a hosting provider or server administrator they will know how to access or perform what my colleague explained.
  4. Please disable your advertisements and all things third party. Unfortunately, there is a lot getting injected into the page which is likely causing this.
  5. Thank you for trying that. I have transferred this to a ticket so that we can investigate this further for you. Please watch out for further correspondence via email.
  6. Are you stating that you have made space available? If so, then you would need to see if these issues crop up again. If so, you would need to add more space to your server.
  7. As this is just a test community, I would suggest performing a re-install as it looks like something did not go well on your previous install.
  8. What version of MySQL are you currently using?
  9. Unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce this on 4.7 Beta 9 on a test install. Do you have an example URL which we can investigate this further and validate your settings?
  10. Custom items are included in the .htaccess, please remove that. Also, your server permissions are all 777 for all folders/files which can create problems. Please ensure all folders and files have proper permissions for your server.
  11. Sorry, I am not quite sure what you mean here. Could you please rephrase?
  12. This looks to be from a Login Provider which you need to verify but I cannot verify that with just that specific segment. I would recommend resolving from the space issue on your MySQL server first. Then verify any of your login providers to see if this helps resolve your log issues.
  13. This would be an issue with your MySQL server not having enough space, I'm afraid.
  14. Thank you for clarifying. I have transferred this to a ticket so we can take a closer look. You will receive further communication via email.
  15. Could you please clarify what the "Expires" column is from then? As this is not, in the core software on ACP -> Members -> Members.
  16. CMS Records would hold any attachments uploaded to the record itself through a field.
  17. Could you please clarify what you mean by modified? If you have customized the code with a plugin, template, or otherwise, you will want to contact whomever did this as it would be outside our scope of support. If you mean something else, please elaborate.
  18. There are a lot of user lists so we want to be sure we're looking at the correct list here. Are you referring to the member list in ACP -> Members -> Members?
  19. Thank you for providing access. Things seem setup correctly so you would need to ensure that both the following Apache modules are configured correctly on your server: mod_setenvif mod_rewrite Please also disable CloudFlare to ensure that the authorization headers are able to be passed unimpeded.
  20. Is your MaxMind subscription active? Are you using a reverse proxy by chance? For anything further, we would require access to your community's ACP to investigate: We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  21. Thank you for disabling CloudFlare. Unfortunately, items 2, 7, and 9 are ones which I can reproduce. For 7 & 9, as you're using NGINX with custom rewrite rules, I would suggest disabling these to see if this is creating any issues here or switch to using Apache. Unfortunately, NGINX is outside our scope of support. For 2, it looks like PHP session handle is creating an issue here so this is a server issue rather than a software issue.
  22. Unfortunately, same thing: Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Please try logging in with the exact access details provided. You may wish to hire a server administrator if you are unsure or uncomfortable how to setup FTP access correctly.
  23. Do you have an example URL which you can provide us? Following a few old URLs I found on Google, the redirects from the converter are working without issue: Example URL: https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/3094625/best-way-to-get-fm-dx-in-a-rack It may be the user itself does not have access so if it comes to that we may need to know the user's display name.
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