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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Thanks for posting! Unfortunately, this issue is beyond the scope of our technical support. 👩‍💻 Our technical support is happy to help you with the Invision Community platform, but we're unable to help with things like server management, theme questions and modifications. I've moved this to our Community Support area where other Invision Community owners will see it and help where they can.
  2. I would advise checking your billing to see what you have enabled. The Google Maps integration does cost money, however, they provide you with monthly credits. The Google Login from what I can tell does not cost money. You'll want to contact Google if there are any questions with what is going on here though.
  3. CRON should be ran every minute, not 5 minutes. This will cause a delay in your background tasks from executing. You can check progress of background tasks by going to ACP -> System -> Dashboard -> Background Processes. (You can also choose to run these manually in that widget.)
  4. A bunch of topics were just deleted and unhidden from your community by a moderator so that would be expected. You will want to take a look at your server performance if this is taking some time. You can check your moderator logs by going to ACP -> Members -> Staff -> Moderators -> Moderator Logs.
  5. The firewall may block you temporarily at a time if you exceed the number of actions permitted or encounter many different errors in the allotted time. As the VPN you're using is coming from a datacenter/shared IP address, it could also be used by other individuals (or bots) accessing our network which may also improve your chances of hitting the above. Waiting or changing IP address will help get around the temporary firewall block.
  6. That would be something that you would need to analyze on your server, unfortunately. If there are any slow query logs we can take a look at, please let us know.
  7. Content being removed from the search index are not exclusive to the rebuild process of moving from or to MySQL. They would happen in a natural environment as content is hidden, deleted, moved, etc... What we're trying to ascertain here is if it is from the move back to MySQL or not.
  8. Things would be removed from the index as required by processes, tasks, or actions. Could you please wait a little to see if this is happening after these complete? Additionally, you mentioned performance issues, are you still seeing this? Things seem quite snappy on your community for viewing, getting search results, etc...
  9. Where is the IP address which you receive the 403 error from? Could you please message me the IP address of it?
  10. Sorry, customization requests are outside our scope of support. I can move this to our community support forum where you can receive assistance from your peers, if you would like? Alternatively, please post in our official Feature Suggestion forum for any feature request changes.
  11. I'll move this to our Feature and Suggestion forum as it is currently intended.
  12. Please Clear your cache by going to ACP > Support > Clear Systems Cache
  13. Subscriptions will only allow 1 active subscription per user, I'm afraid. If you require individuals to be able to purchase more than one subscription, I suggest looking at products instead as they are intended to be fuller featured with different options, as opposed to subscription which are more simple.
  14. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this on my test install. I would recommend disabling all third party application/plugins and trying again. If you still have an issue, do you have an example user we can take a look at their notification settings?
  15. Excellent. Glad to hear you found the issue 🙂
  16. Unfortunately, there is not a way to generate this statistic currently via the software. Please leave your suggestion in our official Feature Suggestion forum for further evaluation for a future release. Keep in mind though views are not the most accurate count of how quality content is. For example: A user can view content multiple times and this counts as a view. Guest counts can be off due to caching. Etc...
  17. Unfortunately, these are PHP extensions. Not image extensions which are installed for your server. Image extensions are .jpg, .png, etc... Your hosting provider should install these decode delegates (aka image extension handlers) for you on the server. Please reach out to your hosting provider or server administrator for assistance if you are unsure how to install/manage these.
  18. Unfortunately, again, we would not control that. We do not set permissions in this process.
  19. As mentioned by Randy, there is no "undo" for member deletion. A database backup would need to be restored which contained the user (and potentially their content, that also was deleted). Please note: restoring the backup will revert your community back to the point where your community was at the time of the backup, you will lose any content/settings/etc..
  20. The idea here is that you can only have one subscription and invoicing new subscriptions have created the problem you ran into thus you had to delete them, etc... (and likely causing confusion here). In your screenshot below, where your green arrow is, you would simply click that down arrow and click "Renew", that would allow you to generate a renewal invoice for the client to continue with the subscription. However, as mentioned, in 4.7 this has been changed so it will be better.
  21. There could be 2 things going on here: mod_security or another security module may be blocking you here on your server if you are tripping a rule. Your hosting provider or server administrator would need to disable this and review your error log entries to assist you so this won't happen. There may be a third party application/plugin causing an error with the CSRF key required to submit the page here. You will want to try to disable those and save your theme.
  22. Unfortunately, this is not something which I can reproduce. However, please keep in mind that Facebook can have bugs and issues themselves which are beyond our control:
  23. It sounds like there is a write permissions issue here, please ensure that your uploads folder and all of it's sub-folders are writable per your server's configuration and are owned by the correct user/group. Please also clear your browser's cache. If you're still having issues, could you please point me to specifically a user or forum where you're having issues posting? Trying to post in a random forum, I have no issues.
  24. You will want to enable fluid mode on this forum: https://www.elektroauto.community/forums/forum/249-ladeinfrastruktur/ As it is a category, it likely is disrupting this forum: https://www.elektroauto.community/forums/forum/174-ladeanbieter-ladestationen-und-wallboxen/
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