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Prince of Hell

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  1. its should be a option but everyone i know dont want to be force to put email. just give us the code
  2. What is the point in invite system if Members can't invite people without email
  3. google slowly removing my forum and stop show the search streetwits had 2 pages and now we have less then 1 page
  4. what can i do if google don't show me forum almost in the search and i can't pay for ads in my country site:streetwits.xyz
  5. Routine maintenance tasks are performed as users access the site but it looks like the traffic to your community is not sufficient to run these tasks on time. This will cause significant damage to your community if not resolved. It is recommended that you set up a cron or a web service so that these tasks can be run even when there isn't any traffic coming to your community. how can i fix it?
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