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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Did you create your Invision Community admin account with the same details as your account from your converted forum? If so, that is intended. The system will do it's best to merge accounts that exist already. However, will keep existing items in place like join date, profile photo, etc.. but add in new data like posts, messages, etc...
  2. I'm afraid, that we do not block connections on our end. Could you please have your hosting provider run a traceroute and provide the results? There seems to be some disconnect here
  3. It looks like the Purchase got marked as expired. Was this something which you have done here on purpose?
  4. Believe there is some confusion here between the Live and Test URLs. The Live URL, you have been able to reset every 6 months. The test URL on the other hand, has only been able to be reset when the domain on the Live URL is changed and has to be reset by us. If it is fixed, I am unsure what you would want inspected. Could you please clarify? Any bugs with third party add-ons or templates would need to be resolved with the appropriate authors. If there is an actual bug involved with the core software, the author would then be able to report that to us but I'm afraid, we would not be able to troubleshoot third party code. It looks like this key may be wrong or not present as I am seeing this as well. I have reported this internally to be resolved. Thank you for reporting! This is not an issue with Time Zones but rather the time being reported from PHP from your server is incorrect. Unfortunately, this is coming directly from PHP so would not be an issue with the software, I'm afraid. This would be remoteservices.invisionpower.com . Please note a 500 response code is expected if you simply make a request outside our software (i.e. directly through your browser).
  5. "Core CSS" refers to our CSS in themes. These are the files not added by yourself or your theme's author.
  6. You would need to contact the author as the standard to install is to have it on the same version which you are on so they would need to update it. I'm afraid, there is no other means at this time.
  7. You're very welcome. Glad we could assist 🙂 .
  8. This has been adjusted for you now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  9. You ran the requirements checker on your PHP 7.4 which, as you stated, is working. You would need to run it on the PHP version you're attempting to upgrade to which is not working. To fix the collation issue, you would need to run the converter as mentioned.
  10. That specific issue would indicate you're missing the mysqli extension for PHP. As mentioned by my colleague, please ensure everything is installed on your PHP that is required by using this file: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/
  11. Please refresh your license key by going to ACP -> System -> License Key. There were some changes in our recent release and cause some inconsistencies. Apologizes for the inconvenience.
  12. PHP 7.4 is required so you will need to take that in consideration with your prep. 4.4.10 is the first release we started support for PHP 7.4 so you could upgrade PHP ahead of your upgrade. Then move on to PHP 8.0 or 8.1 as recommended once you're on Invision Community 4.7.x. MySQL 5.7 is still compatible with Invision Community 4.7 and Redis as well.
  13. Unfortunately, only the All Activity Stream can be set as the "home page." Currently, this cannot be configured to anything else.
  14. The CRON would be something you need to check on your end with your hosting panel or hosting provider. You can check if our software is configured to use CRON by going to ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration.
  15. If you're running CRON, please ensure it is running every minute and that the command is correct, including your PHP path. If you have any doubts, please copy the command from ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration. Otherwise, please check to see if there are any errors in your System Log. If there are, we can take a look. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  16. This was patched this morning so if you're encountering this, please ensure that you have the latest files from the Client Area.
  17. This would indeed need to be a part of the SSO plugin which is created or another custom plugin if your developer does not wish to include it as part of their SSO. I'm afraid, customizations, such as this, are outside our scope of support. I have moved this to the appropriate forum so you can obtain assistance from the community.
  18. You do not have the MySQLi PHP extension loaded which is required. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator to ask for it to be installed.
  19. This is not something which we offer in the default software and usually is done by a custom SSO solution to complete that process.
  20. They are not stored in the file system but rather the database. The request being made here is being blocked by mod_security or another security module. Your best bet is to get with your hosting provider and ask them to check the corresponding logs.
  21. This is generally that you have mod_security, incorrect permissions, or some other security modules on your server blocking the request being made here, I'm afraid. I would suggest reaching out to your hosting provider for assistance on this to see why the request is being blocked.
  22. Are you attempting to make a page the default page when going to a Club instead of the "Overview" page? If so, I'm afraid, there is no way to do this in the core software and it would require a customization. You're welcome to provide your suggestion though for a future release in our official Feature Suggestion forum.
  23. Custom CSS is still present. Only direct editing of our core CSS (which shouldn't really be done) has been removed.
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