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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Could you please clarify what you were doing prior to this happening? Just want to see if this helps point me in a better direction as things look to be checking out so far.
  2. I have split this into a new topic for you as it would like to be different. I am noticing a bunch of POP3 errors for your incoming email for your Support Ticket system. Please check the configuration in ACP -> Commerce -> Support -> Settings -> Incoming Emails. Additionally, if you do not have a lot of frequent traffic on your site, the background tasks may not run frequently.
  3. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  4. Can use this link with an anchor 🙂 : https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/client-services/getting-support-r292/#recoverymode
  5. CAPTCHA is present if you have applied it to guests content in ACP -> Members -> Spam Prevention -> CAPTCHA.
  6. As we are a community platform, we thought it would be best to leverage that and "eat our own dog food" so to speak. As you've experienced, the community can be quite powerful and got you the right answer to your problem outside of our regular business hours. We also wanted to build a resource where common questions, like yours, are already answered can help give you a more immediate answer by using our search. Additionally, no support has been lost, it has simply been moved. Technicians, like myself, still have access to your secure access details to your community in the Client Area, we can escalate topics to private tickets to have our developers investigate, and if you have private details you need to share, we can work around that to continue to assist you. Overall, all who have been quick to dismiss this new change, have actual come back to say they really like it once they tried it. I would encourage you to give it more time as well 🙂 . This would indicate that permissions on your server are preventing PHP from extracting and moving files as required as a part of the auto-upgrade process thus you need to perform manual upload. You can download the delta files from the upgrader and extract those to your computer, then upload these to your server, overwriting what is there. Then go to /admin/upgrade/ to complete the upgrader. Regardless of how you upgrade, it would be advised to create a full backup (database and files). Once you get your community back online, you will want to reach out to your hosting provider and ensure that all folders/files are owned by the proper user/group on your server. Then also ensure that proper permissions are applied to all folders/files.
  7. There are no immediate plans to move customers off of your plan. However, there will likely come a date when this is needed and at that time, you will receive an email with information about what your options will be at that time.
  8. Thanks for posting! Unfortunately, this issue is beyond the scope of our technical support. 👩‍💻 Our technical support is happy to help you with the Invision Community platform, but we're unable to help with things like server management, theme questions and modifications. I've moved this to our Community Support area where other Invision Community owners will see it and help where they can.
  9. Sorry, I am a little confused by what you're stating. Our software only allows administrators to change groups of members. If you're using a third-party add-on to deliver the functionality you mentioned, please contact the author for assistance.
  10. Does this happen on new and old records or simply old records? I have tagged our developers about this as well to see if they have any suggestions as well.
  11. Unfortunately, that user account on has access to their FTP folder. Please ensure that they have full access to your installation directory on your server.
  12. Looking in your previous tickets, this was all resolved by your hosting provider. It was not something which we intervened with. There were database connection errors, PHP errors with sessions, and PHP errors with not being able to read files (namely the Db.php file again). All these were resolved by your hosting provider. I am sorry that I do not have better news for you. My only suggestion is if you keep having problems and your hosting provider is not willing to work with you, it may be time to find a new provider.
  13. This is third party and may not be recent enough but we can try disabling that. Please update FTP: We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  14. It is hitting a 500 Internal Server Error, you will need to grab the error from your server's error log. If you are unsure how to get this, please contact your hosting provider.
  15. You can remove the domain if you wish, and we can add that in ourselves.
  16. You're running PHP 7.2 currently so that is correct as it is generating a PHP error. You would need to update to PHP 7.4 or 8.0 or 8.1
  17. It is simply a warning. If you are experiencing an issue, you would want to take action in CloudFlare to disable it to try and resolve the issue you are experiencing. However, if you are not experiencing an issue, you can ignore it.
  18. You would simply create a new language. It will install an unmodified language.
  19. You would need to ensure all those highlighted in red are installed and/or fixed. You need them all to run the software. This is not related to your database but your PHP configuration on your server.
  20. Glad we could be of assistance 🙂 .
  21. ACP -> Customization -> Themes -> edit Theme -> enable "Enable fluid width?" -> change "Fluid width size (in %)" to your liking.
  22. This would confirm what the ips4.php is stating and you're missing mbstring. Unfortunately, something is off with their configuration if these files are on in the same directory. They would need to resolve this for you, I'm afraid.
  23. Unfortunately, the article should keep the previous publish date, even when editing so this would require manual involvement for it to change or there is something else acting on this field. I would advise watching it and disabling any related third party add-ons to Pages if you continue to see any issue.
  24. Unfortunately, I am seeing that article present in the feed. If you go straight to the RSS feed are you seeing the article? If the feed clients you use only update at a certain interval, you will need to await the client to update from your community, I'm afraid. We do not have control over that.
  25. We would select solutions here based on the core software's ability so other users can come in and see what is available in the core software then can see next what is available from third parties.
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