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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Sorry, this is not currently possible. If you would like to see this in a future release, please leave your suggestion in our official Feature Suggestion forum for further evaluation.
  2. This is due to your database is missing the core_follow_count_cache table. Please contact your hosting provider to see if they can investigate why it is missing on your server. While unrelated to your issue, I do want to bring up that you are rather behind in releases and should upgrade at your earliest convenience.
  3. Sorry, looks like you marked your post as a solution but it is just a few dots. If you still require assistance: Are these your default member, guest, or administrator groups? If they are newly created and not configured as that in your conf_global.php, do you have full administrator permissions in ACP -> Members -> Staff -> Administrators?
  4. Sorry this is a server configuration, not a query. I would advise them to read documentation about Slow Query log configuration in MySQL: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/slow-query-log.html long_query_time is generally what is required here: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_long_query_time
  5. Sorry, as mentioned, there is not a one click or mass delete option.
  6. Glad to hear you found the issue 🙂 . If this is a plugin you wish to utilize still, you will want to work with the author to resolve the issue.
  7. Unfortunately, there is not a global remove option for this link in your screenshot. If exif is not enabled on PHP on your server, it will not be able to read anything though. Additionally, you can remove this link in your screenshot if you wish via customization if you so desire. I am sorry I do not have better news for you.
  8. You should be able to delete the invoice/transaction straight up from the invoice listing screen. Just click the down arrow on the invoice -> Delete. However, there is no one-click button to removing those. As you're self-hosted, I would advise blocking them from a server or network level if you are confident they are a bot. That would be most effective for your resources.
  9. As mentioned in your first post, we support caching static resources (images, CSS, Javascript, etc...) through the storage configuration so long as your CDN has it's own internal sync'ing. Caching the whole website is getting to be outside our scope of support as this is leaning more towards hosting and CDN providers than really the software. As Randy mentioned, there is a degree of complexity here that we can't really assist with on the CDN side but if there are questions on our software side how to do things which your CDN may require, we can answer that. Alternatively, I can move this to the Community Support forum if you require more guidance on the CDN side of things. You would need to ask your CDN provider if they support dynamic websites that have authenticated sessions. You will need to ensure you are not caching data, whole pages, and sessions which are session specific. It is not as simple as throwing static resources over to a CDN and asking them to cache and display everything.
  10. You're very welcome. Glad to hear it is working for you. Can think of it as often the setting on the application/category whether or not those items are enabled for the application/category. Then the member group setting controls whether or not that specific member group can use it. We are always trying to simplify these settings/permissions down, as you're right, often it is a little overwhelming. Especially, when just starting your community. Just trying to balance simplification and powerful permissions is the hard part 🙂 .
  11. Please ensure you have provided the permission for a group to be able to rate images. This can be in ACP -> Members -> Groups -> edit group -> content tab -> Can give star ratings for content? Once I gave that permission, our test user was able to leave ratings on Gallery images where the Gallery category allowed it. Please also note that a user can disable ratings on their album so if a user has done that, it will not be available.
  12. Please provide us a login to your SSO and we can take a look. You can add this in the notes section of the Access Details area of the Client Area. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  13. Looks like you recently switch to HTTPS or changed your URL. Due to this it looks like some Javascript wasn't loading properly as it was referencing an old URL. I have cleared your cache and other Javascript related items are functioning now. As we do not have a login to the front-end of your website with your SSO, please test the rating system and let us know if it is working or not.
  14. No, please only log in the slow query log queries taking longer than 10 seconds.
  15. Could you please clarify what you mean here? If you mean that a user is being logged in as another user, this sounds like caching on your server which is incorrectly caching the whole page or a session. You would need to work with your hosting provider or server administrator for assistance. If that is not what you mean, please elaborate.
  16. I would first suggest clearing the cache by going to ACP -> Support -> Clear System Caches. The ACP may look weird but will still function. If you're still having issues after that, please ensure the credentials in the Client Area are up to date and we can take a look: We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  17. Thank you for providing that slow query log. Unfortunately, I am seeing a lot of references to the advanced tag and prefixes third party application. Please disable that and other third party applications/plugins then please re-run and please limit the slow query log to queries running longer than 10 seconds.
  18. Please ensure that if you have an existing .htaccess file, you rename that. Please also ensure you have mod_rewrite installed (that really shouldn't cause a 500 error though). If you're still having issues, a 500 Internal Server Error is very much like a check engine light. It says something is wrong but not exactly what or where. You would need to contact your hosting provider or server administrator to obtain the server error log entry for that issue. You will want to have them review for any server errors and pass any software errors to us. What is the error message? Is it a page not found? If so, you may wish to see if you have mod_security or another security module enabled on your server. If so, this may be blocking you from performing certain things and you will need to either disable it or work with your provider/server administrator so that these actions are allowed.
  19. There is not any notifications for support tickets at this time. You can certainly suggest this in our Feature Suggestion forum but typically, emails are sent out for support tickets.
  20. Are you referring to the support ticket system in Commerce? There are two options to alert the user when a ticket has been successfully created: If they created the ticket via the software UI, they can actually view the ticket 🙂 . If they created a ticket by emailing in, you can have the system send an email back to let them know it was received. This can be done in ACP -> Commerce -> Support -> Settings -> Outgoing Emails tab -> Send received confirmation? If you mean something else, please clarify and elaborate.
  21. As Randy mentioned, it sounds like you may have enabled Rewritten URLs but did not properly setup the .htaccess. You can find this file in ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization. To answer your other questions: You would simply disable guest access by going to ACP -> Members -> Groups -> edit guest group -> disable "Can access site?" This will force login or registration. This is not a security issue necessarily by itself as it does not disclose a version number or anything of that nature that is specific. Most competent attackers will also just know you're running our software by the outputted information on the page. They won't need a banner stating it. However, should you wish to remove this for any reason, you would need to purchase our Branding Remove license by going to the Client Area -> Manage Purchases -> click your license -> Manage Your Community. It is a $500 USD one time fee at the time of writing this.
  22. There is not at this time. It defaults to the application you're currently viewing. This would require customization at this point in time or posting in our official Feature Suggestion forum for further evaluation for a future release.
  23. How did you delete the account? Unfortunately, viewing the member profile in the ACP and deleting that way, I am receiving the option to delete content, keep or keep and anonymize.
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