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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. If you simply ban the member but do not outright ban these details, it will not stay in the database. You would need to leave the account.
  2. This would likely indicate that there is something wrong with the plugin (or plugins) which you have installed. I'm afraid, you would need to disable and try each one independently till you find the culprit.
  3. Could I please confirm you have applied all patches in ACP -> Support?
  4. Do you mean self hosted licenses that you purchased from us? Just want to clarify as if you mean those and they are active, we would provide support.
  5. This is done in a background by a different task than the one shown in your screenshot (you won't see a progress with archiving). It is designed to move at the speed which your server can operate so that your community does not go down 🙂 .
  6. As you're utilizing CloudFlare, you will need to enable "Trust IP addresses provided by proxies?" in ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration. Otherwise, your IP address will change each time CloudFlare swaps you to a different server as it won't use your device's IP address. You also can run into issues with users and IP addresses if you do not do this. Just a note, you found support (Hi!). The method which you go to obtain support has changed but the level of support has not 🙂 .
  7. I'd check your System Log for any errors but ultimately, CRON shouldn't be hitting that error, unless it was temporary while you were having another issue.
  8. This is the HTML page for a 500 Server Error. Are you still receiving this via CRON?
  9. Excellent. Glad you were able to find the issue. I would advise keeping a checklist to help you in cases like this if you need to upload files. If you run into this often, simplifying your setup may be the best route 🙂 .
  10. You will wan to go to ACP -> System -> Applications -> expand System and disable permissions for “Search”
  11. It would simply mean that if that member group has that enable that your Automatic Moderation settings would not impact them. You can see automatic moderation in ACP -> Members -> Content Moderation -> Automatic Moderation. Automatic Moderation are basically a set of rules that you can define when something happens to content. Like you could set up a rule so that if 2 members report content as spam, it is automatically hidden for review.
  12. I am not quite sure what you mean. The two solutions to move forward are: You restore your database to when these tables existed. You restore your database to the backup taken just before your upgrade attempt here and then try the upgrade again but do not check the checkbox for Pages during the upgrader. Then once everything has upgraded, uninstall Pages (and re-install if you plan to utilize) or let us know if you have any issues with doing any of that.
  13. You can try starting the upgrade over and omitting Pages if you've never had it installed. Then we can investigate afterwards what may have happened. However, at this point in the upgrade, the system is looking for something which is installed that is not in the database.
  14. Thank you for posting under the correct account now 🙂 . I would suggest starting with the following: Looking to see if you have mod_security (or other security modules, even things like CloudFlare) enabled on your server and disable it for testing. It could be with all the applications/plugins that are installed, it has exceeded a limit on your server. If it's not mod_security or any other security module, disable all third party applications/plugins and switching to an unmodified theme. If it works now, it is one of those that you disabled so you will want to enable one-by-one.
  15. Couples scenarios here that could cause this: The obvious, the user changed the font size in the editor or custom HTML (if you allow either of these). The user copy/pasted the content from external rich text source which had a larger font size and in ACP -> Customization -> Editors -> Settings, you allow for rich text to pasted thus keeping the larger font size.
  16. There is no longer support through email any longer, outside of the first 30 days of self-license purchase. You should have received an email about this last year. While there is no email support, you found our fully staffed support forum where the same, exact support will take place 🙂 . It is merely just a change in where support is started, not a change in benefits as technicians still have the opportunity to securely see your access details in the Client Area and, if required, escalate a ticket to our developers for further investigation. We noticed that a large majority of questions coming were very common and often, not relating to the core software so adding these to a common area which can be searched would help clients receive a faster answer to their question/issue. Additionally, there is the benefit of other clients with similar issues helping resolve your issue too. With that said: This error would indicate that your database is missing the table mentioned and a full restore would need to take place from when it existed. If intentionally deleted all Pages tables from your database, you would need to restore and uninstall the application as it was not properly uninstalled.
  17. Could you please provide the ticket ids? Also, please clarify how these users are submitting these tickets. To my knowledge, it looks like through your community (not email)?
  18. Yes, if you recently changed a setting for profile photos then this task would of course update those related in batches.
  19. If you are going to be submitting support requests for a user, you will need to be added to their license as an alternative contact. Unfortunately, due to security and privacy policy, we cannot go poking around on another client's community unless specific authorization has been provided. Also, this avoids license agreement issues also where a client could submit a help topic and not have support, etc...
  20. That would be your solution then, it is not suitable for your environment 😉
  21. Unfortunately, we would require the associated slow query log to tell what query that is and what is happening to that query.
  22. Sorry, they will need to post here: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/15-test-posting-messages/
  23. These settings do not exist in version 3. YouTube is a whole different animal as that is a supported rich video embed so can ignore that 🙂 . The remote image setting will only apply to images, not any other URL or embed. I'm afraid, there is no way to rebuild these post-upgrade. Why we recommend testing these upgrades 🙂 . If you find this happens again, please let us know though.
  24. There are no means to delete these characters at this time.
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