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Daniel F

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Everything posted by Daniel F

  1. You've obviously renamed clubs to circles. https://www.bisoncircle.com/circles/?filter=mine Edit: Ah , just saw the second part after the image🤣
  2. Yea, it's yourUrl/clubs/?filter=mine
  3. Thx, my changes were reverted in the blog and I really don't know how it's happening, I can't reproduce this local and I also haven't seen any other client with this issue so it must be something 3rd party related. How exactly are you changing the blog settings and where /how are you setting up the imports?
  4. This was indeed fixed a while ago. Are you sure that your test board is running the latest version? Is it accessible via internet? Could I probably take a look at this?
  5. Could you add your Q&A answers in the client area so that we can take a look at this?
  6. If your community is up2date, you'll have to download the package from the client area https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea , extract it and only upload the applications/convert directory.Once the upload finished, you can install it via the ACP => System => Applications page.
  7. I have few minor suggestions😍 Fire a webhook when an instance is started ( payload: Member & Campaign) It would be handy if there was also a webhook when a campaign is created/started, but I guess this could be really tricky.. not sure if it's really reasonable. A REST endpoint where one could start & cancel a specific campaign for a specific member
  8. A minor improvement idea: The Menu shouldn't be visible for members which aren't allowed to access the forums application at all.
  9. You could use a simple plugin which adds a VAT field to the registration form and which validates the data agains an API like https://vatlayer.com or https://www.isvat.eu
  10. I have added indexnow today, so it should be found in the next release;) I think that searching for "tag manager" should already link to the integrations page.
  11. Thanks for bringing the issue to our attention. I have pushed a fix which is awaiting review.
  12. Your issue is not related to the other topic. So what happens on your community, is that any not existing page redirects back to your index page instead of letting IPS handle the response, which also results in that the IndexNow Key File logic is never called! There must be some 3rd party application or plugin changing this behaviour.
  13. There's a similar (but not same:D ) issue reported here I'm investigating both right now.
  14. There are no settings. I'm going to investigate this on your community right now.
  15. Hi, apologies, I just tested it local and was able to reproduce what you're seeing. We're going to fix this for an upcoming release.
  16. Because of: Even if you change the setting, the previously soft deleted content is still there and will be removed with the task.
  17. Most of the time we're using the same value as the header tag, so you can access it via \IPS\Output::I()->title, so using a php block you should be able to get it via: echo \IPS\Output::i()->title;
  18. While looking at the issue, I've noticed that you have thousands of logged errors in your system log. Have you tried to disable all 3rd party apps and plugins? Few of them like the Rules App are definitely not compatible with the current IPS release!
  19. Did you get any notifications in the meanwhile? The content is still flagged for deletion and it's being deleted by a background task which runs daily. If you didn't get anything yet, I would suggest to wait for 12h before we continue to investigate this further.
  20. I have raised an internal suggestion to probably add an additional payload like "soft-deleted/permanently_deleted"to the delete hook and to fire it in both cases.
  21. That's an issue with a 3rd party app (probably a custom payment gateway) If you're not sure which one, you can check the hooks database table to see which application or plugin is associated with the hook 565
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