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Daniel F

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Posts posted by Daniel F

  1. Can you confirm that you also updated the cron job after switching the PHP version?

    8 minutes ago, Hatsu said:

    Depending on your set up for cronjobs it can be that your path in the cronjob (config) still points to the 7.4 executable. If you use Plesk f.e. and you use their menu for cronjobs where you have to provide the absolute path to PHP this can happen. It happened for me when I changed my PHP version and forget about the cronjobs. But you can't see this in ACP.

    Yea, I'm quite sure that it's this. The current command in the ACP to create the cron job points to  /opt/cpanel/ea-php80/root/usr/bin/php 


    so anything created with PHP7.x would have pointed to /opt/cpanel/ea-php7....

  2. According to the error log you're not using PHP8 for the CLI cron job, even if your TASK setting shows the path to the php8 executable.

    I've called the locked tasks from the ACP where they worked without any problems and have added some logging code to the applications/core/interface/task/task.php to see what's going on.

  3. 6 minutes ago, opentype said:

    I’ve seen this problem with several blocks (e.g. recent achievements) and remember forum discussion about this. 

    Usually, it doesn’t appear because blocks like those don’t need to differentiate between guests and members. But since privacy is a bigger concern in Germany, German websites will often hide the member profiles from guests. And then there would need to be a difference between the cached guest block and the cached member block. Apparently there is none. So whenever the block caching time is over, the status of the first visitor of the page will decide whether everyone sees the guest version or the member version for the next 5 minutes or so. 

    Love the finding! And I can confirm that @ossipetz has them disabled for guests.
    We have a bug report for this

  4. 2.2.0 was released yesterday( I forgot to change the version number, so there's a new update but wit the same file as yesterday🥺 )

    This release fixes a issue wit the google search console integration and I was able to decrease the package size to < 7MB.

    Next to the minor improvements, this release also includes a link inside the analytics form to open the live meta tag editor, a new setting in the ACP to flag whole forums and it's topics as no index and the UGC attribute can now be set on a per user group basis.



    Last but not least, there's now also a button on the settings page to disable the experimental background site analyzer, which will also prune all created background tasks.Could contain: Page, Text, File

  5. 6 hours ago, opentype said:

    With their current page-view based tiers, I can’t see how it would make sense as a core feature. Sure, there would be a few who would be willing to pay for it, but what about the 98% who wouldn’t? What would they see? It would at least need a fallback solution, in which case, IPS could just implement that and wouldn’t have to bother with the Font Awesome implementation in the first place. The only reason FontAwesome 4.7 made it into the product was that it was free and there were no limitations. If the system changes, it would probably better to find a different free solution. 

    Doesn't this only apply to kits? https://fontawesome.com/docs/web/setup/use-kit



    Included pageviews per month on sites using Font Awesome Kits.

    See also https://github.com/FortAwesome/vue-fontawesome/issues/220

  6. If anybody else is curious about the fix

    18 minutes ago, Daniel F said:


    1. Disable the "Enable Background Analyzer" feature. It's on the settings page under the "Experimental Features" tab

    2. Run following query to delete the tasks:

    DELETE FROM core_queue WHERE app='seoessentials'


  7. 5 hours ago, My Sharona said:

    I would be curious to see if anyone has metrics from before using this plugin to metrics after it being implemented. I'm sure there is no doubt it works, I guess my question is to what extent it works. I understand that the quantitative degree it works is dependent upon the site itself, it's niche and activity levels, I'm just curious on any metrics to support the app is all. 


    It's tricky to show results. SEO is a long ongoing process, things don't change overnight but here's with permission of the client a project where I'm kind of a SEO & tech consultant. You can def. see a trend in the last 3 months:)

    Could contain: File, Text

    It's important to understand that it's not only the result of the application, also the theme was optimized and they started with content optimization.

    I can guarantee that such results are also possible without this application, but it’s easier and less hassle. 

  8. 4 hours ago, beats23 said:

    I don't know anything about SEO so I'm trying to understand the benefits of this app.

    Will this app make content posted in IPS pages and forum show up on google search engine much better when someone searches in google? 

    I'll be honest:

    It can help, but it can also hurt you extreme! One wrong click in the settings and you'll probably lose a bunch of existing results.(That said, this can already happen with the default IPS 😄 ) but since my app is more powerful and includes a bunch of preconfigured features which can be enabled with just one click, it can also cause a lot of harm with only one click!

    One example which really bothers me right now are the no index settings.
    The upcoming December release will include the no index settings for forums, so one accidental click, one unintentionally marked forum and all indexed topics could disappear from Google in the future and it could take some time until they get indexed again one you noticed and fixed your mistake.Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text

    But that's just one part of the app:)

    There are also few other features which are handy and which could improve the result on the SERP ( Search Engine Result Page) or the UX when a link is shared somewhere, but that's just a small bunch right now, but I promise that a lot more is coming(36 items are right now on my todo list for Q1 2023 ) 😄. Especially the inline linking improvements are something what I'm really excited about. More TBA 🙂


    The holidays are going to be a busy time:)
    My todo list for the next 2 months

    CleanShot 2022-11-26 at 19.35.47@2x.png

  9. 10 minutes ago, Ramsesx said:

    Just for your information, if installed it throws out this one:

    2C133/4 Die Anwendung, die Du zu installieren versuchst,

    Are you on the cloud? If not, could you try to uninstall the app increase the memory limit ? I’ve noticed that some hosts have a problem with the big package. I have reduced it already extrem( from 50 MB to 10 MB) but will try to remove even more files from the google client library 

  10. Depending on your server it’s also worth to try to increase following constant values


                    // Maximum number of things to rebuild per cycle for background tasks
                    'REBUILD_INTENSE' => 1, // For extremely intensive routines, such as rebuilding images
                    'REBUILD_SLOW'    => 50,    // For routines that take a while
                    'REBUILD_NORMAL'    => 250,    // For most routines
                    'REBUILD_QUICK'    => 500,    // For routines that are fast

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