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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Its a very very broad error, so its likely not. Its simply saying the queue task broken, which could be anything at all that is running in background tasks
  2. This is likely because you are in your admin CP and not on our site. So it would show yours usually unless you explicitly save it again as one of your own. I cant replicate anything happening differently to what I usually see this end.
  3. If you switch on word keys, it will tell you what is being used in any area. Please see the following guides on transactions https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/languages-and-localization_326/translating-using-the-visual-language-editor-r119/ And https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/languages-and-localization_326/translating-using-the-standard-editor-r120/
  4. Glad to hear its sorted for you. May well take you up on that beer one day. Around 4000 miles from you at present, so may be a while 😄
  5. I understand its happening on ours (we likely have caused the same problem for ourselves). The currency symbol is set by your locale. Please ensure you are using the correct locale for your currency
  6. Please update a fresh set of files as mentioned above, and then go to /admin/upgrade to run the upgrader. This will apply the patch for you
  7. The issue appears to be one of your editor plugins. When they are disabled, the editor loads up with no issue
  8. Got it. The wrong one was selected there. While I'm looking, you want me to wipe the URL from the other one so you know which to select? Im seeing what I expected I would see there. The theme itself an what it shows is the same on both. Could I ask you to clear your browser cache and see what is showing then? Failing that, I would need to know what browser and OS you are using (sending you pic via PM so you can see what I mean)
  9. Have you disabled all 3rd party? It looks like an application is trying to extend that. While understand you may not have commerce, it doesnt nessesarily mean you won't have an application which would use commerce if it exists.
  10. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  11. This would generally be custom language pack issues (I will report internally on our own site). Are you using a customised language pack there, and if so, could you please test on an unaltered one to let us know if this also occurs there
  12. Could you let me know what site this is on please?
  13. Yes you can update to 4.7.2 while on PHP 7.4
  14. This has been sorted for you, so you can now install a new test instance
  15. These have to be checked by a developer. Im not one of the developers unfortunately. These are being gone through as quickly as possible
  16. This is something that has to be done unfortunately as there are unrecoverable issues in PHP 8 that can be caused. However we have updated the upgrade notes to make this more clear. You can read more about this here
  17. Unless this is something that has been specifically blocked by AWS, in which case I would expect you wouldnt be able to get to the site at all, this can only really be something wrong with the connection itself unfortunately. I use VPNs every day to connect to cloud sites without any issue at all.
  18. I have moved this to another topics, as the error isnt actually the same as the topic you posted on there 🙂 Glad to hear you managed to get the issue resolved on your site there 🙂
  19. This does indeed sound odd as they are actually different views of the same date (if broken on one it should be broken on the other). Do you have an example link I can take a look at? I can then see whats going on, and if I cannot resolve myself, we can get this escalated for you (please ensure all access detail is up to date of course)
  20. You would not generally transfer everything from one cloud platform to another. Could I ask why it is you would want to do this? Is it just because you have the wrong one active at present?
  21. Please do let us know if this happens again of course, but seems its solved for you at present
  22. I have locked this topic, as this has been covered in the topic mentioned just above this response. Please respond there if you have anything you wish to add that we havent already answered in that topic
  23. Please could you provide more information on what you mean when you say misbehaving? Ive not noticed any issues myself, and also use 1password
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