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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. It's worth noting here, that the decision is quite simply market driven. It's not that enterprise customers only install a few add-ons. It's actually that the majority of customers of any type don't install any at all. Enterprise will actually tend to go for custom solutions from developers for their own needs.
  2. I'll let some of those who have already moved answer more than myself, as I understand it can be important to come from customers rather than staff. However just wanted to let you know on the cloud move side of things. Essentially, you provide us with the files in a zip, and your database in a zip. We then do the move to cloud on a mutually agreed date. The only other thing you need to do is to add records on your domain, or point your whole domain to us (depending on the domain being used). The brief answer really is, as painless as possible 🙂 I can get you a ticket opened with our sales team if there is anything else you need to discuss of course
  3. For those, you want to look at your translations. Search for _date_month . In this case its _date_month_short
  4. Glad to see that your site is back online. With the above, I would advise the first thing you do is to check each to ensure they are up to date, before you start enabling them. Having so many, its very likely you will hit an issue at some point. If you do and cant get back to the ACP you can use recovery mode to get back to the ACP at any point https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/welcome/getting-support-r292/ Its worth also reviewing what you did to get to this point, just to save you having the same problems again in the future, as I do understand it can be very frustrating Ensure you are up to date as releases come out. This will prevent these kinds of issues from occurring as much. In this instance, an app scanner was added in earlier versions where switch to PHP 8 was nessesary, and this version was compatible with both PHP 7 and PHP 8. So it would have told you there was an issue prior to upgrading. Unfortunately, because you had never upgraded, you never got the app scanner before it was too late. Ensure your 3rd party items are up to date at all times. This is just as important if you are going to use them, as it is keeping the main applications up to date. Many are likely to have released versions compatible with PHP 8 since the versions you have Use 3rd party items sparingly - If you have 50 3rd party applications, I would really go through those and see if you need them. 50 is a lot for any site The support area of your admin CP, will more than often be correct. It stated there that your files were out of date. You resolved this by uploading the files again and running the upgrader. If you have uploaded files, you would always need to have run the upgrader. Not a dig in any way. Just trying to help you to understand where you have gone wrong, so you can prevent yourself the frustration in the future 🙂
  5. While I empathise with the situation you are currently in, having 50 3rd party items is probably what is causing you issues in the first place. Its not really possible for us to debug your system for 3rd party item issues. The issue with the files showing out of date, is likely just that. The files are out of date. You can upload a fresh set from your client area. If this is the latest release, then you would need to run the upgrade afterwards. I realise that puts you in a bit of a circular situation, however, that would go back to the original point. You need to ensure each of your applications are compatible with PHP 8, or things will indeed fail. It's worth pointing out here, this is a very good reason why you should really add 3rd party items sparingly, and if you are going to use them, you should ensure they are kept up to date in line with keeping your IPS applications up to date. The issue you have here is its been left so long you have no option but to jump both major versions and a PHP version and update 3rd party items at once. This is always going to leave you in a bit of a precarious position, unfortunately.
  6. It would depend what the server is doing and how its caching. That would be a question for your host
  7. opcache, for example, can serve an old version of a file, even if you have uploaded a newer version. if the upgrade is stating the files are out of date, it can only be due to the server reading an older file
  8. Check for any caching running on your server. This is very likely caused by cache somewhere
  9. Have you just visited the admin CP before you have finished the upgrader? If so, that why they would be showing there
  10. Disabling will not be enough for some if they are incompatible with PHP 8. If they are incompatible entirely, you would need to upgrade those prior, or remove them prior. I would advise on checking this first of all
  11. We can certainly take a look at this for you. Before we continue, please complete the upgrade to our latest release. Once this is done, let us know what you were trying to create an invoice for at the time, and we'll get this looked into
  12. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  13. Yes, this is indeed what I mean. The locale is what sets the items you mentioned above, which is part of the OS
  14. I have created a ticket on this for you, so we can take a closer look
  15. As I mentioned above, we are unable to tell you exactly what they should be. This is something only your hosting company can really tell you. If you do not have uploads/logs you need to upload a fresh set of files from your client area, as you are missing things
  16. They would be sent out with the name of the site instead of a logo
  17. As mentioned in my message above, this is actually an intentional design. Changes in design in areas such as these can have impact on other areas, so would not generally be changed (if they are to be changed) until a major release/redesign of the software.
  18. There is no fix for this at present, as its not actually a bug. It's a limitation in the way this area is designed. These areas have completely changed for version 5 however.
  19. These is currently no way to post an extra fields object when posting files on the REST API. You can only retrieve them at present. https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api?endpoint=downloads/files/POSTindex I have however moved this to our developer forums, as it is indeed a question for developers. I understand you are asking if the functionality is available, however our APIs by definition are programming interfaces.
  20. You need to ensure it's the version stated in your admin CP rather than just making sure its switched on. If you are unsure on this, you would need to contact your hosting provider for assistance
  21. This being the case I would probably switch on slow query logs and monitor that so you can see what is slowing down the process there.
  22. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
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