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Stuart Silvester

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Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. Do you have the latest 4.7.11 patch? that should have solved this
  2. This is a feature for 'gifting' a subscription, which is why it's always free for the first term (at least), so this looks like it's working as intended. If you want someone to pay for a Subscription, create an invoice for them instead, adding the subscription product. We can fix that double month though.
  3. I suspect that's related to the other item you posted, As a work around you could use the standard cookies tag and translate the 'cookies_message' string instead: I have logged some information and we'll take a look at that next week. This patch was specifically to address the impacting appearance of not being logged in in some circumstances..
  4. We've just pushed out a patch that should address these issues with appearing to be logged out on first visit. Please apply it from AdminCP > System > Get Support - In the 'Invision Community' box, you'll see an optional patch (if applicable to your community).
  5. I would recommend trying 4.7.11, we did update an authorize endpoint to the v2 API instead of v1. It's possible that it may be related to this since the error response mentions the v1 API. REST API v2 is the latest version, v3 does not exist.
  6. It sounds like you may have a Javascript cache issue, go to AdminCP > Support > Clear Caches to see if that solves your problem.
  7. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  8. Perfect, thank you for the follow up. Do you use a CDN such as Cloudfront or Cloudflare(that will cache pages based on the cache-control headers)? I've made some notes and will further test this.
  9. Have a look in the 'core_log' database table for this error (and the array_map one), I would like to see the backtrace / more log data. I bet you're regretting not upgrading from 3.x sooner 🙂
  10. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  11. Hi Grant, Thanks for the updates. It looks like you have the Cookie Consent / Guest Terms bar completely disabled, is that correct?
  12. That wouldn't be anything related to how the redirects work. They work after the conversion based on the URL. The quotes are updated during (or immediately after) the conversion in the `fixPostData()` method.
  13. Are you sure this is the right server? 4.7.11 does not have anything on line 1505 of init.php. That error is definitely that you're using PHP 7 instead of 8.
  14. Right, but you have uploaded the files for 4.7.11, so now you must use PHP 8.0 or 8.1. For some reason your server doesn't appear to be using PHP 8 when loading Invision Community, it would be worth talking to your web host about that. Additionally, it might be worth making sure that your domain name is loading content from your new server and not your old one.
  15. Maybe your MySQL hostname is wrong, something isn't specified correct in the config. - https://www.google.com/search?q=mysql+"No+such+file+or+directory" That's not really related to the other issue you are seeing though. You're definitely running an older version of PHP (when the framework loads) that isn't compatible. I would focus on figuring that out first.
  16. It's not something we support at this time for various reasons ( in any of our converters ). I'm afraid we don't have any immediate plans to change this.
  17. Your web host may be able to tell you, Invision Community doesn't overwrite this file.
  18. Well, it's two fold really. The MySQLi exception is being thrown because whilst it's connecting to your MySQL server, it cannot use the database you're connecting to (check the details in conf_global.php are correct). Newer versions of PHP throw an exception instead of an error here, I have just published an update to ips4.php to disable these exceptions.
  19. Check your conf_global.php file, the `base_url` should contain https:// if it is http:// update it and then clear the caches via the AdminCP > Support page.
  20. Use the latest release to upgrade [4.7.11], I assume you're using 4.7.10.
  21. Quote headers will not link to the original content following a conversion, that isn't something our SMF Converter has support for. Yes, User URLs will redirect.
  22. This is a bug that we've fixed, we're preparing a patch for some common issues we're seeing in the PII/Cookie Consent feature. The patch will include this fix.
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