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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. There are no plans for this for various reasons. (Performance issues, work required … and the fact that linked images are also often GIFs, emoji and so on, while if you go through the trouble of actually uploading an attachment, it’s much more likely a proper “topic image”.)
  2. You don’t miss much. The linked article is specifically for developers and designers and is therefore posted in the appropriate sub-forum. It wouldn’t be very helpful to most forum owners. The theme changes are public and the link is in the first reply.
  3. The answer will be in the code. The output alone doesn’t give any indication. This type of output means something that is not text is sent from PHP as text. There are many reasons why this could happen. But again, the answer is in the code, not in the output.
  4. Maybe you are mixing up the two available apps? There is one for Invision Community (this site) and a separate one for Invision Communities.
  5. It’s not public yet. But if you run a 4.5 beta, you can find the links for Android/iOS test versions in the ACP.
  6. For every Commerce product there is a field you can fill, which will be visible to the customers in client area. You could use that to give the link to the stream. However, people might struggle to find that without further instructions. If the events aren’t too frequent, I second Paul’s suggestion that you could use temporary member group promotions. If your paying customers are in special secondary group, you can show them blocks, pages, menu entries and so on. You could probably design an entire streaming page just for this member group, which sounds like a good(-looking) solution.
  7. The sites are being approved and are usable already. There is a search bar and a category overview to browse the communities. @Rikki The way that “Entertainment” is shown is such an evil OCD trigger.
  8. It’s not a feature yet. So there is no “fix”. It is actually my top request for the mobile app. I know that when I had a third-party solution in the past, it was the push notifications for new private messages that kept bringing members back to the app.
  9. I see. That’s even worse as a reason, since the software already provides functionalities that make it unnecessary to manually deal with things as “unread posts” in a topic.
  10. So write an article and explain it to them. 😉 I can easily link one post and another from this topic. Other than the “that’s how we always did it”, there really is no advantage in having me retrieve post numbers and then having every user manually trying to navigate to those numbers.
  11. Put this in your theme’s custom.css .cForumTopicTable .ipsDataItem_meta time { display: none; }
  12. You probably have content (blocks) that is shown based on the user groups, which is pretty normal. Have you inspected what is shown to who using the front end block manager?
  13. Usually it means that something in the main column forces too much horizontal space for the main column, so the sidebar doesn’t fit anymore. But since we can’t see the sidebar at all a guest, it’s impossible to tell.
  14. That’s intentional and the lesser evil. Otherwise one folder will get all the images, which often leads to the situation that it can’t even be opened anymore—via FTP for example.
  15. I haven’t said anything about “widgets” or “record feed”. The layout is not a widget. It’s a template for a database page and the setting I mentioned is in the settings for the database.
  16. That’s against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/66355?hl=en Google doesn’t want that and might reduce your ranking for trying.
  17. That a stock layout and it appears when you set the “database index” to “show records like articles”.
  18. It sound like the criticism is “if it’s not perfect and complete at the start, it’s pointless in general”. They are just starting out with it! Monetization, messages, more native app views and so on. I am sure it’s on the road map or will be put there if we need it. By the way: you can already add more than just forums. I just added a Pages article section and it works just fine.
  19. I am pretty sure it will come. But … I don’t think it will come quickly. I don’t think it will be cheap.
  20. opentype


    I’m not seeing that. WordPress and Joomla are free and used by millions. It’s a rather different situation than with a proprietary commercial software package like the IPS Community Suite. If IPS makes money with it each installation, unpaid contributions are less likely than with free software. What kind of site are you running where you need many languages? The vast majority of communities have one dominant language for the content and so that (and only that) language is really needed for the interface as well. Even if I have users from many areas of the world, I don’t need to and don’t want to provide other languages just for the interface. That only creates a weird language mix on every page.
  21. I don’t understand. The bug tracker IS an example of the default listing template.
  22. Probably, but I don’t guarantee it. I haven’t started working on 4.5 compatibility updates yet.
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