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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Just a quick update on this one, purely for information - currently working on v3.0.0, which will contain the following: NEW Added a new group setting to allow you to stop members of group A from mentioning someone in Group B, while still allowing them to mention someone in Group C. Added an "Observed effect on unauthorised groups?" setting to control the way the mention list will work for those who are not allowed to use mentions either display the "You are not authorised to..." or will completely disable the ipsmentions plugin in the Editor, so that when a user types @ and a few characters then they will not get a listing at all (previously provided this out as a quick plugin, now going to be included in this resource) Added back-end functionality to ensure that a mentioned user is actually allowed to be mentioned useful in the event that someone copies/pastes a previous @mention into a new topic. CHANGES Prettied up the "You are not authorised to use the @Mentions functionality" display The following controls have now been placed in a "Mentions" tab when editing a group "Include accounts from these groups" (renamed to "Include members of this group in the mention listing?") "Groups allowed to disable mentions" (renamed to "Allow members of this group to disable mentions?") "Groups allowed to use @Mentions functionality" (renamed to "Allow member of this group to use @mentions?") And the following will be further reviewed for inclusion: CHANGE "Disable mentions" feature - if user chooses to disable being mentioned, but is then removed from a group that allows them to do that, then the choice will be ignored and the user will be included in mention lists (Ref: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/440927-ne-mention-list-enhancements/?do=findComment&comment=2940302) FIX "Disable mentions" feature - check over existing functionality, correct any observed anomalies (Ref: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/440927-ne-mention-list-enhancements/?do=findComment&comment=2940302) ETA: hoping to have the new version out in a couple of weeks.
  2. v1.4.0 is currently pending approval NEW added support for using the "Ctrl" keys instead of/as well as the "Esc" key. allows checking for left, right or both keys. added setting to allow presenting a confirmation prompt prior to opening sites this is only used when pressing the Esc/Ctrl keys, as they may be accidental actions (clicking the 'Leave' button is a more deliberate action therefore the confirmation prompt isn't a necessity in that case) FIXES fixed issue where the "Enable 'Esc' key" user account setting would appear enabled even though it had been disabled by the user. fixed issue where the "Functionality available for these groups" -> "Groups" setting may not save correctly if choosing groups. fixed issue where the "User controls" -> "Allow users to configure their own settings" setting may not save correctly if choosing groups. fixed issue where the 'Leave' button may be visible but non-functional for members of groups not allow to use the functionality. CHANGES minor language string updates.
  3. Just have to remember to switch this one to 'Reject the sign in' when disabling registrations (and switch it back when allowing them)
  4. Here is what it looks like on the default Invision theme, which is what I work with: You're using a custom theme, plus you've included the user's reputation information in the same area as the badges, so things look different and more cramped as a result. If you want the badges placed in a different location then suggest the position and I can look into options for that, but unfortunately, all I can suggest to you right now is to disable the display of the reputation information. Missed this last night...I could have sworn I had an option in there to control group access to the functionality but at first glance, it appears I don't - I'll double-check tomorrow morning on this one.
  5. Bloody cache - I shake my fist at it!! Enjoy! Let me know if you have any ideas on other areas to 'Display my badges'!
  6. At least on the front-end, you are completely missing the JS files that are provided via the includeJS template. I know you have provided a screenshot that shows as the software version but checking your site, it appears you are running 4.7.6 (I dug down earlier into the versions.json) If you have installed a theme that is for 4.7.11.x then it could explain why this... ...exists, as that was only introduced in v4.7.11 of the code. What happens if you switch to an unaltered Invision theme?
  7. Provide a link to your site, not screenshots of a topic. Please provide screenshots of your configured settings for the application. I will look into it on Friday morning UK time - I am AFK until then.
  8. Yep - it's theoretically doable. Note: that's not me offering to do it, by the way.
  9. Oh no...I'm not suggesting anything at all. I was just going to point you towards the plans/pricing details for your chosen option to provide you an indication of how expensive your requirement may become.
  10. Just to clarify, then...what you are seeking is a feature that translates the entire page at the time of the user requesting the page, so that the served page is entirely in their language?
  11. Contact the developer as per the support details on the resource
  12. v3.1.0 is currently pending approval NEW added the ability to reorder pinned topics without requiring the "Separate" or "Separate and collapse" functionality to be enabled.
  13. Tip: download, upload, run this, correct any errors if they appear. Wouldn't be surprised if it came back indicating a database connection issue.
  14. This is how I am doing it, adding the same placeholder to multiple text autocomplete fields on one page Put a data-controller in place, and add the name(s) of the field(s) to a data-fields attribute on that controller <div data-controller="your.data.controller" data-fields="field_1,field_2,field_3"></div> Add a language string to jslang.php 'your_language_string'=>'Your placeholder' Little bit of javascript... ; (function ($, _, undefined) { "use strict"; let fields; ips.controller.register('your.data.controller', { initialize: function () { fields = this.scope.data('fields'); if (fields !== '') { $(document).ready(function () { let fieldsArray = fields.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < fieldsArray.length; i++) { $('#' + fieldsArray[i]).find('input[aria-autocomplete="list"]').each(function () { $(this).attr('placeholder', ips.getString('your_language_string')); $(this).css('width', '200px'); }); } $(document).on('tokenDeleted', function (event, data) { for (var i = 0; i < fieldsArray.length; i++) { $('#' + fieldsArray[i]).find('input[aria-autocomplete="list"]').each(function () { $(this).css('width', '200px'); }); } }); }); } } }); } (jQuery, _) The css modifications there are purely to extend the placeholder out to make it visible fully (the area in the field is 20px in width by default, which is too small to display much text) You could refine it to just do one field, or do multiple fields with different placeholders. Hope that makes sense.
  15. @DawPi - are you still looking for a way to do this? Nathan Explosion - YNWA.TV (Test site) — Mozilla Firefox 2023-06-30 15-45-56.mp4
  16. Thanks for checking - just wanted to rule out the ones that hadn't been thought of by others already.
  17. Lovely - ruled out the silly possibility that it wasn't published. Next one - you are choosing to "Show this item to users who can access its content." - have you confirmed that the Page itself has permissions set to allow the page to be accessible, and the same with the Database? Reason for asking this - the default permission on a new Page has no groups selected. If you create a database, and don't assign it to a Page at the time of creation, and then go back and create a Page and add the database there, then you are potentially looking for a Page that isn't accessible. Just adding some possibilities to the mix.
  18. @Marc Stridgen - here's a different possibility... User types up their content User posts their content Content submits, but the Editor still displays their content as it has not been cleared post-submission. User posts again, thinking the content didn't submit. Repeat. The only way to really check on that is to pop open the developer console at the time of submission and keep an eye out for an error response to the AJAX submission, which would result in the content not been removed.
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