You're using native JS - ${variable} would be fine if jQuery wasn't already using $.
Change a line
And then it works fine, depending on where you put it
WHERE in Pages? More detail, not scraps...
Have you tried it yet yourself? What were the results, if you did?
You've given zero indication about where you are planning to use that so it is difficult to say if it would be correct. More detail is always better than...
Anyway...this JS will work, depending on where you put it.
const memberId = ips.getSetting('memberID');
const userLink = document.getElementById('elUserLink');
const memberName = userLink.textContent.trim();
And I am showing him where he can find the URL for the RSS feed of a page when it is being viewed, which is what he was originally asking for and wasn't ever actually answered in a clear statement
This is the forum:
Now, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page:
That is the link to the RSS feed for that forum.
It will be the same place on each page if an RSS feed exists for it - it's down there in the footer area.
And seeing as staff can view who the author is (via that eye) then nothing extra is being presented here that isn't already available via that method.
And disabling the "Can view anonymous author info?" mod permission results in the hiding of both the eye and the 'edited' information.
Yep, that's the badger. Viewed as someone who can see the edited information:
And then viewed by someone who isn't permitted to view the edited information:
And now tested...anonymous user unable to edit their own post, as far as I can see, so not sure how they've ended up in the situation the poster mentions (same user posted all three of the below, and is being used to attempt to edit)
Good because that is what they are reporting - not that someone else has edited it, but that the anonymous poster has edited it.
Anyway - was just correcting the 'quoted' confusion.
Off I head to test it out now...