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The Old Man

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    The Old Man got a reaction from Gauravk in 4.4: New Email Features   
    I just can't understand it. 🙄 Opting to limit the amount of content in the email should surely be an option out of the box, especially when we're already battling the blight of social media. The "You might also be interested in" section of the email is truncated with the intention of driving engagement activity back to the site.
  2. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from supernal in 4.4: SEO Improvements   
    Brilliant, really, really chuffed that you reached out to Yoast on this, experts in their field. Would love to see more examples of this.
    I've always thought that Invision Community could do with an equivalent Yoast SEO and W3 Total Cache performance add-on to make life easier and assist with content authoring of news and blog articles. 
    I get chills thinking about IPS reaching out to Elegant Themes to bring Divi Builder to Pages! 
  3. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Markus Jung in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    This is really good news, I'd been hoping to see a performance-based release for some time as traditionally IPS does rate low in Page SpeedGTMetrix/Yslow tests and we've been waiting for some of these overdue improvements for quite some time. So huge thanks! 
    Lazyloading should really help with Gallery in particular, I currently get a poor Pagespeed score of F42 on one of my sites.
    Please consider adding to your to do list (if not already added):
    Serve scaled images (current GTMetrix reports a score of F0 with a 1.2MiB 80% possible saving is possible on my Gallery index page) Where static content is uploaded to Amazon S3 and Cloudfront (it should be copied, not moved!), often there is missing header metadata such as cache-control, expires etc. Whilst investigating poor Cloudfront cache hit ratios of just 5%, I noticed this week an IPS uploaded .png image placed in my S3 bucket with a content-type of image/jpeg instead of image/png.  Leverage Browser Caching (you can't do anything about Amazon and Google external resources, but IPS could and should add more to improve caching of its static resources) Specify Image Dimensions - I get awful scores for this both on Gallery and Forums where images are missing width and height attributes. This happens particularly in grid view layout and where you upload an image attachment into forum description fields via AdminCP.  Remove query strings from urls - Have raised this several times, and keep getting told it's needed to allow cache busting, but the string token could be built into the actual filename/url itself. If CSS for example is later rebuilt, a new url is created and immediately browsers see the updated resource and recache it. All of the separate CSS and JS files should be grouped into one or two files, not like 10-12. Pages article images should have medium sized thumbnails available instead of just tiny thumbnails which look awful stretch to cover on 4K displays. The alternative is full-sized (in my case massive 1920x1080 images) which kill page loading times are are such overkill for article listing previews.  
  4. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Nebthtet in 4.4: SEO Improvements   
    Brilliant, really, really chuffed that you reached out to Yoast on this, experts in their field. Would love to see more examples of this.
    I've always thought that Invision Community could do with an equivalent Yoast SEO and W3 Total Cache performance add-on to make life easier and assist with content authoring of news and blog articles. 
    I get chills thinking about IPS reaching out to Elegant Themes to bring Divi Builder to Pages! 
  5. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Matt in Why I try and avoid the F word in public   
    You had me at 'Message Board'. 😍 I never liked Bulletin Board. 😝
    I use Discussion, Community as well as Forums.
    I think Discussion is a bit formal and not very welcoming but I suppose it depends on your site.
    The more trendy Community is more friendly sounding but perhaps for some invokes visions of cults, or more sensibly puts an emphasis on involvement and sharing which to some who just want to lurk could be equally off putting.
    Mmmmm, nomenclature.
  6. Like
    The Old Man reacted to GTServices in 10 Tips For Converting from vBulletin to Invision Community   
    2 decades as vbulletin big board admin/programmer
    A few things to be aware of...
    With every major conversion there will be a loss in traffic. If done correctly, you should see traffic levels close to normal in a few months. Prepare for the worse and you will come out on top. This will happen regardless of platform you select.
    Create a test site and run conversion. I recommend you do this a few times. This will give you an idea of how long the process will take. You will end up making mistakes so I recommend duplicating your test database first. eg, on one you can prune all private messages and see if that will speed up conversion ... if you have millions and millions of posts you definitely need to have a plan of action
    Start changing your old site so that it starts looking like the new. This decreases the shock in change. For example, I changed posts style on old site so that it looks similar to the new theme that I will be using. I also changed main page and directories so that it looks the same.
    If you haven't done so switch to HTTPS.
    Attachments (images) is a big generator of traffic for many sites - especially if you've been around for years. Although attachments are converted over without issues they are not redirected (old to new url). On a personal note, I literally lost thousands and thousands of Google image placements because of this oversight. This hurts backlinks. SEO.
    If you use vbseo/dbseo, if forum friendly urls include forum id then no issues redirecting old urls to new. If in the form of /forum-name/ then these will not be redirected properly. Topic urls will redirect regardless of type.
    Learn everything you can on how to use IPS Pages app. It's a very powerful system. You can create any type of directory or custom page with it.
    For search, use IPS built in elasticsearch feature if possible. You won't regret it. 
    For cache method, use Redis for everything if possible.
    Finally, be smart with number of plugins you install. IPS is fast but when you start adding a lot of plugins you could hurt performance.
  7. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Ocean West in 4.4: Recurring PayPal Payments and more with Braintree and Commerce   
    I submitted application to Braintree a week ago they finally approved it yesterday still waiting for the account links to the api.
     They wanted a lot of info including copies of article of incorporation, i don't remember Stripe/PayPal or Square  requesting much info and have been using PayPal all along which is already established yet required additional scrutiny even though they are a the same company.
    Am little leery about some things I read on their site regarding getting setup with a PCI company - seems like once you do your in for like the mafia, or at least mafia tactics. (based on watching customers jump thru hoops with their gateways)
  8. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Nebthtet in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    This is really good news, I'd been hoping to see a performance-based release for some time as traditionally IPS does rate low in Page SpeedGTMetrix/Yslow tests and we've been waiting for some of these overdue improvements for quite some time. So huge thanks! 
    Lazyloading should really help with Gallery in particular, I currently get a poor Pagespeed score of F42 on one of my sites.
    Please consider adding to your to do list (if not already added):
    Serve scaled images (current GTMetrix reports a score of F0 with a 1.2MiB 80% possible saving is possible on my Gallery index page) Where static content is uploaded to Amazon S3 and Cloudfront (it should be copied, not moved!), often there is missing header metadata such as cache-control, expires etc. Whilst investigating poor Cloudfront cache hit ratios of just 5%, I noticed this week an IPS uploaded .png image placed in my S3 bucket with a content-type of image/jpeg instead of image/png.  Leverage Browser Caching (you can't do anything about Amazon and Google external resources, but IPS could and should add more to improve caching of its static resources) Specify Image Dimensions - I get awful scores for this both on Gallery and Forums where images are missing width and height attributes. This happens particularly in grid view layout and where you upload an image attachment into forum description fields via AdminCP.  Remove query strings from urls - Have raised this several times, and keep getting told it's needed to allow cache busting, but the string token could be built into the actual filename/url itself. If CSS for example is later rebuilt, a new url is created and immediately browsers see the updated resource and recache it. All of the separate CSS and JS files should be grouped into one or two files, not like 10-12. Pages article images should have medium sized thumbnails available instead of just tiny thumbnails which look awful stretch to cover on 4K displays. The alternative is full-sized (in my case massive 1920x1080 images) which kill page loading times are are such overkill for article listing previews.  
  9. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Wren in 4.4: New Email Features   
    I just can't understand it. 🙄 Opting to limit the amount of content in the email should surely be an option out of the box, especially when we're already battling the blight of social media. The "You might also be interested in" section of the email is truncated with the intention of driving engagement activity back to the site.
  10. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from DamonT in 4.4: New Email Features   
    I just can't understand it. 🙄 Opting to limit the amount of content in the email should surely be an option out of the box, especially when we're already battling the blight of social media. The "You might also be interested in" section of the email is truncated with the intention of driving engagement activity back to the site.
  11. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Wren in 4.4: New Email Features   
    This is something i'd like to see as well; so that members come to the site rather than rely on reading emails only
  12. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Florent Bouillon in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    This is really good news, I'd been hoping to see a performance-based release for some time as traditionally IPS does rate low in Page SpeedGTMetrix/Yslow tests and we've been waiting for some of these overdue improvements for quite some time. So huge thanks! 
    Lazyloading should really help with Gallery in particular, I currently get a poor Pagespeed score of F42 on one of my sites.
    Please consider adding to your to do list (if not already added):
    Serve scaled images (current GTMetrix reports a score of F0 with a 1.2MiB 80% possible saving is possible on my Gallery index page) Where static content is uploaded to Amazon S3 and Cloudfront (it should be copied, not moved!), often there is missing header metadata such as cache-control, expires etc. Whilst investigating poor Cloudfront cache hit ratios of just 5%, I noticed this week an IPS uploaded .png image placed in my S3 bucket with a content-type of image/jpeg instead of image/png.  Leverage Browser Caching (you can't do anything about Amazon and Google external resources, but IPS could and should add more to improve caching of its static resources) Specify Image Dimensions - I get awful scores for this both on Gallery and Forums where images are missing width and height attributes. This happens particularly in grid view layout and where you upload an image attachment into forum description fields via AdminCP.  Remove query strings from urls - Have raised this several times, and keep getting told it's needed to allow cache busting, but the string token could be built into the actual filename/url itself. If CSS for example is later rebuilt, a new url is created and immediately browsers see the updated resource and recache it. All of the separate CSS and JS files should be grouped into one or two files, not like 10-12. Pages article images should have medium sized thumbnails available instead of just tiny thumbnails which look awful stretch to cover on 4K displays. The alternative is full-sized (in my case massive 1920x1080 images) which kill page loading times are are such overkill for article listing previews.  
  13. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from crmarks in The incredible power of anonymity when growing your community   
    I need to come back to finish reading this, but good article.
    First thing I do is remove the question asking for a member's gender which is for most a throwback to less enlightened times. It can be off-putting for new members, it is limited in responses, and for most communities very likely unjustified and unnecessary. Why not ask them for their sexuality and preferences too!
  14. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Matt in The incredible power of anonymity when growing your community   
    I need to come back to finish reading this, but good article.
    First thing I do is remove the question asking for a member's gender which is for most a throwback to less enlightened times. It can be off-putting for new members, it is limited in responses, and for most communities very likely unjustified and unnecessary. Why not ask them for their sexuality and preferences too!
  15. Like
    The Old Man reacted to All Astronauts in 4.4: Recurring PayPal Payments and more with Braintree and Commerce   
    Just to follow up with another important point.
    Accounts can and will get held/closed/messed with for "reasons". Could be good reasons, could be bad, could be lol you did nothing wrong but hah no money for you while we "investigate" and keep your account inaccessible for x-amount of time.
    If you receive your site income through a SINGLE gateway you are asking for all the trouble in the world. Roll with two (or more) and protect yourself.
  16. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Joel R in 4.4: Recurring PayPal Payments and more with Braintree and Commerce   
    1. When paying with PayPal, users see checkbox to automatically pay by PayPal.  Is this turned on by default? 
    2. Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Venmo - Do we define those as payment gateway on our end and offer as an option during check out? Or they're an option when users check out through the Braintree gateway? 
    3. Recommend switching to Braintree - do you really mean fake switch, because you can't actually convert existing subscriptions.  You mean keep the PayPal gateway active, but don't offer as a checkout option right? Which means we have to edit the setting in each product or subscription.  
  17. Like
    The Old Man reacted to AlexWebsites in 4.4: Recurring PayPal Payments and more with Braintree and Commerce   
    What if you are using stripe for credit cards and have paypal set up for just paypal, is there a way to move away from stripe for credit cards without disruption to existing subscriptions?
  18. Thanks
    The Old Man reacted to Mark in 4.4: Recurring PayPal Payments and more with Braintree and Commerce   
    Yes it is. Just like with Stripe you set up each as a separate payment method (but using the same credentials). This allows you to control where they are available (for example, since Apple Pay cannot handle recurring payments you might want to offer that only for products which don't have renewals). They will automatically hide if the user's device doesn't support them (Apple Pay can only be used on Apple products, for example). You can set the "Available To" setting in a payment method (which controls which countries it is available to) to none of them, which effectively "disables" a payment method. You can keep using Stripe for cards and just switch to Braintree for PayPal. If you wanted to switch everything to Braintree to have everything in one location, you would lose cards customers have stored on file (though this would be handled gracefully - they'll just be sent an invoice like they would if their card had expired).
  19. Thanks
    The Old Man reacted to Mark in 4.4: Recurring PayPal Payments and more with Braintree and Commerce   
    Other than notifying Commerce about a dispute (which does use a webhook), everything is initiated by Commerce's end. If a user revokes permission for the recurring charges from their PayPal account then the next time Commerce tries to charge it, it will treat it the same as it would a declined/expired credit card: it will try to use any other payment methods they have on their account and, failing that, will send them a renewal invoice.
  20. Haha
    The Old Man reacted to Joel R in Test drive Invision Community 4.4 now!   
    We should all race @Adlago in a community speedtest 🚗
  21. Thanks
    The Old Man reacted to Matt in 4.4: New Email Features   
    You can now do this while you're not logged in. I get you point, we might be able to sort this for 4.4.
  22. Thanks
    The Old Man reacted to Matt in 4.4: New Email Features   
    This is something we want to do. It won't make it for 4.4, but keep watching this space. (Not literally, nothing is going to happen in this specific space).
  23. Like
    The Old Man reacted to AndyF in 4.4: New Email Features   
    That does make sense in that it ensures if the reader is interested they return to the community get the "whole content" 🙂
    Are you suggesting (just a thought) an additional setting: Something like "limit to x characters" , it probably would work with sane values applied.
  24. Like
    The Old Man reacted to DamonT in 4.4: New Email Features   
    Great news!
    It would be nice to have built-in option to trim post content in notification emails. Firstly, it would be better for community, because if someone have to click link to read the content there is much bigger chance that he will reply in this topic (because he is reading post on forum not in mail). What's more, currently the mail with notification about really long post look awful (especially when there is some program listing in post content ex. on forum for programmers).
  25. Thanks
    The Old Man reacted to bfarber in 4.4: New Email Features   
    Makes sense - we can take a look at that before 4.4 is released.
    Yes (although realistically if you are using Sparkpost, you may be able to glean more advanced analytics through their control panel).
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