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Posts posted by Makoto

  1. 3 hours ago, sudo said:


    Just installed 1.7.0 after buying but I cant create a prefix from the tags listed from my vb import.

    If I use the drop down on a tag I get an error:

    2S106/1 Page Not Found.


    Hey Sudo!

    Sorry for the inconvenience, I've confirmed the issue and will have it fixed in a maintenance release.

    In the meantime, you can still manually add tags to customize by going to the Customize page and clicking the create button in the top right-hand corner.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Ernest_Defoe said:

    @Makoto I thought you mentioned this feature would be included in 1.6.0 but it’s not in 1.7.0 just curious when this will be implemented? Not fussing or anything just curious is all. 

    Hey Ernest,

    My apologies! It seems I forgot to actually add this to the issues tracker so it ended up slipping my mind. I've added it as a milestone for the next release now however, and it will definitely be included in 1.8.0 which I'll try and push out in the next week, along with a few other updates.

    Sorry again and thank you for your patience!

  3. 1 hour ago, Sascha Prinz said:

    Thanks for the update, but some of the tags can be also used as a normal tag. So they are still in the Tag cloud. 
    I think my option is the better way. 

    exclude explicit tags from cloud in the tag editor. 

    Alright, I'll see what I can do in the next update 🙂

  4. 1 minute ago, Serayah said:

    @Makoto I would buy if this has a paginated tags list on the front end that users can browse. guess it doesn't have that though? 

    Hey @Serayah!

    At the moment, this is currently not a feature, but that's a good suggestion!

    I'll add it to the issues tracker and see if I can get it in to the next major release.

  5. 5 hours ago, Oren Arizoni said:


    pre-purchase question: is it possible to use the radical tags to add only items from a db that were tagged with specific tags?


    Hey Oren!

    Can you elaborate on what you mean a bit? Add items where to where exactly? When you say a db I'm guessing you mean a pages database but I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do.

  6. Hmm, it looks like you're resizing the window really small on the desktop in this example, right?

    Looking at it normally on my desktop, it looks fine:


    I do in part see what you mean, however, this seems like a custom theme issue due to the forced padding on the right hand-corner of the screen your template uses. This issue would be present with prefixes even without Radical Tags installed.

    It's a nice looking theme and I'm not faulting the designer, but it does seem like this is just an issue on the themes end. For example, resizing in the same manner on my demo site does not produce this issue:



    I'd recommend contacting the theme author to see if they can make some adjustments in this regard.

  7. Finally, a dark theme I can get behind.

    I'll have to look into purchasing this soon. No absurd contrast levels. No ridiculously, blindingly vibrant buttons that clash horrendously with each other. No half-baked design with random white background elements scattered about.

    Just a good solid dark theme that's easy on the eyes.

    We need more like this.

  8. 5 hours ago, Sascha Prinz said:

    So. Thanks for adding the tag cloud.

    I use for my community standard prefixes, which are shown in the cloud. 

    Is it possible to exclude them ? 






    Sure, I can do that.

  9. It's a fair concern. I know the way IP.Gallery does this now is that you can enable/disable watermarks on an album basis.

    Would possibly adding forum based settings work for you? So watermarks would only be applied to images uploaded to specific forums. Or would you still need more fine-grained control?

  10. Hey @Dean_!

    Thank you for your feedback! This currently applies attachments to images uploaded by all members, but I can work on implementing a group based permissions system.

    Adding an option on whether or not to add watermarks during the actual upload will be tricky however, but I'll note the feedback and see what I can do.

    At the very least, I can have it where only groups you select will have their images watermarked!

  11. Mmh, if you're using a custom setup that probably has to do with your Postfix/etc. configuration. They may keep and relay your original IP by default, but you can change that. Mail server configuration are complex though, and today I'd really say it's not worth the hassle of trying to run your own mail server.

    I use Google Suite via SMTP to handle e-mail delivery on my servers. They have a limit of around 2,000-10,000 e-mails per day (depending on how you have it set up), which is fine for the vast majority of people, but if you send more than that you'll need something like Sendgrid.

    GSuite is wonderful though and my recommendation, even with its more tricky setup. If you want something easy, Sendgrid is basically plug-and-play, but I dropped Sendgrid because they were having deliverability issues for me. Google has had absolutely zero.

  12. Hello everyone!

    This is an early notice to expect a major update to my existing Attachments Watermarks plugin soon!

    I will be migrating the plugin over to an application, which will come with many major improvements.

    Including applying watermarks to existing images, maintaining backups of attachment images so you can restore them and/or change your watermarks freely in the future if you wish, provide dynamic scaling for watermark images and more!

    If you're interested, be sure to follow this topic for updates. I plan to have this release out sometime within the next week.

  13. 1 hour ago, kmk said:

    I would like to see if there websites already implemented Radical Tags.

    Tags translable?

    Do you mean translatable or transferable (from ATP)?

    There's no support for translatable tags, but you can migrate tags from ATP over.

  14. 3 hours ago, Ernest_Defoe said:

    @Makoto I saw someone asked about the ability to set multiple prefixes per thread. Is this possible yet? If not is it something you are considering adding? I’m building a sports related forum and it would be nice to have the ability to have multiple prefixes such as example Alabama and Recruiting.

    In this example it is talking about a team (Alabama) and what it’s about (Recruiting) 

    I would really love to see this added if it’s not already included. Thank you for your time and for such an amazing addon. 

    Also something else that just hit me is the ability to change the font color since some of the schools my site will cover have multiple colors so it would be nice to have the background as their primary color and the text to me their secondary color. Maybe even add FA icons in the basic editor.

    Hey Ernest!

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Adding support for multiple prefixes is unfortunately not available yet and will be a bit tricky to implement, but it's something I'll add as a feature suggestion and look into. Prefixes are a core IPS feature and IPS expects these to just be a single string, not multiple items, so re-engineering the platform to work with multiple prefixes will require some craftyness, but I'll look into ways to potentially make this work. This is something I can't promise a timeframe on unfortunately, however.

    I like your suggestions regarding updates to the basic editor though! I'll add this to the feature list for 1.6.0 and you should see it in the next release.

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