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  1. Agree
    aia reacted to Luuuk in CKEditor "Add Button" - an option to assign FA icon   
    I would like to see a choice between an image or FA code in the Icon field:

    Currently the image is required and shared between more than one theme. The same icon can look bad on Light and Dark theme.
    So now I need to upload some "dummy" image to satisfy the dialog and then override it anyway via custom.css:
    .cke_button__custom-ButtonID_icon { background-image: none !important; } .cke_button__custom-ButtonID_icon::before { content: '\f019'; }  
  2. Agree
    aia got a reaction from NZyan in Dark mode inheratance for the main theme   
    Unfortunately, there is no such feature, although many clients have been asking for it for many years.
  3. Agree
    aia got a reaction from ptprog in Why no widget block for custom HTML or Text   
    We know, and we don't need it all. At all 🙂
    The only thing we need is a widget where we could use HTML. It has to be a core functionality. It's logical and obvious.
    It's a weird way to try selling the "Pages" app. It causes distrust and disappointment, not sales. 😥
    Please, discuss it internally. I'm sure the Pages app will not suffer from moving such a small feature to a more logical place - the core.
  4. Agree
    aia got a reaction from ZLTRGO in Why no widget block for custom HTML or Text   
    +1 for moving this feature into the core. In our case, we don't need pages app at all. Just one widget is not a good reason to buy something you don't need.
  5. Agree
    aia got a reaction from Luuuk in Why no widget block for custom HTML or Text   
    We know, and we don't need it all. At all 🙂
    The only thing we need is a widget where we could use HTML. It has to be a core functionality. It's logical and obvious.
    It's a weird way to try selling the "Pages" app. It causes distrust and disappointment, not sales. 😥
    Please, discuss it internally. I'm sure the Pages app will not suffer from moving such a small feature to a more logical place - the core.
  6. Agree
    aia got a reaction from Markus Jung in SEO feature: implement IndexNow support   
    What is IndexNow?
    IndexNow is an easy way for websites owners to instantly inform search engines about latest content changes on their website. In its simplest form, IndexNow is a simple ping so that search engines know that a URL and its content has been added, updated, or deleted, allowing search engines to quickly reflect this change in their search results.
    Without IndexNow, it can take days to weeks for search engines to discover that the content has changed, as search engines don’t crawl every URL often. With IndexNow, search engines know immediately the "URLs that have changed, helping them prioritize crawl for these URLs and thereby limiting organic crawling to discover new content."
    IndexNow is offered under the terms of the Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License and has support from Microsoft Bing, Yandex.
    Documentation FAQ
  7. Agree
    aia reacted to Everade in PWA maskable icon   
    Yea, why would a 16 years customer complain about a product. Everyone should just keep their mouths shut and look how the company runs its product into the ground.
    Hell no, i want to see things get better so i actualy can continue using it. Got a proplem with that?
    They've been doing many many bad design decisions in the past, and are most of the time working on content no one ever asked for.
    And i'm not saying new features are bad, i'm just saying that they never focus on actual practical customer issues that have been reported years ago.
    But they don't, they keep ignoring us but continue taking our money.
    It's a great product overall, there's no reason to move.
    But at the current state, there's a good reason to stop paying the subscription or at least pause it for a longer period.
  8. Agree
    aia got a reaction from Kacperrr_ in Ability to report user   
    Bump. Reports for user profiles are still missing.
  9. Agree
    aia got a reaction from Everade in Ability to report user   
    Currently we can report only content items, but sometimes it would be useful to report a user, for example in cases when user account was made is only in order to leave links in it's profile and "About me" section, like this.

  10. Agree
    aia reacted to Everade in Google Core web vitals   
    You forgot: "In 5 years from now." 
    And yes, i mean it.
    Maybe they do, but they don't care. There are hundreds of community posts screaming for improvements but they couldn't care less. You're better off preparing for your funeral than waiting for a patch that adresses long standing issues. They simply don't have a big enough team to work on whatever they want + plus community requests.
    5.x may address some issues, but you're better off not betting on it. Never take their word, there's still a ~3 years waiting list of other promises.
    But what you can expect is another new re-design as usual. Because new looks and marketing sells best. Let's just cross our fingers that at least some of the underlying ancient code gets updated a long the way.
  11. Agree
    aia reacted to Everade in PWA maskable icon   
    Because there are smart people out there who can get easy faeces done in a matter of minutes or even seconds, unlike some other devs around here.
    If you've ever worked in an open source git project then you would be aware how well it works. But that's an entirely different story.
    This has nothing to do with customization, but with getting their faeces together and offering a proper product.
    Customizations only require additional overhead for months on end on the customer (or a plugin which is lots of additional work), rather than getting something so trivial done within 1 or 2 patch time-frames by invision.
    They have a subscription based model and ask for a substantional amount of money from each customer.
    So it's not too much to expect a decent patch policy rather than a "fix it yourself" mindset.
    And it can't get any easier than this. (There are many similiar topics that would be benefitial and easy to fix that are sitting ducks for years)
    It would be fixed faster than reading through this nonsense topic that would not have been required if it would have been implemented properly in the first place.

    I guess i'll miss out on the next year of the subscription.
    It's just not worth it looking at the micro patch notes and still missing out on all the community requests.
    I assume they fired most of their devs years back, because updates have been stagnating in the past 4 years.

  12. Like
    aia got a reaction from Jalal arefen in Ability to report user   
    Currently we can report only content items, but sometimes it would be useful to report a user, for example in cases when user account was made is only in order to leave links in it's profile and "About me" section, like this.

  13. Agree
    aia got a reaction from ZLTRGO in Ability to report user   
    Currently we can report only content items, but sometimes it would be useful to report a user, for example in cases when user account was made is only in order to leave links in it's profile and "About me" section, like this.

  14. Like
    aia got a reaction from sobrenome in Google Core web vitals   

  15. Like
    aia got a reaction from Egorkin in Google Core web vitals   

  16. Like
    aia got a reaction from sobrenome in SEO feature: implement IndexNow support   
    What is IndexNow?
    IndexNow is an easy way for websites owners to instantly inform search engines about latest content changes on their website. In its simplest form, IndexNow is a simple ping so that search engines know that a URL and its content has been added, updated, or deleted, allowing search engines to quickly reflect this change in their search results.
    Without IndexNow, it can take days to weeks for search engines to discover that the content has changed, as search engines don’t crawl every URL often. With IndexNow, search engines know immediately the "URLs that have changed, helping them prioritize crawl for these URLs and thereby limiting organic crawling to discover new content."
    IndexNow is offered under the terms of the Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License and has support from Microsoft Bing, Yandex.
    Documentation FAQ
  17. Thanks
    aia reacted to SeNioR- in Redirect to the new profile after merge   
    Hi. To avoid 404 errors, I suggest adding a redirect after merging accounts.
    This function is already built in, but only works with topics.
  18. Agree
    aia got a reaction from Unienc in SEO feature: implement IndexNow support   
    What is IndexNow?
    IndexNow is an easy way for websites owners to instantly inform search engines about latest content changes on their website. In its simplest form, IndexNow is a simple ping so that search engines know that a URL and its content has been added, updated, or deleted, allowing search engines to quickly reflect this change in their search results.
    Without IndexNow, it can take days to weeks for search engines to discover that the content has changed, as search engines don’t crawl every URL often. With IndexNow, search engines know immediately the "URLs that have changed, helping them prioritize crawl for these URLs and thereby limiting organic crawling to discover new content."
    IndexNow is offered under the terms of the Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License and has support from Microsoft Bing, Yandex.
    Documentation FAQ
  19. Agree
    aia got a reaction from David.. in SEO feature: implement IndexNow support   
    What is IndexNow?
    IndexNow is an easy way for websites owners to instantly inform search engines about latest content changes on their website. In its simplest form, IndexNow is a simple ping so that search engines know that a URL and its content has been added, updated, or deleted, allowing search engines to quickly reflect this change in their search results.
    Without IndexNow, it can take days to weeks for search engines to discover that the content has changed, as search engines don’t crawl every URL often. With IndexNow, search engines know immediately the "URLs that have changed, helping them prioritize crawl for these URLs and thereby limiting organic crawling to discover new content."
    IndexNow is offered under the terms of the Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License and has support from Microsoft Bing, Yandex.
    Documentation FAQ
  20. Agree
    aia got a reaction from AlexWebsites in SEO feature: implement IndexNow support   
    What is IndexNow?
    IndexNow is an easy way for websites owners to instantly inform search engines about latest content changes on their website. In its simplest form, IndexNow is a simple ping so that search engines know that a URL and its content has been added, updated, or deleted, allowing search engines to quickly reflect this change in their search results.
    Without IndexNow, it can take days to weeks for search engines to discover that the content has changed, as search engines don’t crawl every URL often. With IndexNow, search engines know immediately the "URLs that have changed, helping them prioritize crawl for these URLs and thereby limiting organic crawling to discover new content."
    IndexNow is offered under the terms of the Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License and has support from Microsoft Bing, Yandex.
    Documentation FAQ
  21. Like
    aia got a reaction from SeNioR- in SEO feature: implement IndexNow support   
    What is IndexNow?
    IndexNow is an easy way for websites owners to instantly inform search engines about latest content changes on their website. In its simplest form, IndexNow is a simple ping so that search engines know that a URL and its content has been added, updated, or deleted, allowing search engines to quickly reflect this change in their search results.
    Without IndexNow, it can take days to weeks for search engines to discover that the content has changed, as search engines don’t crawl every URL often. With IndexNow, search engines know immediately the "URLs that have changed, helping them prioritize crawl for these URLs and thereby limiting organic crawling to discover new content."
    IndexNow is offered under the terms of the Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License and has support from Microsoft Bing, Yandex.
    Documentation FAQ
  22. Like
    aia got a reaction from SeNioR- in How do I know if a website is using 4.4 or 4.5?   
    .htaccess rule for all xml and json files:
    <FilesMatch "\.(xml|json)$">     Order Deny,Allow     Deny from all </FilesMatch>
  23. Like
    aia reacted to Scott in License renewal price increase   
    I have four licenses which expired late July, noticed today the price to renew has jumped from $25.00/every 6 months to $40/every six months.
    When and why the price increase?
  24. Like
    aia got a reaction from sobrenome in PWA maskable icon   
    This forum section is full of topics about trivial fixes and improvements that are very easy to do.
    I hope someday IPS will give active clients access to the repository to create pull requests, so that we can fix it ourselves, and we don't have to wait for years for such small things to be fixed (or never fixed).
  25. Like
    aia got a reaction from SeNioR- in PWA maskable icon   
    This forum section is full of topics about trivial fixes and improvements that are very easy to do.
    I hope someday IPS will give active clients access to the repository to create pull requests, so that we can fix it ourselves, and we don't have to wait for years for such small things to be fixed (or never fixed).
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