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    bosss reacted to Interferon in So much empty space...   
    I understand the design is made up of rows, and some of the stuff like "follow this content" is probably a global row that gets added across all types of content. And then you have to have a "responsive" design thanks to Google's mandates, which makes it more complicated. So I understand it can never be "perfect".
    Still, I think for the most commonly viewed parts of the forum, having three inches of white space below the forum title, something needs to be done about that.
    The only reason I am pointing this out is because we are moving away from our heavily customized skin in order to make updates easier, and because the default IPB skin is now good enough that I feel it's okay to use. (We just replaced the header and footer with out own.)
    Ideally, this is what it should look like:

  2. Like
    bosss reacted to Yamamura in So much empty space...   
    I totally agree. The default skin in 4.5 is absolutely terrible. Huge elements, padding, empty space, thin and faded text, low contrast, and more. It's no surprise why more and more people are choosing to use XenForo, Discord, etc., over IPB. I don't know who made the new skin, but it feels like a beginner freelancer from Dribble made it.
    But why did they need to move the follow button one line down? If the follow button was positioned on the same line as the title, as before, there would be no useless empty space.
    One more example:

    It takes up a lot of space, but none of it is needed there.
    You just entered a topic and want to reply right away? Not! You just entered a topic and want to create a new topic right away? Of course not!  Who cares who is the author of the topic and when it was created? Nobody! For example, I have active topics on my forum that are already 12 years old. Why should I constantly show who is the author of these topics if they have not visited the forum for 10 years and everyone has already forgotten about them?? Nobody cares who is the author of the topic. This information is completely meaningless and useless. One more example:

    Am I exactly in a place for people to communicate? Because on my screen I see only a white space and a couple of lines of text. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  3. Like
    bosss reacted to Interferon in So much empty space...   
    This is really excessive.

    It looks even worse if your forum background is set to white.

  4. Like
    bosss got a reaction from AlexJ in 4.5.2 - ACP Marketplace   
    And @Haku2like many others have right to be dissapointed with Your new solution about Market place - i know that personaly will never buy somthing here on new maketplace or renew some of my apps or plugins - in future only on developers sities. (where i can get my paid files). You make one absurd and like company should be shamed for that.
  5. Like
    bosss got a reaction from AlexJ in 4.5.2 - ACP Marketplace   
    You (mean IPS) should make choice for us to integrate Marketplace in admin cp or continue with old system (way) to download our paid files. Every admin or site owner can choose what and how he/she will do with Market (donator) place.
  6. Like
    bosss reacted to CoffeeCake in Marketplace   
    It would be nice to show something along the lines of "a new version has been submitted for review" and "Developer action required" or "IPS review pending" as statuses to help end users have visibility into this process.
  7. Like
    bosss got a reaction from Haku2 in 4.5.2 - ACP Marketplace   
    You @Lindywant to say that your vision (IPS) was that  you steel my files?? (from marketplace) - That was bad vision - you shouls know that customers have some rights also but seems not in your vision.
    In my country we said that first make clean in own house and after that in others - You can not protect own files (there are lot nulled IPS files - already 4.5.2 with patches) and you should protect developers or my files what you steel - yes steel.
  8. Like
    bosss got a reaction from Haku2 in 4.5.2 - ACP Marketplace   
    And @Haku2like many others have right to be dissapointed with Your new solution about Market place - i know that personaly will never buy somthing here on new maketplace or renew some of my apps or plugins - in future only on developers sities. (where i can get my paid files). You make one absurd and like company should be shamed for that.
  9. Like
    bosss got a reaction from Haku2 in 4.5.2 - ACP Marketplace   
    You (mean IPS) should make choice for us to integrate Marketplace in admin cp or continue with old system (way) to download our paid files. Every admin or site owner can choose what and how he/she will do with Market (donator) place.
  10. Like
    bosss got a reaction from Haku2 in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    Everywhere if you buy something with license = you get files to download on your computer - but not here because someone think that we customers are stupid. Renewal costs for 6 months is only here what is more than stupid and IPS shoulod shame about that.
    If i buy something and paid - i want those files on my PC - that is legal and works everywhere - but not here after 4.5.
    My decision is what i will do with my paid files - delete or use it - if filies is ok i do not need support.
  11. Like
    bosss got a reaction from Haku2 in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    Marketplace should be Airplace - because we buy air (space = nothing) without files is nothing at all!
    And yes buying on developers site is only solution for me in future - never - never buying here because do not want buy air.
    renewing after 6 months is shame should be better to call that like donation for pure developers!
  12. Like
    bosss reacted to CoffeeCake in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    This is it in a nutshell. Those of us with significant investments and commitments in ongoing support of our communities understand that it is wholly unwise to leave ourselves at the mercy of individuals who may or may not continue supporting something critical, or continue maintaining an active license, or to assume that they have plans in place should they, for whatever reason, no longer be able to continue developing their resource.
    We have historically looked at marketplace offerings as springboards that help us minimize our resources on getting new, needed functionality, yet with the understanding that anytime we add things to our installation, we now own the responsibility to ensure that we can take over continued support and development should the original developer no longer be available. In our plans for 4.4 to 4.5 migration, we've had to do this very thing and recreate functionality for marketplace purchases that are simply not being updated or where the developer has since left the building. Having access to those 4.4 files that we had previously stored in our code repositories made this compatibility task easier for our developers. Having dependencies like a need to integrate IPS extensions with Laravel or other frameworks or platforms is exactly the sort of thing that helps define how you should consider what and how you add things to IPS.
    As I've shared before, we have found Not Good Things(tm) in the past from the resources we've downloaded, and have purchased resources only to find that the developer's implementation did not meet best practice guidelines and/or took steps that would put our community at risk by installing. That knowledge comes from having our developers audit those resources, install them in local development environments, and through our identifying and anticipating problems before they become incidents. The IPS folks here doing their absolute best to audit new resources should be commended for their efforts and talents, and it's great that they're increasing that effort. Yet it is fool hearty to think that they, or any small group of developers, would be well positioned to test for conflicts with a seemingly infinite number of configurations, back end systems, dependencies, and resources, and would not make errors in judgement or mistakes. We are all, after all, human.
    Hobbyists and up and coming communities aren't worried about this. IPS' core market isn't worried about this. IPS sees this as a fringe case, where the benefits of turning off the ability to extract files from Marketplace in a downloadable format outweigh the incentives to turn it off. I understand their approach, and the business reasons for doing so.
    Yet that understanding comes with the knowledge that the Marketplace we had in 4.4 is no more, and instead has been converted to some sort of imagined "Applesque" app store that caters to the lowest common denominator and that no longer meets the needs of customers like ourselves. If the equivalent of Steam Integration stops working for the local book club's forum, oh well. They'll survive and adapt. That's okay, and the change works for the people that comprise the core customer here. If integrating with Steam is the core of your community, you don't want to find yourself in that position.
    It would have been nice to have had that shift in strategy and functionality communicated to us in some capacity in advance instead of finding out about it by surprise so we could have planned and anticipated for increases in budgeting for development time. When you consider simple things like IPS not maintaining a transparent versioning system, and instead favoring nebulous patches that only appear if you think to click the "something's wrong" button, we should remain cognizant that the focus of IPS right now seems to be on CIC and building their SaaS model and making things look as stable, magical, and seamless as possible for that market. From that vantage point, this all makes sense.
    If your goal is to expand upon what others make available, or to maintain a solid operational continuity plan, or to understand what you're adding onto your installation, the understanding that purchasing something from 4.5's Marketplace is akin to "it will attempt to install and does whatever it does right now and that's your only guarantee, no looking under the hood, trust us, good luck in the future, not our problem" is something that should most definitely be informing how you use IPS' Marketplace.
    Communities that are worried about these things would be wise to purchase resources directly from developers or create their own and bypass the new marketplace entirely, ensuring that they have the tools to pickup where that developer left off should the developer no longer be able to provide needed updates, stop renewing their license, become incapacitated in some way, or just have new interests.
  13. Like
    bosss reacted to Eudemon in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    I agree, I developed my apps for my own website, decided to share in marketplace if other find any use
    I didn't develop in intention to sell lot of copies
    marketplace already has filter for each minor releases, if i and IPS following best practices, then almost all cases patch update of system shouldn't break it
    it's been more than a year since last minor release, if I have to keep my license active just for other to be able to download it, I will be deep net negative
    this hurts the customer who purchase the plugin won't be able to install it or update it, it also hurts my reputation
  14. Like
    bosss got a reaction from CoffeeCake in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    Everywhere if you buy something with license = you get files to download on your computer - but not here because someone think that we customers are stupid. Renewal costs for 6 months is only here what is more than stupid and IPS shoulod shame about that.
    If i buy something and paid - i want those files on my PC - that is legal and works everywhere - but not here after 4.5.
    My decision is what i will do with my paid files - delete or use it - if filies is ok i do not need support.
  15. Confused
    bosss got a reaction from DawPi in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    Everywhere if you buy something with license = you get files to download on your computer - but not here because someone think that we customers are stupid. Renewal costs for 6 months is only here what is more than stupid and IPS shoulod shame about that.
    If i buy something and paid - i want those files on my PC - that is legal and works everywhere - but not here after 4.5.
    My decision is what i will do with my paid files - delete or use it - if filies is ok i do not need support.
  16. Like
    bosss reacted to whitetigergrowl in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    Wrong. I've done it before changing the domain url. Running it on a different domain isn't a problem. You just get an error saying the license in use is not valid for that site, at worst usually that only admins see. 

    You should be able to reset it, with some precautions, without having to pay anything extra. There simply is no tangible benefit to paying for a domain change. Period. It puts more money in IPBs pockets, and doesn't protect you from anything any more than if there was no fee. On top of that. if it really helps control piracy and running multiple copies on different domains, then why aren't the other forums doing it. It's not like they don't have a piracy problem too. 

    The irony is I did a quick google search and found pirated copies of the current software and other plug-ins. So clearly someone wanting to change their domain once, twice, or multiple times in 6 months had zero benefit to stopping that from happening.
    Again wrong. Not everyone is you. Everyone has different reasons, purposes, and desires. I can sit down and think of what I want to accomplish and still have it go bust numerous times in less than 6 months. The forum market right now isn't very lucrative and it's hard to compete against social media. So putting up reasons for people to NOT use them, or to price yourself out of the market isn't very smart either. It doesn't matter what their reasons are. What matters is the blatant nickel and dimeing for something that simply put has no reason to cost money. Period. 

    All I have to do is look at the long list of forums people have promoted on this site in the last 6 months that are no longer there. That should tell you everything you need to know. Heck one recently promoted his IPB forum, and when I visited it, it had switched to Xenforo. Literally less than a week or so later. 

    As well, if I wanted to download a nulled version of the current software and various plug-ins, while it's not encouraged, it completely bypasses all fees and costs. Including the domain change fee which is utterly pointless and useless. Again, why is IPB the ONLY one doing it in regards to forums and they aren't even as popular right now as say something like Xenforo? I prefer IPB, but there are times with things like this it's rather hindering and literally pricing me out of their market.

    I could go to Xenforo, which I know has less in the terms of features right now, but pay 1 fee per year for upgrades and access to downloads (rather than twice with IPB) and change my domain name multiple times if I wanted to, with no extra cost. And it protected them and me just as much from piracy as paying for it with IPB has. 

    When was the last time you paid for a domain name change with another forum provider like Xenforo, VB, Vanilla, Burning Board, etc.? Think about it. I've seen literally zero benefit for paying for a domain name change. None. Unless someone can give some examples that have happened to them where paying that $15 domain name change fee benefited them?
  17. Like
    bosss reacted to whitetigergrowl in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    It literally doesn't prevent anything. I can still have the one forum software using the one domain on several different domains if I wanted. The only thing it shows me is an error about the license. It doesn't cripple the forum or anything to any extent that makes it unusable. And for those smart enough, they could get rid of the error message too if they so wanted. It's not like there aren't pirated copies of it out there regardless. Or they could just leave the message about the license and not care. It's literally almost no different than if you let your license right out. 

    And like I mentioned, no other forum software creator I've seen does this. Not VB. Not Xenforo. Not even the free ones. You can't tell me things are better for those forum makes in terms of piracy or preventing multiple installs because they don't charge that $15 fee.  It's not. 
    I have. And all you have to do is look at the list of forums people have posted here that have started then stopped and they started something new.
    As everyone knows the forum market is a b*tch to get into right now and actually have your forum go anywhere or do anything. So people try different things. Different names, themes, ideas, etc. in hopes of capturing something. Anything. I don't know of many people either that are willing to pay for a web host then keep a dead forum but keep paying for something no one is interested in using. So they change it up. Sometimes simply changing the domain and name of the site. 

    And just because something doesn't apply to you, doesn't mean it doesn't apply to others. And the fact you think it's a preventative measure in piracy concerns, you're wrong. It's literally had ZERO effect on piracy. None. Period. No clue why you think it changes anything in regards to piracy. It doesn't. I can still easily find the latest versions of IPB on pirated forums. Although I have a legit license, I still look to see. And it's out there. 

    Things like this hinder people wanting to use forum software. They literally dump more money into it than they will ever get out of it. Literally almost nickel and dimed to death. IPB charges you twice a year to be able to download and use certain forum functions.  Sure you don't have to pay to renew, then you lose the ability to download plug-ins and certain forum features on your forum on top of that. This is one reason social media has taken over. Very low overhead costs. Very low long term costs. With forums costs seem to be going up just to keep using the same software you used 20 years ago except now with a new coat of paint and a few new features. 

    Then if you decide to change the domain because you found a better name, or want to try something different, within 6 months that's another $15. Let alone all of the money you may have to spend on plug-ins if you want to have a forum that has more features and functions. And let's not forget the cost of web hosting amongst other things. Only to have 5 people show up on your forum and if you're lucky 1 person even says much of anything. No matter how much work you put into it.
    This is literally one of the most pointless charges by IPB. Literally. 

    Explain how piracy is so bad with IPB they have to charge you to change your url if you want to change it for any reason in 6 months. But NO other forum software does that and has any less of a problem with piracy than IPB.  The fact piracy is used as an excuse for the charge is laughable at best. It's literally had zero effect.

    So explain to me exactly how it's stopped IPB piracy. It hasn't. Explain to me how it does anything other than cost the forum owner more money if they choose to change the url for any reason in 6 months. 

    Because until you can show me it's stopped piracy with IPB, the charge is a nickel and dime and serves zero benefit to the consumer. And until you can show me how it's made things better for the forum owner versus not getting charged for it on Xenforo, VB, and well, pretty much every other forum software maker and not getting charged for it on them has made things worse for the forum owner, your argument is no longer valid.

    I'll be waiting for you to show me the benefit of it. Show actual examples of how it's better to be charged for it with IPB, and not any other forum software. It's nothing more than a domain change that's tied to that one domain. Not multiple ones. I can still download the software for that domain and use it across multiple domains. How did that stop piracy. How did that change anything? It didn't. Period.

    So the latest version is still pirated, nulled, etc. I've seen it out there.

    But I get charged to change a domain name within 6 months. Weird how for years there was no problem not charging for it. But then you're told it's for your benefit and you go along with it. 🤦‍♂️
  18. Like
    bosss reacted to whitetigergrowl in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    I don't understand why there is a $15 domain name change fee and why you can only change it once every 6 months free. It doesn't cost IPB anything for me to change my domain name. To me this is the equivalent of an ATM fee when you withdraw money, except in this case from your own bank.

    For those worrying about fraud or anything else, as long as only one domain is tied to that license it shouldn't change anything. 

    So yeah, this is one thing I don't understand, see it as nothing more than a money grab from IPB, and serves no real benefit to the consumer and serves no benefit to IPB other than financially. IPB is the only forum software that I see that does this. I may be missing one, but most don't charge to change the domain. 

    Charging twice a year if you want to keep downloading things and keep certain features of your forum going is expensive enough. But if you decide to change your domain for any reason, now it costs you an extra $15 for literally no reason other than for the sake of changing it. If some are still worried about potential fraud or hijacking or something, other things could be put into place to prevent it. 

    This I think is probably one reason people go more to Xenforo and others is because of this. Some people change domain names often while they struggle to find something that works for them. With them you don't get charged to change a domain. Period. You can renew today, then in 5 days or a month or 3 months if you choose to change your domain you simply change it. You don't get charged $15 every time you change it. 

    This is a hindrance. It serves no tangible benefit other than to make money. IPB never did it for years with no problems. But in recent years started to. And considering how much people already pay for renewals, I don't think it's too much to ask to remove the $15 fee. Period. 

    It's literally one of the most pointless fees I've seen on here. I love IPB, but that is one thing that absolutely needs to go. No one is handling the domain change other than the consumer. Unless customer service needs to handle it, there should be no fee for it. I'm literally getting charged just to change my domain. Absolutely insanity. 

    And like I said prior, if some think it's a way to prevent fraudulent actions, there are plenty of other ways to do that. As well, after the 6 months your domain would be open to be changed anyways which changes nothing in regards to possible fraud. 

    So yeah, it's really gotta go. It's just a pure money grab and is something no one else does. So what's the logical reason for it here? Costs keep going up, as forum popularity keeps going down. I don't think those 2 will go hand in hand very well. So we need to be mindful of things like that this are really pointless fees and serve to benefit no one other than IPB.
  19. Thanks
    bosss got a reaction from byMarcoX in Videos Support   
    Have same problem - downloaded from developers site and upgraded without problems!
  20. Thanks
    bosss got a reaction from ahc in Broken Site Help   
    Very strange - should wait for support - they can help you (do not manually delete anything).
  21. Like
    bosss reacted to ahc in Broken Site Help   
    @bosss I found the constant in a guide and it worked.  Thank you so much!
  22. Like
    bosss reacted to angel71 in Since upgrading guests can now post topics   
    Excellent, that seems to have fixed it!  Thank you!
  23. Thanks
    bosss got a reaction from angel71 in Since upgrading guests can now post topics   
    If you wish to disable this, you can by going to ACP -> System -> Posting -> Post Before Registering.
  24. Like
    bosss reacted to RocketStang in Emoji selector window opens slow   
    What could be causing my emoji selector window to open and populate super slow?  It only seems to happen with the Twitter style Emoji...when I set it to Native style, it populates much faster.  I can just stick with native style but I wonder what is causing he issue with Twitter style?

  25. Like
    bosss got a reaction from Nehaj in -200 error????   
    Had same problem when should upload image (animated gif 1.5 kb) in chatbox+ announcement. - get -200 error. (IPS 4.4.10)
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