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Posts posted by teraßyte

  1. As Marc said, you have to upload those files via FTP to your server.

    Ignore that "Install Application" popup. It's not what you need right now. You use that only when you have a TAR file to install/update single applications. IPS doesn't provide individual TAR files for their applications.

  2. No. While you can download an application's folder from the server, plugins aren't the same. When plugins are installed, the setup folder is NOT saved on the server. And the original XML file is not available, either.

    You'll need to rebuild the XML file from scratch based on the files on the server, plus rewrite from scratch the setup folder (if the plugin creates tables or adds columns).


    It may take some time, but it can be done. I've done it several times for clients, especially recently after the marketplace closed.

  3. In the file /system/File/Amazon.php inside the function deleteContainer() this code is executed when adding a new delete task to delete the files in a bucket folder (container):

    			/* Turn on task */
    			\IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_tasks', array( 'enabled' => 1 ), array( '`key`=?', 's3_delete' ) );

    The problem is that the task's key is not s3_delete but s3Delete (no space + capitalized). This causes the task to delete the S3 files to not activate correctly.


    The same issue is also present inside the code of the s3Delete task to disable itself in 2 different locations.

    Lines 44-50:

    			if ( !( $obj instanceof \IPS\File\Amazon ) )
    				/* Class is not Amazon, so just stop here and truncate the table as there's nothing we can really do now. */
    				\IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_s3_deletions' );
    				\IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_tasks', array( 'enabled' => 0 ), array( '`key`=?', 's3_delete' ) );
    				return NULL;

    Lines 96-97:

    			/* Nothing to do, so switch off the task */
    			\IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_tasks', array( 'enabled' => 0 ), array( '`key`=?', 's3_delete' ) );


    Again s3_delete is being used instead of s3Delete.

  4. There was a paid modification from DevFuse for this, but it's not available anymore. The developer has recently gone missing. You'll need someone to make a new modification for you. 🤷‍♂️



    I take that back. Looks like Adriano made a new modification for it already: https://www.invisioneer.org/files/file/220-disable-friendly-number-format/

  5. 12 minutes ago, bearback said:

    Anyway back to my question? if i disable Facebook login, the members who registered using Facebook to create their account. Will they be able to use the default login method ? or will they get locked out of the forum.

    I believe they'll need to click the reset password link on the login screen to set a password if they never set one. Other than that, you should be good.

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