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Posts posted by InvisionHQ

  1. On 6/25/2020 at 11:09 AM, Giray said:

    A bit of a panic.

    About to show the Clubs feature to someone, trying to add them to a club, and I get:


    Anything obvious come to mind before I go digging deeper?


    uhm you can try to check clubs limits in the club setting.

  2. On 6/3/2020 at 11:18 AM, Maxxius said:

    @InvisionHQ thank you for acknowledging the suggestion it but in all honesty I don't think you need any more people to vote on this.

    You are a very knowledgeable developer I believe that you can see by yourself that the method we are suggesting simply brings better user experience and it should be in your interest to do so since you are profiting from this mod. 🙂

    @Maxxius Are you available to testing new menu?

    I've made some progress but I need someone to test that everything works out for the best.

    Schermata 2020-06-14 alle 11.38.55.png

  3. 11 hours ago, Steve Bullman said:

    Possible to remove the option for adding photos in the editor or will this affect the text editor globally?

    I get quite a high proportion of advertisers insert the images there instead of using the featured image button. 



    Settings->Advert options

    Schermata 2020-06-14 alle 08.42.43.png

  4. 14 hours ago, Mateusz Manikowski said:



    I buy i awards but the users  can delete awards from another users... also they can edit reason of awards..

    Where i can set permission that only administrator can manage awards?



    Please use only PM or only Post to contact me. I answered your private message.

  5. On 6/4/2020 at 8:28 AM, ibaker said:

    Yesterday I received the invoice for another term of Classifieds but I will be holding off paying any more money on this addon whilst the menu system for it is so stuffed besides I think there is now another Classifieds addon available (although in its infancy stages) but includes Auctions as well...over to you @InvisionHQ on whether you give the menu system an urgent fix in the coming days before I decide whether to pay any more money for this

    Apart from the blackmail of @ibaker, which frankly I don't give a damn about, I think @Maxxius's reasoning is right and I'll try to find a solution in one of the next releases.


    only for debugging can you try to disable email notification for approved ads and retry?

  6. I've already checked and answered. From my tests it is not a bug but a problem with the configuration of the notifications. If you want a check on your forum send me a PM with access data to your ACP.

    15 hours ago, Maxxius said:

    I have been asking for the same thing ages ago @InvisionHQ if you can't provide these menu entries now. Please note that for the new version. It much better user experience to have links like @ibaker asked. And in the meantime please at least provide how to do this?


    If there is interest (more people who need this change) I can try to see if I can find a solution for the next versions of the app.

  7. On 5/24/2020 at 8:12 AM, CSSlife said:

    When will we see 2.2 and hopefully 2.3. As it is after March, we're 2 months overdue.

    You're right, it's just a pandemic came along and blocked our world for two months.


    On 5/25/2020 at 4:58 PM, Chris027 said:

    Hello, is it possible to change the colors used in the background?

    you can change color using some CSS rules on your custom.css file.

    On 5/26/2020 at 4:07 AM, Chris027 said:

    Is there a way to force users to select the category for each advert they post?


    No, this is not possible ATM.

    On 5/27/2020 at 7:16 PM, sofos said:

    by activating the "Post a topic when an advert is submitted", the topic is created even if the announcement has not been approved by the moderator.

    Is there any way to avoid this?

    This has to be considered a bug. I'm about to release an update, see if I can fix this too.

  8. 17 hours ago, Durango said:

    could you install your app classifieds on your test board

    Classifieds currently doesn't work without an IP.commerce license and I would have to buy one just to make a demo working on BBCODE.

    Unfortunately IPS does not offer test licenses for developers.

    In one of the next major releases of the app IP.Commerce will become optional and at that point I will have no problem installing a demo.

  9. On 5/8/2020 at 7:34 AM, Adrienne said:

    We've just installed this but have given "awards" to members to place in their signatures instead for years before switching to this system. Is it possible to backdate the awards to reflect when they were initially earned rather than when they were assigned after the install?

    The only thing that comes to mind is to create awards that represent the past and award them to users again.

  10. On 5/6/2020 at 3:02 PM, Diyhrt said:

    If there was an option two remove the require on that categorie would be better.

    No this is not possible now. I think you can translate / rename "condition" with ACP translation tools.


    The adverts will sort the adverts by name and not by time/date. I think it would be better to sort new adverts by time/date when its been added. 

    you talk about the front end or the adverts listing in the ACP?

    On 5/7/2020 at 12:05 AM, SC36DC said:

    After some testing, I'm pretty sure if I don't want the forum to be the middle man, and handle any payments from buyer to sellers, then in the Commerce Integration tab, I need to disable 'Enable Transactions' and 'Enable Offers', is this correct? Then the only button someone can click on if they want to buy, is 'Contact Advertiser'. Is this correct?

    Yes, if you disable transactions buyer and seller will independently manage the transaction without passing through paypal (or the forum)


    On 5/10/2020 at 2:56 AM, CP_User said:

    Can we have a way to delete adverts by filter, so all the sold items can be manually deleted in bulk in ACP.

    This is something which is currently not among the development priorities of this app.

    On 5/10/2020 at 2:56 AM, CP_User said:

    Please can we have the published date on the advert too. We have time left, but above that if it could say - Advert Created: 1 Day ago

    For this request I can add a setting in the next release.


    On 5/10/2020 at 9:26 AM, SC36DC said:

    If someones leave a question on a advert, shouldn't the seller receive a notification that someone left a question for them? I checked the Notification Settings, and I do not see the option to turn on for this. There definitely should be a setting for, 'An advert has received a question'. 

    If I am missing something please let me know. I just found out today that someone left a question on one of my adverts back on April 15. If this not a feature/setting, could you PLEASE consider adding this, as not answering a question in a timely manner could mean the difference between sale or no sale. 

    That should be it, if you don't send the notification, maybe there's a bug. I'll check and get back to you.

    On 5/11/2020 at 10:43 AM, Maxxius said:

    I got this error when I was trying to merge 2 members. Using latest IPS version.

    I'll continue to assist you for this issue with a PM.


    Also @InvisionHQ i noticed while trying to improve performance of Classifieds on Google page speed, that Classifieds app seems not to take into account IPS group image size limit, in ACP group > content > attachment max file upload size > set at 150Ko

    and yet people can send images of 2Mo...

    Working on a fix. 

    I think I'll be able to release a new version of the app within the week. 

  11. On 5/2/2020 at 12:08 PM, Giray said:

    As per Adriano's wisdom, here's what comes up:

    Sorry, there is a problem

    The page you are trying to access is not available for your account.

    Error code: CL-CONTACTS/1

    This error may occur if:

    1. The user who clicks (or the visitor does not have access to the seller's contacts

    2. If the ad is in "pending" or "complete" status.

    If you want a more precise answer, I need access to your ACP.

  12. On 4/26/2020 at 9:33 PM, Diyhrt said:

    @InvisionHQ i wonder how to remove require on condition (Items Conditions). If I want to let users to sell animals like dog or cat I can’t let users to set NEW or USED on cat or dog. How to solve these? There is no need to have advert option for Condition on that categorie.

    If I leave them unticked, and then trying to add new advert to that category I get this error

    You cannot create adverts in this category: missing PACKAGE INFO, TYPE or ITEM CONDITION. If you have already created them, edit your category and choose which ones the category will use. Contact the system administrator.

    you can rename "new" and "used" as you want.

    Like: puppy or color or....

  13. On 4/8/2020 at 11:09 PM, Loisel Damien said:


    If I understood correctly, there will no commerce to run the Classifieds System?
    Very good news !

    Sorry for by bad english 😅

    yes, but all roadmap delayed at the moment.

  14. On 4/6/2020 at 5:19 PM, imsandertjeee said:

    I want to buy this application, but i have a question about it..
    It says "Manual awarding" but can it be automated rewarded as well? 
    Like i got a game server, and i want to reward users these "badges" from sending something ingame to the community that will award them.

    You can use rules app to make automatic awards working with iAwards.

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