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Posts posted by InvisionHQ

  1. On 3/28/2020 at 2:35 PM, Stuart Silvester said:

    Your ticket is assigned to management and they will reply as soon as they can (please bear with us, but you will get a response).

    If a plugin/application has been deprecated the author needs to let us know by submitting a ticket, I haven't personally seen any requests from @InvisionHQ asking for us to prevent purchases of the plugin but we've just made that change.

    There's a ticket from a few months ago, but the important thing is that it worked out. Thank you.

  2. On 5/14/2019 at 7:00 AM, Tripp★ said:

    @InvisionHQ For some reason my members can't find the poke button on mobile view, because there is no button do so. Is there any possibility of integrating the Poke's app a little more in the next update, please?

    For sure.

    5 hours ago, Tripp★ said:

    @InvisionHQ There's a bug that's been identified with the pokes system. If you poke someone from their user profile, you can repeatedly click the button until it disappears and poke them several times in quick succession. 


  3. Dear friends, unfortunately in the next few days I will be able to respond to your requests for assistance less quickly, but I'll still try to provide support for all my customers.

    Due to the coronavirus (I live in Italy) I will no longer have access to my office and therefore I will have to operate, when possible, from home.

    So I ask you to be patient and write me directly here on the forum or through: iotivedo@gmail.com 


  4. On 2/24/2020 at 11:27 AM, DeRealDeano said:

    Hi there, I'm trying to install the Rules Expansion Pack and keep getting this error


    any thoughts?

    EDIT: just saw post above, however, when I try to download rules i get 

    We could not locate the item you are trying to view.
    Error code: 2D161/2

    I can see that it is not you who provide the rules but can you assist with a work around?

    Contact Rules author for this

    On 2/25/2020 at 9:58 AM, DeRealDeano said:

    Also there seems to be an issue with the background. on the main page there is no background but once you are on the page that displays the entire rewards, there is. (see image below). Is this something you could assist with please?

    Can you send me (PM) a url to check?

  5. On 2/6/2020 at 6:14 PM, Steve Silver said:

    Does any other users of classifieds notice browsing issue viewing the adverts on mobile - smart phone, small screen size - where the advert description text doesn't show clearly, it appears the text is blending into the by 'advertiser' name ?

    This issue has been fixed in this release.

    On 2/9/2020 at 5:22 AM, PPlanet said:

    Hello @InvisionHQ it looks like the latest version of Classifieds is interfering with merging members. Please see the error message. Cheers.


    Thanks for reporting, I'll take a look at it.

  6. A little update on the roadmap of this app:

    2.1 Advert filters #1 (prices, types, conditions) (Feb 2020)
    2.2 Feedback system (March 2020)
    2.2 MyClassifieds Page (March 2020)
    2.3 Advert filters #2 (custom fields) (deadlines to be defined, for sure after 4.5)
    3.0 Direct transactions (it can works also without IP.Commerce) (deadlines to be defined, for sure after 4.5)

    Version 2.1 will be released this week also with some bugfixes.

  7. 19 hours ago, Sonya* said:

    Another suggestion for next update. Please format the Age in user info panel in forum the same way other custom fields are formatted by default

    Ok, before age are formatted as "# posts".

    You will see that there will be others who preferred to keep it separate from custom fields.
    Maybe in the future I'll put an option to let them choose to display it as custom fields or as the number of posts.
    Anyway I just released the update with the fix and the suggestion in the marketplace.

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