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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. It worked fine for me for months and started having issues after changing nothing. That resulted in turning all of CF off to prove it was a problem there. Took forever to figure out where specifically the issue was because I had forgotten about it. So if you ever have weird or unexplained issues, I would start there with troubleshooting.
  2. Don’t use negative one value. Set it manually to something bigger. Your php apparently is ignoring the “unlimited” flag.
  3. Well the page DOES change if you are using the existing header which includes the currently logged in user. If someone is logged in, they have a menu that shows them logged in. This disqualifies it from cache consideration. You would have to remove everything that is dynamic from the page including indicating they are logged in to do what you want. By the way… Google is viewing the page as a guest so it should be seeing a cached version of it. So logged in status is irrelevant. Logout, clear ALL cookies for site and reload the page. Look at the cachability headers. Paste a link if you are not sure.
  4. Did you add the rules above to prevent content from being cached for logged in users into your rule? If the user is not logged in (specified cookies don’t exist) and the type is HTML, cache the page.
  5. Also when you are done with being signed in as that member, you need to sign out of them before going to the next account. If you don’t sign out of the first account, you’ll be logged out of both accounts on the front end.
  6. You did not log out of the first member’s account before logging into the second. Once you finish with the first person’s account you need to switch back to your account (by logging out as them) before moving to the next one.
  7. Give those pages something you can key a cloudflare rule off of… for example they could all be in a folder called “articles” and set a rule where anything in that folder is force cached. Or set a .html extension on the page name and create a rule that force caches .html pages.
  8. This is a situation where you are catering to a bot instead of your actual users.
  9. That’s not an IPB issue. You have too much traffic for your hosting plan.
  10. Awesome! Glad you got to the bottom of the problem!
  11. If you’re using something like cloudflare or another WAF, it may be blocking the request as a bot or non-human traffic also. Something to consider/check.
  12. IPS includes a feature when REGISTERING, if the system suspects the account is suspicious... it can make any posts made by that member moderated. Take a look at the following guide for info: Specifically you are going to set the option to allow registration but require moderation approval of posts. Once that is set, you can control how long they are moderated for after registering (say 7 days or even indefinitely!)
  13. I’m glad you found the root cause! Isolation is a good thing as it not only contains a potential blast radius, but helps you more quickly identify where the problem is coming from!
  14. Do you have access to upload a file to your server? If so you can create a basic phpinfo file. It will tell you lots of good stuff including the php version. Just create a pain text file with the following and upload it with a name of like info.php
  15. Adsense is not aware of guest vs member, BUT… IPB is. What I personally did was put the following in my default theme in the global template: {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id === NULL}} ADSENSE CODE {{endif}} This basically says to add the Adsense code if a user is not logged in. This would prevent issues where ads are shown to people who can’t access something as a guest. Once you add it, rebuild them cache from the support section of the ACP to pick up the changes more quickly.
  16. 4.4.X won’t run on PHP8. So you’ll have to upgrade to run it on the new host. I would suggest running the compatibility checker to make sure the new host has all of the required PHP modules. I would also disable all third party resources (applications and plugins) you might have installed. They’ll all need updated or replaced to be compatible with the new version of PHP. Save and export all your files/db. Once you restore your files and database (fixing the conf_global.php with any updated info)… you will need to upload a full set of files from the client area and upload them to the new host. Then run the upgrader at domain.com/admin/upgrade.
  17. When I’ve seen page not found errors it has been because the page being requested was not visible to guests. Remember Adsense crawls your site as a guest. If it is posted on a page that requires being logged in to view, the crawler can’t access it. This is part of why I made ads visible to guests not logged in on my site when I did Adsense.
  18. If you are using cloudflare, make sure you don’t have the setting use TLS1.3 only enabled.
  19. Do you allow login via non-standard login methods?(Google/fb/twitter) If so I believe these would bypass all of that.
  20. I had a ticket on this and Andy said a fix for this has been submitted for review.
  21. By the way... if you should ever need to do something similar again... here's how to export your theme so you can save it: Once you are ready to import it, you can use the following guide: I know it does not help for right now, but it's good knowledge for later!
  22. The theme is not a static file that you simply download via FTP. You would have needed to have exported it in order to import it again later. You will need to recreate the theme.
  23. It has been confirmed that v5 will use PHP. I can’t comment on the second question, but at least I can at least answer the first!
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