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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. How can I configure my Downloads to work like here on IPS? Guests can't purchase: Mine shows the BUY button: I removed the permission to guests download files, but still, it is showing the button. The only way I found was by disabling registration, then the new account option won't show up on the checkout page: But that's not a good solution. Thank you.
  2. What's New in Version 1.4.0: Added a new setting to determine if the application will be accessible when the board is offline Added a new setting to determine if Guests can use the application even when they can't access the board
  3. Thank you. @Randy Calvert just tested and it worked fine. @Mick23
  4. Use the Recovery Mode: It will disable all 3rd-party resources. Probably one of them is outdated.
  5. A new version to remove this debug text is already submitted and it is currently pending approval.
  6. @Dll, have you tested the new version? It's been out since March, 3.
  7. Please help to keep a little of organization in the chaos that is becoming this forum. Use the appropriate support topic when it is a question about a resource:
  8. You better edit the template itself: crowdfunding-> front -> view -> view.
  9. Ooosps, something need to be removed. It was a test for the new extra fields stuff. Tks. 👍 Btw, it’s in the view template if you don’t want to wait for the approval queue.
  10. I would post this in the support for IPS staff to reply. I don’t see why it wouldn’t show as there is a pending version, new versions are moderated and you’re testing on a unaltered default theme. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/505-general-questions/
  11. There is no setting. All users who can edit the file will be able to delete the pending version.
  12. By posting in this forum: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/497-technical-problems/
  13. Every page you access redirects to the admin. I had this problem for a couple of hours. Back now. And yes, I was trying to access Invision forums, downloads, etc. Any page redirected me to admin/install here.
  14. A sub-forum in Marketplace? Not showing up to me: Or you mean requests topics are now in Marketplace forum? Wow, that’s it. What a mess! 🤣 And no description at all makes it even weirder.
  15. Where is the Requests forum now? I can’t see it after the last forums reorganization.
  16. Not sure what you want. Either use {{elseif !$something}} or identify a forum post.
  17. @Stuart Silvester Users from Friends group can post in support topics now? The user above is in Friends group and obviously didn’t purchase this resource. Thank you.
  18. Oops, I was about to post a freebie to make it. 😀
  19. What's New in Version 2.3.0: Add new moderator permission to set/unset a topic under special surveillance Remove the setting to choose which user groups can set/unset a topic under special surveillance Script optimization Templates enhancements
  20. There’s a plugin to accomplish this: Not perfect but better than the current layout.
  21. Almost 30 groups only in this image. You should have a lot of work to manage permissions in your board. The more groups you have, more “noise” it will make.
  22. It wasn't directly to you: I would have quoted you or said it was specifically for you. It wasn't. 👍
  23. Just a note: you can download files from version 4.4. 4.5 onwards only via Admin CP.
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