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"Achievements" makes my community very slow

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Hi, folks!

I have been using Achievements for my community from the beginning, and I love it. However, I've noticed that Achievements has been gradually slowing down my community every month. My server's CPU is constantly overloaded, essentially struggling to handle 'mariadb' requests. My community has a fairly large user base, featuring numerous user groups, ranks, and badges. I decided to disable Achievements, and now my community is running fast.

Any advice?

Thank you!

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@teraßyte  Thank you! I've set up the system to automatically prune old logs every 30 days. This has significantly improved performance, but it's still no perfect.

@Marc Stridgen  I've conducted several tests with the Achievements feature both enabled and disabled. Also, I'm having issues with managing Badges, the page constantly times out after 60 seconds. Before when I had just couple Badges I had no issues at all. Thanks!

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While it may be faster with less in the log, have you had your hosting provider review the server and mysql server for performance? It could simply be it isn’t optimized and thus, would indeed be slower if it’s not optimized. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the same problem, the achievements logs table is so big. I want to lower the "Clear activity log" setting from 1 year to 6 months, but I'm afraid it will delete important information, such as the date a badge was earned or cause some other issues...

Edited by Donnie95
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20 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Im not sure what question it is you are asking here. You appear to be saying both that you want to do something and dont want to do something

Exactly, I'm hesitant to change the setting and risk deleting important information.

Edited by Donnie95
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They want to clear the content of the core_achievements_log table down by chaning the setting that prunes it.

They are concenred that it will have an effect on the badges that have been awarded to the users already.

Here's my input...

Awarded badges are stored in core_member_badges, so should be unaffected by changing that.

However, I suspect that if you clicked the option to rebuild achievements at a later point then there may be an effect on automatically awarded badges at that time.

Edited by Nathan Explosion
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