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Anyone having share on twitter problem?

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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right here on this topic

Click on share

pops up this window

Could contain: File, Webpage, Computer, Electronics, Pc, Face, Head, Person, Text

Click on Twitter X button

Could contain: Page, Text, File, Computer, Electronics, Pc, Webpage

Pops up twitter connection window; very fast displays aboove error and turns into a empty form without our data transferred from us....

please follow my instruction to replicate...


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This is what you should expect to happen:


But all that going on within the popup box...that's Twitter's issue. Personally, the fact that it displays what looks like CSS as plain text right at the start indicates that they likely haven't tested whatever the heck it is that they are now doing when sharing.


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9 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

I have tagged our developers just to make sure, however as mentioned above, this appears to be twitters end being a bug, more than anything else. If that is the case, its not something we would be able to fix

No worries, Marc, 

I truly understand you... Just wanted to make sure we do not miss a code change that's all...


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