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[BUG] Apps that adds new longin methods

Adriano Faria
Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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  • Adriano Faria changed the title to [BUG] Apps that adds new longin methods

For Application.php you can use:

	 * Cleanup after saving
	 * @param	bool	$skipMember		Skip clearing member cache clearing
	 * @return	void
	 * @note	This is abstracted so it can be called externally, i.e. by the support tool
	public static function postToggleEnable( $skipMember=FALSE )
		# Parent call
		parent:postToggleEnable( $skipMember );

		# Your code here
		# [...]


Or you can also extend set_enabled():

	 * [Node] Set whether or not this node is enabled
	 * @param	bool|int	$enabled	Whether to set it enabled or disabled
	 * @return	void
	protected function set__enabled( $enabled )
		# Parent call
		parent:set__enabled( $enabled );

		# Your code here
		# [...]

They actually use set_enabled() to switch the application's tasks (which is what you want to do with the login handler):

		/* Update other app specific task statuses */
		\IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_tasks', array( 'enabled' => (int) $this->enabled ), array( 'app=?', $this->directory ) );


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  • Solution

This issue has been resolved in the recently released 4.7.15 version. Please update your site if you are still experiencing the issue, and let us know if you see any reoccurrence.

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