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Upgrade of invision

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Hello to everyone 

We would like to upgrade the invision from 1.7.4 to 1.7.15 and during the upgrade show the following message ( see image ) .

Should worry do something or i can process with upgrade without any problem ?

Just to notice that until now we had only forum pages events and the new purscase is with also blogs and gallery 

Many thanks in advance 

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You would need to contact the author of your theme in order to ask this question. Not knowing what changes you have in your themes means we are unable to provide a clear answer on that for you, unfortunately.

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You can make a test installation of your community for you and your staff to test by appending -TESTINSTALL to the end of your license key. You can read more about it here: 


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Yes, you want to make a completely separate installation. This means uploading a copy of the software files again and also using a different MySQL database so that you don’t risk impacting your live installation. 

I personally would suggest using a separate hostname like test.mydomain.com as well.  That way if you need to delete/reinstall your test instance you won’t have issues with the license key saying it is already in use. 

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Posted (edited)

Hello again . I created a test site , i check css files and other and then I progress the live site upgraded but everything go well and i am happy . 

I need only a question . We bought the Invision community classic from start as the forum changed owner and we process with upgrade but in classic there are some other feature like blogs bages etc that was not in the old version and doesnt been show after upgrade . What need to do for be showed ? 

To make more specif as application show the following 



Could contain: Page, Text

but as license benefit are the following

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Edited by amd21
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1 hour ago, Randy Calvert said:

You need to download a full set of the IPB files and upload them to your site. Go back to you were with the applications listen and you’ll see at the bottom a button to install the ones you are missing. 

Thanks for reply . I am sorry i didnt understand . Need to install a full set or IPB or can insall just the missing applications? 

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11 minutes ago, amd21 said:

Thanks for reply . I am sorry i didnt understand . Need to install a full set or IPB or can insall just the missing applications? 

You would upload the full file set to the location of your community on your server, overwriting what is there. Then go to ACP -> System -> Applications to install your missing applications.

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Posted (edited)

I tryed to upload through manual upload the whole package as dowloaded from client area and show me error ( see file ) . What id did wrong and is possible to upload only the missing apps . See the files in zip . 


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Hi @amd21, you need to download the entire software package as mentioned above.

Client Area -> Manage this purchase -> Download Invision Community

From the screenshot you posted, it looks to be correct, but you need to make sure the other files and folders are also uploaded. When running the installation/update script, you will be able to select which applications you would like to install. If you have installed them all, you can still disable or uninstall them entirely in your AdminCP.

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22 minutes ago, Gary said:

Hi @amd21, you need to download the entire software package as mentioned above.

Client Area -> Manage this purchase -> Download Invision Community

From the screenshot you posted, it looks to be correct, but you need to make sure the other files and folders are also uploaded. When running the installation/update script, you will be able to select which applications you would like to install. If you have installed them all, you can still disable or uninstall them entirely in your AdminCP.

Thanks for reply .

I tryed to upload the whole package as zip file in manual upload from applications ? This is the way or need to do something else ? 

Unzip file?  ( ask for tar file ) Or from different adress? 

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1 hour ago, amd21 said:

Thanks for reply .

I tryed to upload the whole package as zip file in manual upload from applications ? This is the way or need to do something else ? 

Unzip file?  ( ask for tar file ) Or from different adress? 

Yes. Unzip and then upload the contents of that unzipped folder.

  • admin
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And so on. Let us know once you're successful. 🙂

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10 minutes ago, Gary said:

Yes. Unzip and then upload the contents of that unzipped folder.

  • admin
  • api
  • applications
  • datastore

And so on. Let us know once you're successful. 🙂

great !! Need the pckage to be with converters or not ? 

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Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, Marc Stridgen said:

It depends if you have the converters installed on your site. If you have never done a conversion, then no

As we changed ownership i dont know what did before . How could find out ?

Also I suppose after folders need to upload also single php files . Right ?

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Go to System>Site Features>Applications and see if converters are listed thee. 

You need to be uploading all files and folders. You should be merging with what you already have. If you are unsure on this, you should really get someone to assist you

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