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Setting S3 - now can't access site

Square Wheels

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I put in my S3 settings, clicked save, and now I can't access the site.

TemporaryRedirect: Please re-send this request to the specified temporary endpoint. Continue to use the original request endpoint for future requests.
IPS\File\Exception: CANNOT_WRITE (3)
#0 /home/crosswyndhoa/public_html/system/File/File.php(351): IPS\File\_Amazon->save()
#1 /home/crosswyndhoa/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(5498): IPS\_File::create('core_Theme', 'f3d61c0ab17a1b8...', ' @media screen ...', 'css_built_0', false, NULL, false)
#2 /home/crosswyndhoa/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(2647): IPS\_Theme::writeCss(Array)
#3 /home/crosswyndhoa/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(646): IPS\_Theme->compileCss('core', 'admin', 'responsive', 'responsive.css')
#4 /home/crosswyndhoa/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Admin.php(98): IPS\_Theme->css('responsive.css', 'core', 'admin')
#5 /home/crosswyndhoa/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\_Admin->init()
#6 /home/crosswyndhoa/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i()
#7 {main}

I didn't set the files to be stored on Amazon yet, I can't do anything at this point.


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22 minutes ago, Jim M said:

You would need to ensure there is correct permissions on your S3 bucket. It cannot write at the moment. 

I don't understand, there is nothing trying to write.  I created the bucket, user, and keys.  I entered the info.  The first time or two, it seemed to need adjustments to the credentials, the third time I am pretty sure I got it correct.  I never set any files to be saved there.  As soon as I saved the credentials, I got that error.

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2 minutes ago, Miss_B said:

It looks like it is a file permission issue. 

Thank you.  It was working fine before it saved the S3 settings.  I was able to upload images and other items.

I looked around and can't find guide documents that list what the file permissions should be.  Do you know where they are?

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8 minutes ago, Square Wheels said:

I looked around and can't find guide documents that list what the file permissions should be.  Do you know where they are?

Looking at the error message that you posted it appears to be the File.php.

3 hours ago, Square Wheels said:

IPS\File\Exception: CANNOT_WRITE (3)
#0 /home/crosswyndhoa/public_html/system/File/File.php(351): IPS\File\_Amazon->save()

Can you check its permission and see what it has? 

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I don't believe this is permission issue with File.php.  Nothing is actually stored within that file for it to be written to.  What I think is happening is an issue with the bucket itself.  IPB is trying to save stuff to the bucket and not getting proper permission to do so.  

File.php is triggering the save to AWS, but with the bucket not working properly, it is throwing an error.  

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13 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

I don't believe this is permission issue with File.php.  Nothing is actually stored within that file for it to be written to.  What I think is happening is an issue with the bucket itself.  IPB is trying to save stuff to the bucket and not getting proper permission to do so.  

File.php is triggering the save to AWS, but with the bucket not working properly, it is throwing an error.  

This is correct. File.php is where the code is that tells the system to save an item to a location. At present, the S3 permissions are simply not allowing write

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OK, so this is where it gets very strange.  The site was relatively new.  I gave up on fixing it as I knew the S3 was set correctly.  I asked for a restore from yesterday morning if they had it.  It seems either they did, or they made another edit to the site, as it's working now, and images are moved to S3.

Either way, it seems to be working now.

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