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Randy Calvert was awarded the badge 'Helpful' and 5 points.

Unfortunately this is a question for your hosting provider. IPS can’t control what they report or how they report it. 

It’s possible the database needs optimized or repaired, but again that’s something they would have to assist with. 

Also… if they can’t figure it out… IPS cloud offerings don’t have those restrictions. There is no database limits or even limits on page views anymore. 

Edited by Randy Calvert
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3 hours ago, Maximilian Atlantis said:

In my host provider IONOS on the database dashboard, the size of my forum database shows 2 GB of 2 GB used, but when I open the database - it shows 797 MiB.

Support agent can't answer me the question where is hiding the rest 1,203 MiB...

A database backup size may also be added if your hosting account creates one

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  • 5 weeks later...
1 minute ago, Maximilian Atlantis said:


it's shows 2 GB of 2 GB used, but the actual size in phpmyadmin is 812mb

Unfortunately then you would need to ask your host to explain it.  The IPB software itself does not control how database sizes are reported.  They're the user of the database, not the administrator of it.  

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Its not releasing space correctly unfortunately, so yes it would be your hosting company that would correct this. I tend to see this happen more on myisam than innodb, so thats certainly something that would be worth checking too (you should be using INNODB tables)

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Here is the provider answer

This is an update about your database issue.
B quota showing in our system is accurate based on the quota checked in the MySQL server. PHPMyAdmin delivers wrong values for database size if used with innodb tables. PHPMyAdmin ignores data_free for innodb tables, even though innodb is the only storage engine which delivers realistic values for this value . The phpmyadmin developers consider that everybody uses innodb with file_per_table = 0 . If this would be the case all innodb files would be located within the ibdata1 file and no space could be reclaimed. In this case it would kind of make sense to report 0 as value for data_free. To fix this issue, database table needs to be optimize. 

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1 minute ago, Maximilian Atlantis said:

Well... how can I optimize the database table?

You would need to speak with your hosting provider as the items they mentioned there are MySQL server configuration, not things we would optimize via the table schema itself.

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They answered
I would like to inform you that there is no issue with the actual MySQL database structure. The quota showing on the database is correct. The only way to fix the issue is to optimize the tables on that particular database. You need to reconsider the cache table on this website as well. 

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1 minute ago, Maximilian Atlantis said:

They answered
I would like to inform you that there is no issue with the actual MySQL database structure. The quota showing on the database is correct. The only way to fix the issue is to optimize the tables on that particular database. You need to reconsider the cache table on this website as well. 

Unfortunately, then if the database quota is correct then you would need to upgrade your hosting so that you aren't limited to 2GB. The database table structure would be all which we can assist with, everything outside of that would be on your hosting provider to carry out their configuration and maintenance.

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28 minutes ago, Maximilian Atlantis said:

So, how could you assist with the database table structure?

I'm not sure what you mean, it doesn't sound like you have a structure issue because there are no errors on your community or issues with indexes being accessed, etc... That is essentially the structure of the database tables.

The maintenance and configuration of the MySQL server would handle when these items essentially need to have "garbage collection" done because the data has been deleted by a query/code and the server hasn't necessarily cleaned the space up yet to be used elsewhere.

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43 minutes ago, Maximilian Atlantis said:

So, how could you assist with the database table structure?

And you check through phpMyAdmin which of the tables in your database actually has a large size.
There is such a column - size, in the list of tables, just scroll and you will find which table has a strangely large size. This will direct help reasoning to you in the direction of solving the issue

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  • 8 months later...

Here is the techsupport answer

Тhank you for reaching out regarding the persistent issue with your database size. I appreciate your patience, and I understand the importance of resolving this matter. Upon escalating the issue to our 2nd level support, here's what they were able to investigate: The discrepancy in the database size quota displayed in PHPMyAdmin compared to the Hosting Control Panel (HLT/CP) is likely due to the predominant use of InnoDB tables. InnoDB is the default storage engine for MySQL 5.7, and PHPMyAdmin may not accurately account for the space usage in InnoDB tables, particularly the data_free value. Here's a simplified explanation: InnoDB tables, which you likely use, have a high amount of "bloat" or data_free. PHPMyAdmin does not consider the data_free value for InnoDB tables, leading to a discrepancy in reported sizes. The reported size in HLT/CP is accurate based on the quota checked in the MySQL server. To resolve this issue, our recommendation is to optimize your database tables. This process involves reclaiming space by rewriting the tables, which is a normal database maintenance task. Unfortunately, database optimization is not within the scope of support provided by IONOS. Here are the suggested steps: 1. Access your PHPMyAdmin or database management tool. 2. Identify and optimize the InnoDB tables in your database. If you are not comfortable performing these steps or require further assistance, I recommend consulting with a web developer or a database administrator. They will be able to guide you through the optimization process and ensure that your database operates efficiently. Should you have additional questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work towards a resolution.

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