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Payment issue - please help urgently.


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In the last few days, we have received many payment issues with ERR_FAILED. I understand that those are client browser and device issues and we advise them to update their browser or change device and it works, mostly.

A new issue arise today that the customer has been presented with the below error from iPhone - updated chrome and same from Windows - updated chrome.

Same error while using Stripe or PayPal.

Please help urgently. Thanks in advance.

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I'm sorry, I am unable to see a large number of errors from today anywhere.

Please guide me where you are seeing them.......?



Here are error logs - 5 logs from a few days back - nothing from today - last was on 26 April - 2 days ago


{image removed}


System log - nothing from today - last was on 22 April - 6 days ago


{image removed}


Email error - 4 log - nothing from today - last was on 19 April - 9 days ago

{image removed}

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3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

as we would return with the answer to what was causing the issue for others

Good luck with that Marc......!

As IPS support is only meant to doubt other developers, tools, 3rd party plugins for every basic troubleshooting than to themselves. This inherently limits the IPS learning curve more and more by making a blanket rule to suggest switching to the stock theme and disabling all plugins (which happened in my last 3 support topics) - which maybe sometimes related and most of the time it's not related as the nature of the problem is totally different and such blanket rule end up frustrating the users even more who is already suffering from some pressing and urgent issue.

It's like you visit a doctor for a headache and the receptionist wants your bank statement, passport, marriage certificate, change the font on your Gmail, change the color of your car, and then only he can forward you to the real doctor.

I found the solution to this issue and it's THE CORE IPS bug - and not any third-party plugin, logo change or color change, or CDN system.

I simply reach the solution by weighing the nature and intensity of the problem vs the reach of any plugin, theme or Cloudflare.

You can log in to my ACP and see that guy has finally been able to pay few hours back.

3 hours ago, Gauravk said:

Please delete my above screengrabs.

Gentle reminder.

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I'm very sorry to hear you feel that way about our support team. While I fully understand your frustration (Its frustrating to myself when I have an issue I cant resolve), let me explain the situation from a support standpoint, in terms of your own site there.

At present you have 19 applications which were not written by our team (3rd party), and 23 plugins. Any one of these could be causing issues on your site in various locations. You mentioned there about troubleshooting, and indeed switching these off for any developer would be the very first course of action in determining the cause of an issue. These 'hook' into 213 locations within our core code, and therefore can very much affect how things work, and cause bugs. We very much wish that wasn't the case ourselves, but unfortunately this is the case if you run modifications to your site.

In addition to the above, while looking at your system in an aid to troubleshoot the issue, we would look at anything which may be 'likely' causes. You have many items which are out of date. That not only can lead to issues, but is almost certain to. Many updates are done so in order to resolve bugs, so you are actually running code known to be broken in most cases. We look at system logs, of which you have 11 pages of in 30 days. Usually that would be expected to be empty. 

We then have cloudflare in the mix. This, in addition to setup issues server side and 3rd party code issues, is one of our highest causes of issues on self hosted platforms. Its only sensible to ask that this is switched off.

The above being said, at no point have we stated we will not look into your issue, and at no point have we stated the issue 'is 3rd party'. What we actually asked is that these things are checked first, before we continue with our investigation. There has been no further response on the ticket since that point.

To use your own analogy there. It's like you visit a doctor for a headache, the receptionist seeing you have blood running down your head one side, a hole in the other side, you have a hat which looks to be too tight and crushing your skull, and the nurse saying "Before we continue, we need to check the obvious. We need to remove that hat, patch that hole, and check to see where the bleeding is coming from". Unfortunately, that nurse is not going to send you to the doctor before performing her preliminary assessments and checks.

We're certainly not here to work against you Guarav, and again, I'm personally sorry to hear you believe we are. It's very much in our interest to ensure your issues is resolved as quickly as possible.

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22 hours ago, Gauravk said:

Gentle reminder

All screenshots which relate directly to your own community have already been removed. The only exception is the one in the first post, which could have been from any site anywhere. 

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On 4/28/2022 at 11:28 AM, Gauravk said:

Good luck with that Marc......!

As IPS support is only meant to doubt other developers, tools, 3rd party plugins for every basic troubleshooting than to themselves. This inherently limits the IPS learning curve more and more by making a blanket rule to suggest switching to the stock theme and disabling all plugins (which happened in my last 3 support topics) - which maybe sometimes related and most of the time it's not related as the nature of the problem is totally different and such blanket rule end up frustrating the users even more who is already suffering from some pressing and urgent issue.

It's like you visit a doctor for a headache and the receptionist wants your bank statement, passport, marriage certificate, change the font on your Gmail, change the color of your car, and then only he can forward you to the real doctor.

I found the solution to this issue and it's THE CORE IPS bug - and not any third-party plugin, logo change or color change, or CDN system.

I simply reach the solution by weighing the nature and intensity of the problem vs the reach of any plugin, theme or Cloudflare.

You can log in to my ACP and see that guy has finally been able to pay few hours back.

Gentle reminder.

Hey @Gauravk. I am sorry you aren't having the best experience. 😔 

I've personally run into some issues in the past that ended up being related to third-party items. You mentioned finding finding a bug that's related to our core software. Perhaps you can shed light on that please? We'd love to look into that further. 

Thank you! 

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On 4/28/2022 at 7:21 AM, Gauravk said:

Can you please point me on how to view these errors?

ACP > System > Support > Get Support > Critical Issues 

ACP > System > Support > Get Support > Known Issues 

ACP > System > Support > Get Support > System Error Logs

ACP > System > Support > Get Support > System Error Logs > System Log

ACP > System > Support > Get Support > System Error Logs > Error Log

ACP > System > Support > Get Support > System Error Logs > Email Error Log

By the way Gauravk, when I have issues usually if you disable all the plugins and anything that is added by a third party to see if the issue resolves. If it does resolve, it is probably one of the third party items I have added. All you do is turn each one on one at a time and see if the issue returns until you figure out which one is the culprit. If you turn all the third party items off and the issue is not resolved then at the very least you can explain to IC support the issue is not resolved when you turn all third party items off. 

Edited by bradybarrows
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Thanks, everyone for helping with your suggestions, really appreciate it.

My main concern was with the initial support using the blanket rule in the most critical instances without any "sane" logical approach.

On 5/2/2022 at 9:38 PM, Jordan Miller said:

You mentioned finding finding a bug that's related to our core software. Perhaps you can shed light on that please? We'd love to look into that further. 

Perhaps you can ask IPS developer to take a bit of a backward step to find the real reason under which all instances below the error message appear. It's really somewhere very close.

Clue 1: Rule out third-party plugins installed by user, logo color, css, server issue, cloudflare, hosting, firewall. All are working fine.

Clue 2: Payment methods of Stripe and PayPal, both are and were working fine and accepting payments without a glitch.

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