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ipb_core_banfilters doesn't exist

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I am going to upgrade from IP BOARD 3.1.4 ->

xxx = domain

I run upgrade: https://xxx/admin/upgrade/

I have a 500 error :


An error occurred (500 Error)
We're sorry, but a temporary technical error has occurred which means we cannot display this site right now.

You can try again by clicking the button below, or try again later.

Here is the log file:

SELECT ban_content FROM `ipb_core_banfilters` AS `core_banfilters` WHERE ban_type='ip'
IPS\Db\Exception: Table 'xxx.ipb_core_banfilters' doesn't exist (1146)
#0 /usr/home/xxx/system/Db/Select.php(383): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery()
#1 /usr/home/xxx/system/Db/Select.php(441): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery()
#2 [internal function]: IPS\Db\_Select->rewind()
#3 /usr/home/xxx/system/Request/Request.php(351): iterator_to_array()
#4 /usr/home/xxx/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(436): IPS\_Request->ipAddressIsBanned()
#5 /usr/home/xxx/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(39): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->checkCached()
#6 /usr/home/xxx/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(109): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init()
#7 /usr/home/xxx/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i()
#8 {main}
#0 /usr/home/xxx/init.php(908): IPS\_Log::log()
#1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler()
#2 {main}

List of mysql tables:

| admz                          |
| ipb_admin_login_logs          |
| ipb_admin_logs                |
| ipb_admin_permission_rows     |
| ipb_announcements             |
| ipb_api_log                   |
| ipb_api_users                 |
| ipb_attachments               |
| ipb_attachments_type          |
| ipb_badwords                  |
| ipb_banfilters                |
| ipb_bbcode_mediatag           |
| ipb_blog_akismet_logs         |
| ipb_blog_blogs                |
| ipb_blog_categories           |
| ipb_blog_category_mapping     |
| ipb_blog_cblock_cache         |
| ipb_blog_cblocks              |
| ipb_blog_comments             |
| ipb_blog_custom_cblocks       |
| ipb_blog_default_cblocks      |
| ipb_blog_editors_map          |
| ipb_blog_entries              |
| ipb_blog_headers              |
| ipb_blog_lastinfo             |
| ipb_blog_mediatag             |
| ipb_blog_moderators           |
| ipb_blog_pingservices         |
| ipb_blog_polls                |
| ipb_blog_ratings              |
| ipb_blog_read                 |
| ipb_blog_rsscache             |
| ipb_blog_rssimport            |
| ipb_blog_themes               |
| ipb_blog_this                 |
| ipb_blog_trackback            |
| ipb_blog_trackback_spamlogs   |
| ipb_blog_updatepings          |
| ipb_blog_views                |
| ipb_blog_voters               |
| ipb_bulk_mail                 |
| ipb_cache_store               |
| ipb_cal_calendars             |
| ipb_cal_events                |
| ipb_captcha                   |
| ipb_chat_log_archive          |
| ipb_contato_antispam          |
| ipb_contato_customfields      |
| ipb_content_cache_posts       |
| ipb_content_cache_sigs        |
| ipb_conv_apps                 |
| ipb_conv_link                 |
| ipb_converge_local            |
| ipb_core_applications         |
| ipb_core_hooks                |
| ipb_core_hooks_files          |
| ipb_core_incoming_emails      |
| ipb_core_item_markers         |
| ipb_core_item_markers_storage |
| ipb_core_like                 |
| ipb_core_like_cache           |
| ipb_core_rss_imported         |
| ipb_core_share_links          |
| ipb_core_share_links_caches   |
| ipb_core_share_links_log      |
| ipb_core_soft_delete_log      |
| ipb_core_sys_conf_settings    |
| ipb_core_sys_cp_sessions      |
| ipb_core_sys_lang             |
| ipb_core_sys_lang_words       |
| ipb_core_sys_login            |
| ipb_core_sys_module           |
| ipb_core_sys_settings_titles  |
| ipb_core_uagent_groups        |
| ipb_core_uagents              |
| ipb_custom_bbcode             |
| ipb_dnames_change             |
| ipb_email_logs                |
| ipb_emoticons                 |
| ipb_error_logs                |
| ipb_faq                       |
| ipb_forum_perms               |
| ipb_forum_tracker             |
| ipb_forums                    |
| ipb_groups                    |
| ipb_ignored_users             |
| ipb_inline_notifications      |
| ipb_login_methods             |
| ipb_mail_error_logs           |
| ipb_mail_queue                |
| ipb_member_status_actions     |
| ipb_member_status_replies     |
| ipb_member_status_updates     |
| ipb_members                   |
| ipb_members_partial           |
| ipb_message_posts             |
| ipb_message_topic_user_map    |
| ipb_message_topics            |
| ipb_mobile_notifications      |
| ipb_mod_queued_items          |
| ipb_moderator_logs            |
| ipb_moderators                |
| ipb_openid_temp               |
| ipb_permission_index          |
| ipb_pfields_content           |
| ipb_pfields_data              |
| ipb_pfields_groups            |
| ipb_polls                     |
| ipb_posts                     |
| ipb_profile_comments          |
| ipb_profile_friends           |
| ipb_profile_friends_flood     |
| ipb_profile_portal            |
| ipb_profile_portal_views      |
| ipb_profile_ratings           |
| ipb_question_and_answer       |
| ipb_rc_classes                |
| ipb_rc_comments               |
| ipb_rc_modpref                |
| ipb_rc_reports                |
| ipb_rc_reports_index          |
| ipb_rc_status                 |
| ipb_rc_status_sev             |
| ipb_reputation_cache          |
| ipb_reputation_index          |
| ipb_reputation_levels         |
| ipb_rss_export                |
| ipb_rss_import                |
| ipb_rss_imported              |
| ipb_search_results            |
| ipb_search_sessions           |
| ipb_sessions                  |
| ipb_skin_cache                |
| ipb_skin_collections          |
| ipb_skin_css                  |
| ipb_skin_css_previous         |
| ipb_skin_merge_changes        |
| ipb_skin_merge_session        |
| ipb_skin_replacements         |
| ipb_skin_templates            |
| ipb_skin_templates_cache      |
| ipb_skin_templates_previous   |
| ipb_skin_url_mapping          |
| ipb_spam_service_log          |
| ipb_spider_logs               |
| ipb_tags_index                |
| ipb_task_logs                 |
| ipb_task_manager              |
| ipb_template_sandr            |
| ipb_titles                    |
| ipb_topic_mmod                |
| ipb_topic_ratings             |
| ipb_topic_views               |
| ipb_topics                    |
| ipb_tracker                   |
| ipb_twitter_connect           |
| ipb_upgrade_history           |
| ipb_upgrade_sessions          |
| ipb_validating                |
| ipb_voters                    |
| ipb_warn_logs                 |
| ms_video                      |

Why does the ipb_core_banfilters table not exist?

Thanks for your help

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Hello @FrançoisJ


I would suggest you open ticket support with Invision on this matter. It seems you are missing a table in your database. It may be as simple as creating it to proceed, but the correct settings and structure is something Invision staff would know best. In your client area, you can also provide the login details required so they may look at this. https://www.invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/

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6 hours ago, FrançoisJ said:


I am going to upgrade from IP BOARD 3.1.4 ->

xxx = domain

I run upgrade: https://xxx/admin/upgrade/

I have a 500 error :

Here is the log file:

SELECT ban_content FROM `ipb_core_banfilters` AS `core_banfilters` WHERE ban_type='ip'
IPS\Db\Exception: Table 'xxx.ipb_core_banfilters' doesn't exist (1146)
#0 /usr/home/xxx/system/Db/Select.php(383): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery()
#1 /usr/home/xxx/system/Db/Select.php(441): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery()
#2 [internal function]: IPS\Db\_Select->rewind()
#3 /usr/home/xxx/system/Request/Request.php(351): iterator_to_array()
#4 /usr/home/xxx/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(436): IPS\_Request->ipAddressIsBanned()
#5 /usr/home/xxx/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(39): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->checkCached()
#6 /usr/home/xxx/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(109): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init()
#7 /usr/home/xxx/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i()
#8 {main}
#0 /usr/home/xxx/init.php(908): IPS\_Log::log()
#1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler()
#2 {main}

List of mysql tables:

| admz                          |
| ipb_admin_login_logs          |
| ipb_admin_logs                |
| ipb_admin_permission_rows     |
| ipb_announcements             |
| ipb_api_log                   |
| ipb_api_users                 |
| ipb_attachments               |
| ipb_attachments_type          |
| ipb_badwords                  |
| ipb_banfilters                |
| ipb_bbcode_mediatag           |
| ipb_blog_akismet_logs         |
| ipb_blog_blogs                |
| ipb_blog_categories           |
| ipb_blog_category_mapping     |
| ipb_blog_cblock_cache         |
| ipb_blog_cblocks              |
| ipb_blog_comments             |
| ipb_blog_custom_cblocks       |
| ipb_blog_default_cblocks      |
| ipb_blog_editors_map          |
| ipb_blog_entries              |
| ipb_blog_headers              |
| ipb_blog_lastinfo             |
| ipb_blog_mediatag             |
| ipb_blog_moderators           |
| ipb_blog_pingservices         |
| ipb_blog_polls                |
| ipb_blog_ratings              |
| ipb_blog_read                 |
| ipb_blog_rsscache             |
| ipb_blog_rssimport            |
| ipb_blog_themes               |
| ipb_blog_this                 |
| ipb_blog_trackback            |
| ipb_blog_trackback_spamlogs   |
| ipb_blog_updatepings          |
| ipb_blog_views                |
| ipb_blog_voters               |
| ipb_bulk_mail                 |
| ipb_cache_store               |
| ipb_cal_calendars             |
| ipb_cal_events                |
| ipb_captcha                   |
| ipb_chat_log_archive          |
| ipb_contato_antispam          |
| ipb_contato_customfields      |
| ipb_content_cache_posts       |
| ipb_content_cache_sigs        |
| ipb_conv_apps                 |
| ipb_conv_link                 |
| ipb_converge_local            |
| ipb_core_applications         |
| ipb_core_hooks                |
| ipb_core_hooks_files          |
| ipb_core_incoming_emails      |
| ipb_core_item_markers         |
| ipb_core_item_markers_storage |
| ipb_core_like                 |
| ipb_core_like_cache           |
| ipb_core_rss_imported         |
| ipb_core_share_links          |
| ipb_core_share_links_caches   |
| ipb_core_share_links_log      |
| ipb_core_soft_delete_log      |
| ipb_core_sys_conf_settings    |
| ipb_core_sys_cp_sessions      |
| ipb_core_sys_lang             |
| ipb_core_sys_lang_words       |
| ipb_core_sys_login            |
| ipb_core_sys_module           |
| ipb_core_sys_settings_titles  |
| ipb_core_uagent_groups        |
| ipb_core_uagents              |
| ipb_custom_bbcode             |
| ipb_dnames_change             |
| ipb_email_logs                |
| ipb_emoticons                 |
| ipb_error_logs                |
| ipb_faq                       |
| ipb_forum_perms               |
| ipb_forum_tracker             |
| ipb_forums                    |
| ipb_groups                    |
| ipb_ignored_users             |
| ipb_inline_notifications      |
| ipb_login_methods             |
| ipb_mail_error_logs           |
| ipb_mail_queue                |
| ipb_member_status_actions     |
| ipb_member_status_replies     |
| ipb_member_status_updates     |
| ipb_members                   |
| ipb_members_partial           |
| ipb_message_posts             |
| ipb_message_topic_user_map    |
| ipb_message_topics            |
| ipb_mobile_notifications      |
| ipb_mod_queued_items          |
| ipb_moderator_logs            |
| ipb_moderators                |
| ipb_openid_temp               |
| ipb_permission_index          |
| ipb_pfields_content           |
| ipb_pfields_data              |
| ipb_pfields_groups            |
| ipb_polls                     |
| ipb_posts                     |
| ipb_profile_comments          |
| ipb_profile_friends           |
| ipb_profile_friends_flood     |
| ipb_profile_portal            |
| ipb_profile_portal_views      |
| ipb_profile_ratings           |
| ipb_question_and_answer       |
| ipb_rc_classes                |
| ipb_rc_comments               |
| ipb_rc_modpref                |
| ipb_rc_reports                |
| ipb_rc_reports_index          |
| ipb_rc_status                 |
| ipb_rc_status_sev             |
| ipb_reputation_cache          |
| ipb_reputation_index          |
| ipb_reputation_levels         |
| ipb_rss_export                |
| ipb_rss_import                |
| ipb_rss_imported              |
| ipb_search_results            |
| ipb_search_sessions           |
| ipb_sessions                  |
| ipb_skin_cache                |
| ipb_skin_collections          |
| ipb_skin_css                  |
| ipb_skin_css_previous         |
| ipb_skin_merge_changes        |
| ipb_skin_merge_session        |
| ipb_skin_replacements         |
| ipb_skin_templates            |
| ipb_skin_templates_cache      |
| ipb_skin_templates_previous   |
| ipb_skin_url_mapping          |
| ipb_spam_service_log          |
| ipb_spider_logs               |
| ipb_tags_index                |
| ipb_task_logs                 |
| ipb_task_manager              |
| ipb_template_sandr            |
| ipb_titles                    |
| ipb_topic_mmod                |
| ipb_topic_ratings             |
| ipb_topic_views               |
| ipb_topics                    |
| ipb_tracker                   |
| ipb_twitter_connect           |
| ipb_upgrade_history           |
| ipb_upgrade_sessions          |
| ipb_validating                |
| ipb_voters                    |
| ipb_warn_logs                 |
| ms_video                      |

Why does the ipb_core_banfilters table not exist?

Thanks for your help

It means just that, that the aforementioned table does not exist in your database. Do you have a recent backup of your database? If you do, restore/recreate that table from it and give upgrading another go. 

P.s. is this from the live forum or a test one? i.e. a dry run.

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Hello Miss_B,

The current site works with v3.1.4
The list of mysql tables is that of this version, and yes, the problem is that this table does not exist in version 3.1.4.

Support asked me to follow the guide:

That I followed to the letter, and I have this error.

I did this migration on an independent test server and I transferred the database.

Thank you



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Note in your stack trace that you're seeing code load for the frontend (See Dispatcher\_Front) - 

#6 /usr/home/xxx/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(109): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init()


It looks like when you're going to /admin/upgrade it isn't actually loading the upgrader, but redirecting the request to the front end. It could be a mod_rewrite rule that's doing this.

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Thanks Stuart!

I commented out the rewrite mode of lighttpd (url.rewrite-once) and I have access to the page! 🙂

on the other hand, if I can abuse your kindness, I have this error now:


ParseError: syntax error, unexpected 'topics' (T_STRING), expecting '{' (0)
#0 /usr/home/xxx/system/Application/Application.php(165): IPS\_Application::constructFromData()
#1 /usr/home/xxx/applications/core/modules/setup/upgrade/login.php(81): IPS\_Application::applications()
#2 /usr/home/xxx/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\core\modules\setup\upgrade\_login->manage()
#3 /usr/home/xxx/system/Dispatcher/Setup.php(220): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#4 /usr/home/xxx/admin/upgrade/index.php(34): IPS\Dispatcher\_Setup->run()
#5 {main}
#0 /usr/home/xxx/init.php(908): IPS\_Log::log()
#1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler()
#2 {main}

Thank you

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36 minutes ago, FrançoisJ said:

ParseError: syntax error, unexpected 'topics' (T_STRING), expecting '{' (0) #0 /usr/home/xxx/system/Application/Application.php(165): IPS\_Application::constructFromData() #1 /usr/home/xxx/applications/core/modules/setup/upgrade/login.php(81): IPS\_Application::applications() #2 /usr/home/xxx/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\core\modules\setup\upgrade\_login->manage() #3 /usr/home/xxx/system/Dispatcher/Setup.php(220): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #4 /usr/home/xxx/admin/upgrade/index.php(34): IPS\Dispatcher\_Setup->run() #5 {main} #0 /usr/home/xxx/init.php(908): IPS\_Log::log() #1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler() #2 {main}

This is a PHP error. What's the PHP version you've installed on your server ? 

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