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Swiper Slider [ support topic ]


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29 minutes ago, ToeJam said:

I don't have "Swiper Sliders" heading option under "Community".  I have your latest version too. 

I think you are using the swiper slider in one of my themes. you need to disdable that in the theme settings, and then search for swiper slider application in IPS marketplace

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4 minutes ago, TAMAN said:

I think you are using the swiper slider in one of my themes. you need to disdable that in the theme settings, and then search for swiper slider application in IPS marketplace

LoL, omg.  I went to your theme Magnum mod, and support button and clicked it thinking it took me to that theme support.  Can I add more in Magnum, or do I need to download this app?

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  • 7 months later...

Hi. This aplication cool, but not working properly.A have added 3 sliders, but I don't see the photos. They only appear for a moment and disappear.

 I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application but it didn't help. A have IPS 4.7.13

My settings. Sliders height is 450 px


A have used this themes:

Dynamic Theme 1.4.2 from aXenDev with the slider function disabled, which is in this theme

Strikeforce 1.2.0 and Bravo6 1.3.0 from Vort3x

Default theme from IPS

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Even when I turn off all plugins (and I have a few of them), the same thing happens. Clearing the forum cache does not help. I noticed that when I delete the "Swiper Slider" application from the FTP server

Could contain: Scoreboard, Text

, the forum does not see it, which is normal. However, when reinstalling, it remembers all the settings, i.e. the number of sliders and application menu settings. Strange, since I had previously deleted it from the server. As for the link, the website is opelomegateam.pl, but this application does not work when you are not logged in, even though this option is selected so that all groups can see it - guests too. I generally use Google translator. I hope this is understandable. Sorry for any mistakes if there are any. Regards

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