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18 hours ago, Dean_ said:

Could you make it so we can alter the times on a quiz. I've set some to 15mins, tried it myself and I know that it could easily be completed within 7 mins.

Sorry, that's already a feature:





Will appear to the quiz submitter if the quiz is GRADED MODE and no one has played it yet.

Edited by Adriano Faria
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1 minute ago, Taylor M. said:

ability to instead jsut be multiple choice allow us to make questions with more than one correct asnwser and you have to choose all that are correct

It's the new type of quiz I'm working:

On 2/17/2019 at 7:13 AM, Adriano Faria said:

Currently it has single-right answer questions. I will add multiple-right answers questions.

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Update 4.4.1 done, I get this on the ACP Admin. Front side is working well. 



ErrorException: template_store_missing (0)
#0 /var/www/internazionale.fr/www/forums/applications/quizzes/extensions/core/Dashboard/Quizzes.php(62): IPS\_Theme->getTemplate('dashboard', 'quizzes')
#1 /var/www/internazionale.fr/www/forums/applications/core/modules/admin/overview/dashboard.php(59): IPS\quizzes\extensions\core\Dashboard\_Quizzes->getBlock()
#2 /var/www/internazionale.fr/www/forums/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\core\modules\admin\overview\_dashboard->manage()
#3 /var/www/internazionale.fr/www/forums/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#4 /var/www/internazionale.fr/www/forums/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#5 {main}


Edited by Archimed
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1 hour ago, SebastienG said:

Thanks, i have juste added the order and it's work

I can confirm it. Tks for pointing it out.


What's New in Version 1.4.0 Beta 3:

Compatiable with IPS 4.4 only

New feature:

  • Add a link to a popup below Leaders Ranking to display results from all members (image below)


  • Fix miscalculation of feedback



Edited by Adriano Faria
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What's New in Version 1.4.0 Beta 4:

Compatiable with IPS 4.4 only!

New feature:

  • Integrate with Members Shop (from @TheJackal84) to give points to members that plays the quiz.
    • Points can be given in two ways:
      • Global: Points will be given regardless of the result achieved in the game (GRADED mode only) and will be given only once, if you allow people to play multiple times.
      • Based on Feedback range: You will be able to reward members according to their results when playing a quiz. A new field in the feedback form will allow you set the number of points


  • Members Shop 1.1.3 or newer.









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On 3/19/2019 at 7:43 PM, Adriano Faria said:

Nope, it will only work in GRADED mode with the setting Allow users to play the quiz only once? enabled.


I have a problem with the " When completed a quiz 
Points will be given regardless of the result achieved in the game (GRADED mode only) and will be given only once, if you allow people to play multiple times."

No point are given, the first or the other times

On the condition the addpoints function is missing 

Another problem, the message "You earned XXXX points by playing and completing this quiz!" is displayed each time. It's possible to add to the $data variable iplayed=true/false for having a condition on the template ?

Another question, you have a iPlayed() function. It's not possible to use it for using feedback based points if a member have never play to the quizz ?

Thank you

Edited by SebastienG
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33 minutes ago, SebastienG said:

I have a problem with the " When completed a quiz 
Points will be given regardless of the result achieved in the game (GRADED mode only) and will be given only once, if you allow people to play multiple times."

No point are given, the first or the other times 

I just tested and it works. What isn't working is the message not showing up in the results:




33 minutes ago, SebastienG said:

On the "if( !\IPS\Settings::i()->quizzes_store_multiple_score AND !$this->quiz->iPlayed())" condition the addpoints function is missing 

No, it's not. Did you read this:

That's how it is today. It can change, but that's how it is today.

I would appreciate if you send PM instead of sharing code from a paid resource. Also, as you seem to understand, you can probably make your fixes there while it isn't updated.

33 minutes ago, SebastienG said:

Another problem, the message "You earned XXXX points by playing and completing this quiz!" is displayed each time. It's possible to add to the $data variable iplayed=true/false for having a condition on the template ?

Another question, you have a iPlayed() function. It's not possible to use it for using feedback based points if a member have never play to the quizz ? 

This resource is still in Beta stage. Bugs noted. Will be fixed probably in a next Beta or RC or even when final is released. No ETA yet.

Edited by Adriano Faria
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18 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

I just tested and it works. What isn't working is the message not showing up in the results:




No, it's not. Did you read this:

That's how it is today. It can change, but that's how it is today.

Yes I saw your message about the score updated once but there are the 2 modes, the feedback mode ( which is mentioned on your answer) and the "When completed a quiz " mode where it is indicated, in the description, that the points would be given only the first time if we allow members to play several times so I thought the points would be updated in the first play on a quiz.

I thought the description was correct but it was missing the function

18 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:


I would appreciate if you send PM instead of sharing code from a paid resource. Also, as you seem to understand, you can probably make your fixes there while it isn't updated.

This resource is still in Beta stage. Bugs noted. Will be fixed probably in a next Beta or RC or even when final is released. No ETA yet.

No worries for the source code, I will not mention it on the forum.
For the Beta, I understand it, that's why I went back the bugs that I met. If I encounter a bug, I guess others will have it too or will ask the same questions so I wanted to help.

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When you add the new quiz type that supports multiple right answers, would it possible to have weighted answers such as:

A. Correct (1 pt)

B. Correct (1 pt)

C. Incorrect (0 pt)

D. Incorrect (0 pt)

E. Partial Credit (0.5 pts)

F. Partial Credit (0.25 pts)

If that is not the plan, would you consider adding this feature?

Edited by Brainy S.
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