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Magnum Theme [ support topic ]


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44 minutes ago, dunefreak said:

Updating from Magnum 2.0. What do I have to do now? Upload a new theme and start over again? Do I need to upload any other templates? 

Yep you need to start over :ike: So much changes between version 2 and 3 so you must install it as a new theme and then re copy paste the colors....etc 


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Is it possible to have the slider in number form? Let's say I have slider #5, and I wish to change it to #1, I could just move it up or have it re-numbered? This would save having to copy and past the text, etc.

On 13/03/2017 at 4:53 PM, gabs007 said:

Hey Taman.

Theme still working great !!   we all love it. :thumbsup:

I'm sure they do! What er, em, interesting website you have. :ph34r:

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32 minutes ago, Dean_ said:

Is it possible to have the slider in number form? Let's say I have slider #5, and I wish to change it to #1, I could just move it up or have it re-numbered? This would save having to copy and past the text, etc.

I'm sure they do! What er, em, interesting website you have. :ph34r:

No not really possible, just do a copy paste mate it wont take 2 minutes :D 


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11 minutes ago, gabs007 said:

Sorry to be a pain !!  >_<

Is there any way to reduce the size of the menu words for something smaller ? Just in the PC version, not for mobile.
I don't like submenus and I have run out of space. 

Its ok. :) 

Do you mean font size? if so add this to custom.css and change the font size 

@media screen and (min-width: 979px) {
  .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li > a {
    font-size: 13px;


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6 minutes ago, SammyS said:

Hi. Just installed 3.1.0 version, I cant find how to change search bar location from user bar to navbar. Option was moved or... removed :(

Removed, it is on userbar permanently, it caused issues for some apps and plugins in navbar before

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1 minute ago, TAMAN said:

Removed, it is on userbar permanently, it caused issues for some apps and plugins in navbar before

Oh no, its awful now, it ruined all my design. Thats the default search location for every forum, you should reconsider to replace it there after fix the issue

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31 minutes ago, SammyS said:

Oh no, its awful now, it ruined all my design. Thats the default search location for every forum, you should reconsider to replace it there after fix the issue

well, the main design was like this even on first release of this theme xD i wanted the search to be in userbar not in navbar

Anyways, technically it is still in navbar tho, the position is changed by css only, and it isn't bad, it is actually very cool like this in userbar, i dont know why you dont like it 

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16 minutes ago, TAMAN said:

well, the main design was like this even on first release of this theme xD i wanted the search to be in userbar not in navbar


Yes, I remember that. At that time I requested you to make that change and you did it, thats why I chose this theme to design my site almost 6 months ago. Now I cant change it to adapt to this new location. I really cant do that. The design based on your theme was absolutely perfect so far


Edited by SammyS
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1 hour ago, SammyS said:

Yes, I remember that. At that time I requested you to make that change and you did it, thats why I chose this theme to design my site almost 6 months ago. Now I cant change it to adapt to this new location. I really cant do that. The design based on your theme was absolutely perfect so far


No problem, Just add this to custom.css and the search will be in navbar 

.magnumNav nav .ipsNavBar_primary > ul{position: relative !important;}.magnumNav #elSearch {position: absolute !important;right: 10px!important;top: 6px!important;background-color: {theme="search_background"} !important;}.magnumNav .ipsNavBar_primary [data-role="primaryNavBar"]{margin-right: 185px!important;}#elUserNav{border-radius: 4px!important;}.magnumNav nav .ipsNavBar_primary > ul {position: initial!important;left: initial!important;right: initial!important;width: initial!important;}


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1 hour ago, TAMAN said:

No problem, Just add this to custom.css and the search will be in navbar 

.magnumNav nav .ipsNavBar_primary > ul{position: relative !important;}.magnumNav #elSearch {position: absolute !important;right: 10px!important;top: 6px!important;background-color: {theme="search_background"} !important;}.magnumNav .ipsNavBar_primary [data-role="primaryNavBar"]{margin-right: 185px!important;}#elUserNav{border-radius: 4px!important;}.magnumNav nav .ipsNavBar_primary > ul {position: initial!important;left: initial!important;right: initial!important;width: initial!important;}



4 hours ago, TAMAN said:

Removed, it is on userbar permanently, it caused issues for some apps and plugins in navbar before

Do you remember which app were causing issues?

btw: is user bar, nav bar transparency now mandatory? I cant disable it so dropdown colors looks different now 

Edited by SammyS
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On 3/15/2017 at 6:05 PM, TAMAN said:

Yep you need to start over :ike: So much changes between version 2 and 3 so you must install it as a new theme and then re copy paste the colors....etc 


Ugh not this again. ok, so to be clear I am uploading the new 3.1 Magnum theme as a new template and then I am also uploading the pages_templates.xml to the Pages > Templates? Do I need to delete any old templates or leave them alone? 


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1 minute ago, dunefreak said:

Ugh not this again. ok, so to be clear I am uploading the new 3.1 Magnum theme as a new template and then I am also uploading the pages_templates.xml to the Pages > Templates? Do I need to delete any old templates or leave them alone? 


Im not sure what version of the article templates you're using, but if it works right now then no need to touch any of the article templates

just install the new magnum theme and then copy paste colors from your old version to new version, simple 


But seriously, updating the article templates is just a couple of clicks xD, go to ACP > Pages > Templates > and delete any template name that starts with S1 for example S1 One Column

Also delete a different article styles plugin, and then do a complete reinstall which is two clicks, 1, re-upload the templates. 2, install the plugin

thats all :) 

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53 minutes ago, SammyS said:


I thought you added more transparency as the colors are now almost indistinguishable from each other (blue, black, white, it looks all the same now)

No, could you send me a link to check? it is fine on my side and many others who use the latest version 

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Can you tell me how to make this look like the IPS forum? In the first screenshot of my forum using magnum, you can see that for short posts, the light background color does much more than outline the comment box. It looks kind of funny. Whereas, on the IPS forum, a short comment still has a white background all the way down to the bottom of the box (that extends down to the length of the avatar box. 



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3 hours ago, Chris027 said:

Can you tell me how to make this look like the IPS forum? In the first screenshot of my forum using magnum, you can see that for short posts, the light background color does much more than outline the comment box. It looks kind of funny. Whereas, on the IPS forum, a short comment still has a white background all the way down to the bottom of the box (that extends down to the length of the avatar box. 



I thought i fixed that lol!

are you using the latest veraion?

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