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  • Hits aren't updating when visitng the website


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2 hours ago, m@t said:

could you check my account please at your website for support - i cannot login there, get an error with user not exist


31 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

Try again in one hour. I'll create an account for you.

Try now:

On 17/09/2016 at 10:09 AM, Adriano Faria said:
  • User: your name here on IPS
  • Password: your email here on IPS


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4 minutes ago, oldlock said:

Any known issues why the thumbnail grab does not always work - If I as an admin submit a link it seems to work just fine, but links submitted by others (no links are held for moderation) the images are not being created ?

There is nothing in the app that makes the screenshot wotks per group. It works for everybody when submitting/editing the record.

As a test, try, as a member, to add the same URL added by the admin. It has to work.

Edited by Adriano Faria
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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, Ziggs said:

I'm having a difficult time making the tags feature work with this. I have a defined set of tags for each category, however when entering an item in any given category, no where on the form when entering a new affiliate so I see a place to choose my tags. Any idea what I may be doing wrong?

It works with tags like any other app: tags is a core feature. If you set it per category, it should appear ion the form. Make sure the group can use setting, etc. I didn't notice nothing wrong.

if you are sure that everything is right, post the steps so i can reproduce it.


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5 hours ago, Kenneth Baker said:

Great app, thanks for the excellent work :thumbsup:

Tks. :)

5 hours ago, Kenneth Baker said:

I could use an option to set an announcement on the index portal 

Unfortunately there's no setting in the app to display a message in the index only. You can use the built-in Announcements feature and select LD app:


But the announcement content will be displayed in all pages of LD app.

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Just now, Kenneth Baker said:

At the moment it gives the error " 

That page does not exist.

Error code: 2S100/1"

maybe it starts to work after a few days or a certain number of submitted links? i'm in a fresh installation. 

No, I just checked it and there's really an error due to a change IPS made on URL stuff.

I'll realease a new version in a couple of days.

Anyway, it will work if you supress &controller=members from the URL.

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